Other costs going to Alabama

@iamfuniswear‌ for those with presidential

@bengalmombengal‌ yes…but if you dont spend them, you get the money back

Unused Dining Dollars are fully refundable, so it’s not so much a cost but rather money that one places in an account. Dining Dollars are used in addition to the meal plan. Unlike some states, Alabama doesn’t allow sales tax waivers for those paying with Bama Cash/Dining Dollars and UA does not offer a discount either. Granted, schools that do typically make such accounts nonrefundable.

It’s also worth noting that the presidential scholarship can be used to cover almost any course at UA, even law school courses, provided the student has departmental approval to take such courses.

Althougj I dont really see the point of DN.
I can use my debit card, its just one more card to carry with



do you mean Dining Dollars (DD)? If so, aren’t they on your Act Card? If so, how is that another card? Or is there a separate card now?

Yeah dining dollar thats what I meant. Sorry for wrong abbrrviation.
I just thought that having to put 325$ in ny action card is unnecessary.
“You can use dining dollar in UA retail stores and dining hall.,etc”
well, my debit card can do same, except I can use it ANYWHERE.

On the Presidential Scholarship, one has to get an over-ride for going over 18 credits. DD is going to 18.5 hours and had the paperwork started with her advisor. Either her dept or dean will sign off on it (she is in engineering).I believe during bama bound it was discussed, but we didn’t pay close attention because we didn’t think DD would go above 18 credits ever. However the STEM MBA is 1.5 hours, and DD wants full 1 credit for concert band.

If my DD had been in the older on-campus student housing, her on-campus housing would have been much less ($2800/sem instead of the suite style $4400/sem). Next year her apt is $715/mo (3 bedroom) which includes furnishings, utilities (under cap), cable/wifi, washer and dryer in apt. I block from campus (built only 3 years ago, very lovely) with shuttle coming to front of complex (East Edge).So she will be saving money (over the on-campus suite cost) even with paying 12 month lease because will take very low meal plan. Plan to have her continue in same apt until graduation so only move out this May and move in Aug.

The Presidential Scholarship is wonderful for covering all the course fees - last semester her course fees totaled $553 and this semester $384. $200 music band fee in fall was probably for Million Dollar Band (part of the $553). However a non-music student can get a $500 marching scholarship and a $500 concert band scholarship if their audition qualifies them (total is for a year, so $1000 maximum) - those were applied first semester.

Just to make it clear, each of the three tenants in the apt are each being charged $715 a month (East Edge has individual leases, so you are not responsible for the other two tenants if one moves out, etc).

SOS - I don’t believe the Presidential covers course fees, but the additional Engineering $2500 does help cover course fees and book fees.

I think @SOSConcern‌ misspoke…she may have meant that the engineering scholarship paid for those course fees or maybe her D’s band merit did…or…

The presidential doesn’t cover course fees. However, if you have something else paying for tuition, then the presidential can go for other costs.

Yes I stand corrected. The tuition charge in the one column matches exactly the presidential scholarship in the payment column.

DD did have other scholarships (engineering and band) and other sources of payments.

Re: Dining Dollars - the university’s food service is either unavailable or limited availability on weekends. Students can then eat at certain commercial establishments by using their Dining Dollars.

Be sure to budget on your travel costs in/out of AL (if you’re OOS), and to/from the campus to the airport (if your student will fly). Like many other things, the first year seems to cost the most because they come home more often (usually). The visits do taper off for a lot of students in subsequent years.

A particular UA dept may allow an over-ride (UG going over 18 hours per semester). In Engineering, it requires approval (advisor helps generate the request, and gets approved through Dean’s office, probably through Associate Dean). DD needed this to go to 18.5 hours from 18 hours, and she has Presidential Scholarship.

Schools do change their policies, so best to check ahead of time with credible UA points of contact.

Advising appointments can be made in plenty of time to work out details for each semester prior to course sign up. In Engineering, Advisor signs off on schedule so student can electronically enroll for courses in next semester.