Painting parents in a bad light?

I have a really, really solid essay but it involves describing my parents in the role of the villains. It’s the classic story of wanting to deviate from their wishes - taken to an extreme. There is no other way to tell this story without moving away from the truth and minimizing its impact.
Is it wise to go with an essay that describes this aspect of my parents, or will it come off as a negative? Should I trash it entirely and deal with a different subject?

I wouldn’t trash it if there is a reason for the essay and as long as you aren’t setting up your parents in a false way to make you look good.

It’s just my opinion… But it could be very difficult to write this in a way that portrays you in a mature light. If this is early in your application process (ie, you’re a junior not a senior), I would say go ahead and write it and then show it to either a teacher or a trusted essay reader here (generally a parent with senior status, not a student with a low post count) and see what impression is. It’s difficult to tell just from the idea stage.

Does it help make the college want you on campus? I am guessing it doesn’t. Odds are good that you come across as immature and ungrateful.

Unless your parents are felons, speaking ill of them will reflect poorly on you.

Don’t crap in your nest.

Do you have an order of protection against them? Has protective services been called? If not, then I think you’re way off base.

And, most of all, how does portraying your parents as villians make a college want to accept you?