Overall GPA versus Major GPA

<p>Hey Everyone,</p>

<p>I was wondering how important (or even considered) your GPA in your major is compared to the overall GPA you earned at your college.</p>

<p>The reason I ask is that I have a very good GPA in my major classes at my school but have struggled somewhat in my core classes here, and this has brought my overall GPA down significantly.</p>

<p>Might the admissions people look at my transcript and acknowledge that I did well in my major? Also, would a B.S. in History raise eyebrows, or would this be an advantage?</p>

<p>I have a 3.6 GPA in my history classes, but my overall GPA is 2.7 because of classes like Electrical Engineering, Physics, Calculus, Chemistry, Thermodynamics...and the list goes on and on. I have been worried about the effect of these classes that are requirements at my school and how they would be looked upon for grad school. Anyone who has any insight on this, I would appreciate your input.</p>


An advantage for what?</p>

<p>You never explicitly stated what your grad school intentions are. I cannot tell, based on your extra-major coursework, whether you may intend to enter a scientific field for your PhD. If that is the case, I would say, no, a degree in History would not make you stand out in a beneficial way.</p>

<p>If your plan is to pursue graduate studies in History, then why would anyone raise eyebrows at your degree? In this case, the less-than-stellar performance in those technical classes will likely be overlooked, as well.</p>