Over 12.5%?

<p>If I’m over 12.5% of my class rank at my school, will I be rejected to every UC even I have 3.7 UC gpa and 26 ACT?</p>

<p>negative. If you are instate and meet the minimum eligibility requirements (and you do), you are guaranteed admission to a UC campus, but perhaps not your first, second or third choice.</p>

<p>Riverside will take you. A 26 ACT is not good...</p>

<p>Seriously? I didn't know that you get guaranteed admission to a campus for meeting the eligiblity! But I still wouldn't want to go to Merced. Is there anything even out there?</p>

Seriously? I didn't know that you get guaranteed admission to a campus for meeting the eligiblity!


<p>Yes, seriously. If you meet the minimum eligibility for UC, you will be accepted somewhere (as long as you apply to that campus).</p>

<p>26 ACT isn't bad, is it? It might not be USB or UCLA good, but I thought it was above average.</p>

<p>You are guaranteed admissions meeting UC minimum requirement requirements and are a California resident for application purposes.</p>

<p>wait really??? so as long as I meet the UC requirements & apply to UCR or UCM id get in? O__O</p>

<p>and dont f upped.UCR is getting strict right now some people got resided. Pretty sure with the rest too</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure you have to have downs syndrome to get rescinded by UCR.</p>

<p>“Yes, seriously. If you meet the minimum eligibility for UC, you will be accepted somewhere (as long as you apply to that campus)” </p>

<p>I don’t think that you have to apply to UCR… i mean if u meet the eligibility and u applied to atleast three UC campuses and didn’t get into that campus… you would automatically get into Riverside.</p>

<p>actually three people have been rescinded. The budget cuts have hit everyone I guess.</p>

<p>26 ACT and 3.7 are not bad at all. I would advise OP to try for UCSC and UCSB as well. Not guaranteed but he has a shot.</p>

<p>Yes, seriously. If you meet the minimum eligibility for UC, you will be accepted somewhere (as long as you apply to that campus).</p>

<p>You don’t even have to necessarily apply. Looking back at many years on CC, people have gotten offers from Riverside and Merced even if they didn’t apply there, in cases where they were rejected from every UC campus they applied to.</p>

<p>Also, to the OP, the 12.5% is a targeted number state-wide for UC applications. The UC system adjusts their minimum requirements for applications in order to be as close to this number as possible. It has nothing to do with individual high schools or how they make admission decisions.</p>

<p>I have met several counselors from different UC schools, they said that because of the budget cuts, they are TRYING to “let go” as many students as possible; almost like they want to get rid of more students, sad yet true. Therefore, not meeting ANY of the requirements will automatically make them reject you.</p>

<p>They are taking it very seriously this year and will even more for next year freshman applicants, for those that got rescinded, you guys should have taken 2nd semester senior year (which is where most of us get the D’s or F’s) more seriously due to the economic crisis. Most teachers, at least mine, warned our class at the beginning of the school year about the new UC strict policy, which made us study our butts off, and i am very very glad that they told us about it.</p>

<p>well its too late for us incoming freshmen, but a word of <strong><em>ADVICE</em></strong> to those becoming highschool seniors next year: </p>

<li><p>Take challenging courses, BUT limit the number of them to the study habits and knowledge that YOU have, just because rank#3 has 6 ap classes, doesnt mean you will pass them all. Think of it proportionally. If rank#3 takes 6 ap classes, then maybe you can take 3 or 2. </p></li>
<li><p>If you know you are not capable of taking many challenging classes, then DONT. simple as that, most people get their D’s in these type of AP classes, which lead them to get rejected. If you arent that smart but still want to challenge yourself: then prepare to study your ass off!!!</p></li>
<li><p>Second semester…thats when we start getting lazy because thats when we get our acceptance letters, etc etc. remember, like i posted above</p></li>
<li><p>go to prom</p></li>

<p>good luck</p>

<p>Waaah… so this means its going to be even harder for the Class of 2010 to get into a UC?? Or do you mean that it’s going to be easier for us to get rescinded if we mess up just a little senior 2nd sem?
Now I will try my best not to catch senioritis D-8</p>

<p>well answer to yours: both, the admission rate will be much smaller and the counselors will be more strict about grade policies, from what i heard from many teachers and UC counselors themselves. Just do your best and make sure you dont slack off.</p>

<p>;___; o- okay… thank you
thats so scary…</p>

<p>yup it is… if its anything blame it on the budget cuts</p>

<p>sigggghhh yeaaaaah )-:
… is there a possibility though… that its all going to get better</p>