Other highly dubious rankings


<p>consus group
<a href=“http://www.consusgroup.com/news/rankings/colleges/selectivity.asp[/url]”>http://www.consusgroup.com/news/rankings/colleges/selectivity.asp</a></p>

<p>hispanic magazine
<a href=“http://www.hispaniconline.com/magazine/2006/march/features/colleges.html[/url]”>http://www.hispaniconline.com/magazine/2006/march/features/colleges.html</a></p>

<a href=“http://collegeadmissions.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/laissez-faire-1999-2000.txt[/url]”>http://collegeadmissions.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/laissez-faire-1999-2000.txt</a></p>

<p>college ranking service
<a href=“http://www.rankyourcollege.com/ranking.html[/url]”>College Ranking Service, A Peerless Evaluation of Colleges, rankyourcollege.com</a></p>

<p>I agree...Amazing..</p>

<p>The Hispanic Mag one is probably the worst because people might actually take it seriously.</p>

<p>Well posterx, I am holding my breath..... What is so wrong about the Hispanic Magazine's article?</p>

<p>It is completely arbitrary.</p>

<p>The fact that Williams and Swarthmore, arguably among the nation's five best colleges, don't show up on the list at all, while the University of Miami, Rutgers, and Texas A&M do, is extremely odd to say the least. That's just the beginning of it. A motivated, excellent student would choose Williams over the University of Miami 99.9 times out of 100, regardless of his or her ethnic group.</p>

<p>^^^You really have some nerve dude. Who the hell do you think you are? You do not decide nor think for any "motivated, excellent student", who may very well choose to go to the University of Miami or the University of Haiti for that matter based on his/her preferences. Stop being so judgemental and crawl back into the hole you came from.</p>

<p>The article is about Hispanics and where they may be inclined to go to. Are you one of them? Let me guess, you do not need to be BECAUSE YOU ARE JUST CAPABLE OF THINKING LIKE THEM OR ANYBODY ELSE FOR THAT MATTER. </p>

<p>Miami is a very cosmopolitan city and a gateway to Latin America. It would make sense that it is more attractive for some hispanics than other schools in the Norht East..... including.....Are you ready??? YALE!!</p>

<p>Get ready to have a heart attack, but one of my friends turned down YALE and chose the University of Miami because he liked it better there, weather and all, eventhough Yale offered him aid! </p>

<p>Get help. Does Yale a good Psychologist in house?</p>

<p>Calm down, MovieBuff... I can see both of your points, but I think it's clear that posterX didn't mean it in any sort of derogatory way. (S)He has a point in saying that Williams is a better school than UMiami, based on the endowment it has, what its students do in the future, the quality of the students who are accepted there, etc. The purpose of a ranking is generally to say which college will offer a better overall education, and I think it's pretty well accepted that while UMiami may have been a better fit for your friend, in most cases, Williams and Yale will offer a better education. However, I also see your point in saying that the rankings are based on where Hispanics would prefer to go. I can't imagine why Williams isn't on the list, though; they have a larger Hispanic enrollment than Harvard does. Maybe it's an oversight.</p>


A motivated, excellent student would choose Williams over the University of Miami 99.9 times out of 100, regardless of his or her ethnic group.


<p>This is the statement with the problem. Nothing else. I think I was pretty clear. You are missing the point of my "agitation". Just trying to stay focused here.</p>

<p>:) Sorry. I just hate it when people explode on these forums and get all angry over relatively small things. I like to keep it more rational... posterX apparently overstated it, but the point he/she was getting across was that in most cases, students would choose the school with a more prestigious or rigorous academic reputation. Your friend was just an exception to that, which is cool too.</p>

<p>It's cool, but at the same time highly questionable, given the "facts on the ground" of where Williams graduates end up, e.g., <a href="http://www.wsjclassroomedition.com/pdfs/wsj_college_092503.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.wsjclassroomedition.com/pdfs/wsj_college_092503.pdf&lt;/a>
Although there are always exceptions, I personally know several Hispanic students who turned down UMiami (including its accelerated pre-med/MD program) for top-five schools on the above list, and they're all doing very well at places like Harvard Medical School. If they had gone to UMiami I am pretty sure that that is not where they would be. The ranking is ludicrous overall because it starts out with HYP, etc., but then quickly jumps down to third-tier universities. I mean, graduates of places like Swarthmore and Williams do better, by almost any measure, than most of the schools that the magazine has among the top 10, but they are entirely left off of the list.</p>

<p>Don't you love how Tufts and UVA are ranked 42nd and NYU is ranked 52nd, and UCLA and UMich are 81st in the Tripod link?</p>