Out of State Transfer Fall 2018 chances

Major: Economics… Will either double major or minor in Political Science

College GPA: 3.4
SAT/ACT: Not submitting
Deans list 1x

President of Young Americans for Liberty
Member of Gay-Straight Alliance
Member of Students for Liberty
Varsity Ice Hockey Goalie (Placed top goalie in the state multiple seasons with numerous state and national awards)
Member of Student Economist Union
(There are less than ten clubs at my college)

Outside of School:
I volunteered on the Rand Paul presidential campaign
I am volunteering with the Austin Petersen for Senate campaign
I’m a freelancer that has worked with multiple start-up companies(thought I’d throw this out there)

Working on it

I also have quite a few W’s on my transcripts, but I had medical reasoning which I made sure to point out and explain on my Common App application. All except for two were made up for and passed with A’s and B’s. I’m also coming from a state school in Florida. Is there anything you’d also recommend to strengthen my application?