Other costs going to Alabama

What other fees should you expect like parking, games, student fees? Also, what is the true cost of living off campus? If you are late on housing will they put a student in an expensive dorm who can’t afford that dorm?

Lab fees, for one. Student activity fee. Books - some are traditional, but some are on discs, some are looseleaf, some have a code to access online info. There’s a clicker to buy for some classes. If you have a car, you have to pay for parking. Games - football games cost $. I think basketball games are a much smaller fee. Some games are free to students. You might want to do a search for “fees” on this board.

For this school year, fees were estimated (on Cost of Attendance) to be approx. $800/yr. With two semesters’ worth of payments taken care of, that’s about what ours came out to. You’ve probably seen that on-campus parking is $300/yr. Football games are $10/home game for students (but freshmen can’t purchase all games their first yr). And yes, the books / “webassign” codes (for classes that require codes) can add up! We got a used clicker for $29 and it can be reused for multiple classes. Last time I checked, admission for all sports were free with student ID card except football. // Off campus housing varies widely but is often a little less than the on-campus super suites (and it can be a lot less if you live a couple of miles off campus); of course it depends on whether utilities are included, etc etc. Hope that helps a bit.

I don’t think there is a Student Fee or Student Activity Fee unless that is new.

There are Course Fees, which is typical these days…they are like the old-style Lab Fees or Art Fees, but nearly every class will have them because of technology use.

I have never heard of a student being place in an expensive dorm…likely because those are the most popular and usually aren’t available to be assigned.

Also, what is the true cost of living off campus?



that is like asking , what is the true cost of buying a home. Off campus housing varies just like homes do. Some are upscale with lots of amenities (like pricey homes), some are “moderate” with some amenities, and some are inexpensive and don’t offer much (maybe no pool, etc).

Some apts include utilities, some don’t. some include a budget for utilities and if the kids use too much they have to pay for the extra. Some include internet and cable, some don’t.

See post #23 of the following link, this parent eusriso broke down costs for his daughter.


That is a bit misleading because after frosh year, the costs can go down a bit since a cheaper meal plan or no plan cam be selected.

And this Residence Hall estimate is for the pricey super-suites. Standard double dorms are much cheaper.

Also, obviously, engineering is a pricey major…lol. Some schools charge a higher tuition for engineering, some schools charge more course fees.

Costs - for 2014 - 2015 out of state from UA website. This is one semester.

Out of state Tuition1 $12,475.00
College/Course Fees2 400.00
Dining Dollars Account3 325.00
Meal Plan4 1,633.00 <=========this cost can do down a LOT after frosh year.
Residential Hall Room 4,400.00 <====== Pricey super suites. Standard double dorms are much cheaper.
Parking Decal6 320.00
Books and Supplies 600.00 <=== can vary if buying used books or renting text books.

Totals7 $20,153.00

The College/Course fees are estimated ($400.00).

Below are my daughter’s fees for one semester:

$30.00 C & BA COLLEGE FEE (UG)

Total = 452.25 for fees.

Below are books -

654.65 Total

Parent note: For the books I chose Binders if a hard copy was available. This does not include any optional material and one engineering class did not have the books available yet (no pricing). The total was not as bad as it seemed but the missing class is a big unknown.


Some things you need to know. UA has different dorm options some more expensive some cheaper (significantly cheaper).



Bama Bound Orientation - $120 for registration.

Again, there isn’t a Student Activity Fee or Student Fee or a Health Fee. However, if your child doesn’t have insurance, you’ll have to purchase.

Thanks for the info. The course fees were surprising. In terms of off campus housing I was trying to get a range of what students are paying.

My DD’s cost all in (rent/utilities/cable) is $6400 for her share per year for a four-bedroom OLD house with off-street parking within easy walking distance to campus.

Off campus housing - My son is NOT in walking distance. He is at a new apartment complex with a shuttle in a 4 bedroom. The cost, including furniture rental and utilities, for a 11.5 month lease is $7,860. This is an individual lease. The apartment includes a washer/dryer. So, he is saving over $1,000 / yr vs super suites. Some kids are able to sub-lease for the summer months. Walking distance to campus is a bit more, but can be found in the same range as on-campus suites. Plus add campus parking pass.

We did find many options that were less expensive, but I really wanted the individual lease that included utilities and since we were not certain about him having a car, a shuttle or walking distance was a priority.

No lack of off-campus housing choices.

Course fees – I do find them annoying, but they are much cheaper than what many friends pay in the Philadelphia region where we live.

Bama’s course fees are actually “low” in comparison to many other schools.

Schools are going to charge them one way or another. Some will just charge a higher tuition rate…or charge certain majors a higher tuition rate.

And some charge REALLY high course fees…like over $1000 a semester in course fees.

STEM majors, particularly eng’g , tend ot have the highest course fees…likely because the school has to constantly update technology and students are using the latest/greatest stuff out there

In terms of off campus housing I was trying to get a range of what students are paying.


Students will pay anywhere from $400 - 900 a month depending on how much luxury they want and how much the rate includes (utilities, internet, etc) .

Much will also depend on whether the apt is a 1 BR, 2 BR or 3 BR or 4 BR or 5 BR. The more bedrooms, then the cheaper the "per student. "

two years ago, I was paying about $550 a month for my son’s share of his 5 bedroom cottage in The Retreat which is a high-amenity “luxury” type place.

The real savings seems to be in FOOD, since after the first year, the big meal plan is no longer required. No meal plan is req’d after the first year.

One big savings at Bama is if you have the Presidential, then you don’t get charged for any additional course credits. So a student can take 22 credits in a semester and not be charged for those. That is not typical at most schools.

I notice that you’re also looking at UGA. UGA also has course/lab fees. I don’t know what they are…they just note that you have to look them up in the course lists.

Alabama is a better deal with the Presidential scholarship than UGA as an instate student.

If my D were to put a deposit in now would she get housing? The deluxe suites are out of our price range.

^^^I assume your daughter is an incoming freshman, all freshman are housed on campus unless they live at home. The earlier you place your deposit, the earlier your slot for picking housing is.

@mom2collegekids‌ “So a student can take 22 credits in a semester and not be charged for those”

Is that true? I thought the max was 18

Nope, 22.
Although course fee increases as you take more courses, it’s still very worth you know.

So you have to have dining dollars on top of the meal plan cost/

Althougj I dont really see the point of DN.
I can use my debit card, its just one more card to carry with