Out of the mouths of babes: What it means to be a Hokie

<p>I actually read this last night on a Virginia Preps Football website that my husband follows. I thought the sentiment felt and shared by this young freshman said so much about the spirit of Virginia Tech. I know many of you feel the same way so I thought I would share it here.</p>

<p>This was posted on the fb board. Pretty powerful words.</p>

<p>Originally posted by sclvt:
I am currently a freshman at Virginia Tech. We just had a 3.2 mile run in remembrance, and I will never forget it, regardless of how many I participate in. I finished at about 22 minutes, so there were thousands that finished before me, and thousands more that finished after. I stood at the finish line watching others cross and felt more school pride and spirit than I thought possible. Anytime a runner would stop to walk during the race, other runners would slow down to help. Other runners would offer a hand. At the finish line, runners crossed crying, runners crossed laughing. </p>

<p>Afterwords, thousands of students wearing orange and maroon stood on the drillfield and cried together. The amount of people shocked me. I thought I knew what it was to be a Hokie, but I never did until today.</p>

<p>Thanks for sharing that, KandKsmom - so touching.</p>

<p>Very touching. Pics and video of the day’s events can be viewed at the VT website. The video is amazing.</p>