Outdoor Action course fee

<p>From the wording of the outdoor action application, it seems as if the 40 spots are decided on a first come, first serve basis…yet it also asks that the $195 course fee be enclosed with the application.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if this fee is refundable if we do not get into the “course”?</p>

<p>UA will certainly refund your money should you not get into Outdoor Action. If you are applying for Outdoor Action within the next week or so, I am quite sure that you will get a space.</p>

<p>is course fee varies according to the location…if yes, Y so?</p>

<p>Just wanted to strongly recommend outdoor action! My son participated this year and it really helped him get comfortable with UA. He is planning on living in a house in the fall with students he met during outdoor action. He has also applied for a leadership position for the fall 2011 class. GREAT program!!!</p>

<p>I want to 2nd Bamafana’s recommendation. My D LOVED the Outdoor action program and really benefited from meeting such a great group of students and staff before the semester even began. By the time the rest of the world moved in on campus D was already settled and saw familiar faces wherever she went.</p>