Paid deposit at 2 schools

Hello CC,

So, I know that this is generally frowned upon, but my decision to go to these schools is primarily based on financial aid. One of these schools has yet to give me my financial aid package, even though I had extended the deadline to deposit for a few weeks. Unfortunately, I did not want to give up the opportunity to go if the financial aid was enough, and I deposited at the school.

I’m just wondering if I should just cancel my spot now and attend the other school that has given me a generous amount, or to continue waiting for my financial aid package - and if the aid isn’t good enough what to do then?


This is the rare situation when holding a double deposit is justifiable. You are essentially on a waitlist at B because you won’t know if you are really and truly “in” until you have an affordable aid package in hand.

Pick up the phone on Monday after the holiday, and call B to find out what the delay is about. You need to know what they can offer you. If B can’t give you a good reason for this delay, or if they do finally have a package that isn’t good enough, kick B to the curb and plan on attending A.