Paerson - Castle Project?

I'm going to be at the UM for an exchange semester this fall. I choose to live on campus and just received conformation that i got into the house "paerson", 4th floor (I guess, because my room number is 4xx)
Is it true, that there is a strict policy against alcohol on this floor?
Don't get me wrong, of course the main purpose of my residence is studying and improving my english skills, but I would like to party of course during my exchange semester as well, and I certainly do not want to break any rules of the university.</p>

<p>Thank you for your help!</p>

<p>Hi! My name is Jordan and I’m the President of CASTLE for 2011-12.</p>

<p>I’m glad to see your interest and would like to put to rest any concerns you may have about living on the floor.</p>

<p>The first thing you should know about CASTLE is that we change every year. I cannot exactly say what the floor will be like next year, because we have a lot of new members, but I can tell you what it has been like in the past.</p>

<p>CASTLE stands for Canes Advocating a Substance Temperate Living Environment. We are very much and open-door community and we are not at all exclusionary to others who do not live on the floor or follow our ideals. Our mission is to provide alternate activities to drinking for students who don’t want to use alcohol for entertainment. We are neither rehabilitaters nor crusaders. Everyone living in the community made the active choice to live there. Additionally, we realize on a college campus our ideals aren’t popular with everyone. We never condemn others for drinking, we simply provide activities free from the pressures to drink. We don’t ban alcohol from the floor, but usually we find we don’t need it to have fun.</p>

<p>We are student-run and university funded. All our events are free to participants and planned by us! These events include movie nights, concerts, beach days, and lots and lots of free food.</p>

<p>Last year, a large portion of our residents turned 21 (legal drinking age in the US) so we decided we would come up with unofficial rules for the floor. Basically, they’re all about respecting the people who live there and respecting yourself. Drinking isn’t illegal at 21, but getting drunk isn’t responsible. Above all, we advocate responsibility.</p>

<p>Our “rules” for the floor are:

  1. Alcohol is not allowed at any official CASTLE event.
  2. Unofficial (not planned) events occur frequently. While not technically ruled out, drinking is frowned upon.
  3. You are allowed to drink off the floor and return to the floor following drinking. If there is a valid complaint from another resident about your state upon returning to the floor, this rule may need to be adjusted to fit the circumstance.
  4. You may drink in your room as long as: a) you are of age; b) your roommate and suitemates are okay with it; and c) you do not pressure anyone else to join you in drinking.
  5. CASTLE members will not provide alcohol to minors - on or off the floor.
  6. CASTLE members who do drink are still entirely responsible for their actions or inactions. As such, you willingly and knowingly accept all responsibility for your actions, not matter what your blood alcohol level is.</p>

<p>I hope this answers everything. If you’d like more information, let me know. If you think that this floor isn’t for you, I can also see about facilitating a move off the floor for you (though we’d love to have you!) Can’t wait to meet you in the fall!</p>

<p>Hi Jordan,</p>

<p>thank you very much for your reply! Sounds quiet good, I guess I misjudged the situation :slight_smile: Yeah I’m 21, but where I come from drinking is legal as soon as you turn 16 - for me it’s not that important or exciting anyway, it’s just kind of a tradition you know, you go out and have a beer with your friends (not get drunk!) - I just wanted to avoid offending anybody on the floor because i figured most of the participants would have kind of a negative attitude towards people who drink alcohol, even if it’s just occasionally and certainly not excessive, but it seems that I was wrong :)</p>

<p>The events you offer seem like fun, looking forward to it!</p>

<p>Again thanks a lot for your help, I appreciate it!</p>

<p>I didn’t know you went on CC Jordan! (This is Rob. :stuck_out_tongue: )</p>