<p>Christmas is approaching, and so are Oxbridge decisions. Please post your decisions and stats (mainly SAT's and AP/IB scores) here. Also, if you applied to any other English schools as an American, feel free to post here :)
Good luck!</p>
<p>I was rejected from Oxford, I don’t mind admitting it! Still waiting for all my SAT scores, but i have 4 As at AS-Level and got top-something-percent in the country/almost full marks for my English AS (the subject I applied to do at Oxford). And still didn’t even get to the interview stage! </p>
<p>Not that I’m at all bitter… haha :)</p>
<p>You got decisions already? O_o!</p>
<p>I was accepted at Oxford (for PPE at Merton). I had pretty good test scores (2400 on the SAT and 5s on 9 APs), but performed quite abysmally at the interview. Aside from blathering cluelessly for its duration, it took me a full 15 minutes to figure out how to operate the elevator and I was briefly trapped on a floor I didn’t intend to go to. Thankfully, I didn’t have to take a test on basic mechanical devices, as I would have flunked it. I guess it also shows how meaningless standardized tests are as measures of capability.</p>
<p>Damn! I applied to lincoln college, oxford, still haven’t heard from them! Does UCAS show you are accepted?</p>
<p>So am I the only one who hasn’t received his decision??</p>
<p>Balliol and Merton decisions are out people!</p>
<p>wow I haven’t received my Balliol decision yet.
Flibb are you international student?</p>
<p>reejction for e&m at merton, interview went allright but not outstanding… luckily, i got an offer from UCL the same day, still waiting for LSE though</p>
<p>Test scores, german? Are you a US student?</p>
<p>@ysbera: Yeah I am an international student. A person from our school got his rejection last night by e-mail…perhaps they mail out acceptances later, so good luck!</p>
<p>sat2 math2 780, physics 720 (retake in jan) + take french in jan, i’ll get my sat 1 scores the 25th decemeber, but since i’m a german student i wasn’t required to submit my results…</p>
<p>Hey Begoner.Do you mind listing down your record for extracurriculars?
I would to have a better idea what kind of students Oxbridge are looking for. Thanks!</p>
<p>photon, from what I’ve heard, oxford and cambridge don’t look at EC’s at all. They only care about test scores (SATs and APs in the US), a passion for your subject (as shown through the personal statement), and a decent showing at the interview. I’m no expert, so feel free to correct me if i’m wrong.
To Begoner, where did you do your interview and when was it?</p>
<p>it’s exactly right what you say member2008, they don’T give a crap about your ecs… school grades, teachers recommendation, tests/interviews and personal statment which you should mainly spend on your interest for the subject you’ve applied for, therefore no ecs…</p>
<p>There’s no designated place to list your ECs when you apply to Oxford (and I believe it’s the same for Cambridge). However, if they’re relevant to the course you want to pursue, you can mention them in your personal statement; I had one sentence talking about my participation in an economics competition, but some people devote an entire paragraph to ECs. That’s very lucky for me though, since I haven’t really participated in many ECs (or had any leadership roles). Basically, admissions comes down to two things: your academic record (as determined by standardized tests; high school grades are irrelevant and not even looked at) and the interview. But since it’s based solely on academic aptitude alone, they can afford to only accept top-notch applicants (as opposed to many US colleges which are more amenable to trading extra-curricular achievements for academic ones and want well-rounded students). Because of that, only people with the required grades tend to apply (in the US, that would be the equivalent of only people who have received 5s on four AP exams applying to the Ivy League), inflating the acceptance rate. So don’t be misled into thinking it’s easier to get into Oxbridge than, say, Columbia. However, if you’re an international applicant, you have an edge because you have to pay full-price, so they’ll be more lenient. Basically, though, you need an SAT score that’s 2200+ (best sitting) and good grades on 4 APs (5554 or so); if you have that and a decent interview, you have a good shot at getting in.</p>
<p>My interview was in NYC in late October.</p>
<p>I was given an offer to read PPE as well at Oxford - don’t want to say the college, it might be too much to give away on a public board.</p>
<p>Pinkpineapple, do you mind giving us your stats? I don’t think it would be too much to say the college, but it’s up to you to decide.</p>
<p>The British education system is way behind the American one because of one simple fact: ECs. I am prepared to reject LSE for (only) a top 50 LAC. Guaranteed.</p>
<p>^^^I guess its the sheer brilliance of the UK admissions system, that they select the BEST from the world through such a simple process…</p>