Our school doesn't have a Class Rank...

<p>Nor do they weight averages.</p>

<p>Does this help? Hurt? What does it do?</p>

<p>mine doesnt rank either. hasnt hurt me so far.</p>

<p>If you come from a good quality high school like mine, class rank MIGHT hurt because there are so many people competing for valedictorian. I'm so glad my h.s. got rid of class rank because I don't think I'd even make the top 25%. If you are a cutthroat supercompetetive high-flier (unlike me) it would hurt a bit.
If you come from a very poor school like West Philadelphia High School or something like that, a 3.0 GPA would put you at the top of your class. </p>

<p>If your school doesn't weight your GPA, it certainly hurts, because a hardworking person in honors/AP classes will be upstaged by people in remedial or lower level classes who generally don't have to toil so hard for good grades.</p>

<p>my class has 25 students. We don't rank. So my counselor just puts me down as top 10% meaning I'm one of the top 2.5 students. That's probably going to hurt me. :(</p>

<p>I went to a school like that my freshman year and I had a 3.5 GPA. I'm wondering the same thing.</p>