Out-of-state A-G

<p>How are the A-G eligibility requirements handled for OOS students? The “F” course, for example, is a problem.</p>



<p>My school doesn’t offer any year-long arts courses expect for AP Art/AP Music for seniors (which would force you to drop one of the other five subjects to fit everything). Most schools in my area don’t even have these classes. Every other art is only one semester. Surely every public school student in the county isn’t ineligible for UC?</p>

<p>Is it possible that we could only become “eligible by examination”?</p>

<p>I worry because my school has an college acceptance list including every Ivy but no UCLA or Berkeley.</p>

<p>Question about the “American History and Institutions Requirement”:
I took a semester class (History 104) at community college in place of APUSH at my school. Is this OK? School MIGHT let me take AP U.S. Gov next year.</p>

<p>yes, eligibility by examination is one way for OOS (and homeschoolers) to become eligible for UC. In general, yes, community college courses count for a-g. Indeed, you could take an art history class at a local college to fulfill the f requirement. AP Art History works as well.</p>

<p>For more information on what types of course satisfy the 'f | Visual and Performing Arts' requirement please see University</a> of California - Counselors
and University</a> of California - Counselors</p>

<p>Couldn't you two separate semester-long classes? I am here in California but I can't believe that most kids are graduating Highschool without any art at all.</p>

<p>Sorry to bring this thread back from the dead. I have more questions. My school's guidance is completely clueless about the UC's so they are no help.</p>

<p>I've read that only AP/IB are weighted when you are not from CA for the official UC GPA. My UC GPA is more than the minimum, so that isn't a problem. Will UCLA and Berkeley look at my transcript and evaluate me considering that I take many honors classes, even though I am OOS so they are not approved honors? If not, is it possible that some non-AP classes could be approved? For example, Honors Pre-Calc which the top 10% or so of the class takes and is weighted AP for class rank purposes.</p>

<p>Are freshman grades really completely ignored (again for evaluation not eligibility)? Meaning, they will throw out my school's official GPA figure and class rank which are brought down by my bad freshman year.</p>

<p>I totally understand (and maybe agree with) the politics surrounding why it is harder to get in from OOS. However, it is my understanding that the application readers give your app a score 1-5, then you get in if your score is good enough compared to the higher standard for OOS applicants. So OOS is already disadvantaged there, not hit twice becuase of some paperwork issue with honors.</p>

<p>As far as your freshman grades are concerned, UC will throw out your HS gpa calculation and do its own, based on sophomore and junior grades, rounding to A, B, C etc (no plus and minus) and based on A -G courses.</p>

<p>I am not 100% sure, but my understanding is that they don't recalculate class rank, though, so that would include your freshman year.</p>

<p>Yes, you will be considered by the app readers that read OOS apps. They will note the strength of schedule if it includes honors courses. And they will note that Pre-Calc is honors, even if not eligible for the bonus point.</p>

<p>ALL grades will be viewed. The UC computer in the sky will caclulate a UC gpa for admissions eligibility based on your self-reported grades, but your Frosh grades are also entered on the app and a three-year gpa can be/(will be?) calculated as well. With the exception of ELC, class rank is NOT officially a criteria for admissions. The rank on your transcript is not used. Instead, UC calculates a UC 'ranking' (using a-g courses) of the students that apply from each HS.</p>