Palmetto bugs

<p>My grad school roommate had very curly, bushy hair. She was in the shower and one landed on her head! :eek: it was awful. Still gives me the willies, 30+ years later</p>



<p>We had the cicadas here in northern Illinois in 2007. It was the first time I’d experienced them, and I’d be happy not to be here when the next batch hatch. Our dog was a 3 lb. puppy at the time and loved to play with them (and eat them - yuk!). We had to watch him carefully because while a couple would probably be good protein, there were so many of these things - think 100% ground coverage in many areas - he could easily eat enough to make himself sick! But I might take the cicadas over the palmetto bugs - it’s a close one.</p>

<p>My brother once put on pants that he left on the floor the night before - based on the subsequent screaming, we learned palmetto bugs <em>like</em> pants.</p>

<p>^^ Now there’s incentive to not hang your clothes on the floor.</p>

<p>NRDmom…now I am considering “planting” a few palmettos in sons pants…LOL- would that be too evil?</p>

<p>cicadas never bothered me, except for the noise. I remember a parent that was grilling them at a chess tournament the year they were here. Now that was yucky!</p>

<p>Yes, and actually eating them and offering them to others to eat!</p>

<p>vlines, if your son is anything like mine, there aren’t enough palmetto bugs in the world…</p>

<p>LOL NRDmom! Good point, not worth the ick factor to me…LOL again</p>

<p>My video from the 13-year cicadas in Tennessee last year: [Yet</a> more cicadas - YouTube](<a href=“Yet more cicadas - YouTube”>Yet more cicadas - YouTube)
No Palmetto bugs here, thank goodness.</p>

<p>For all those that think I may be kidding…
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I would not recommend substituting palmetto bugs. Actually, I would not recommend trying any of these recipes with cicadas either…but that is just me. Not enough chocolate in the world…</p>

<p>vlines - I have two words to teach those slobby sons of ours a lesson - </p>

<p>Bug Brownies!</p>

<p>In the south palmetto bugs/roaches are fact of life. Told my girls if they couldn’t handle squishing one with shoe, they weren’t ready for college:) Oldest overcame bug squimishness after one summer as camp counselor in “rustic” cabins. She’s even not too rattled this year by mouse that showed up on her bed when one of girls brought food in cabin. Snakes…she calls someone else.</p>

<p>On a happy note, D reports she never saw a bug in her dorm the entire year.:)</p>

<p>beth’s mom - cicada chip cookies?</p>

<p>nrdmom- banana bug bread…</p>

<p>…palmetto pudding!</p>

<p>Bama’s in the south, so I’d be willing to bet it has more than it’s fair share of Palmetto Begs and general roaches… </p>

<p>I used to be scared of them, well, not scared, but pretty creeped out – then I moved in with my best friend and her family, and since the only other male in the house is 10, I’m now the resident bug killer. =P Flip flops are the best weapon!</p>

<p>Right- bug spray and THIS added to the shopping list:</p>

<p>[Talking</a> Flip-flop Fly Swat](<a href=“”></p>



<p>Sounds absolutely delicious (to my dog, at least), but up here we’ve got another 8 to 12 years or so before the main ingredient shows up again. I hope it’s the latter, but I forget whether they come every 13 years or every 17 years. Every 17 is certainly often enough for me.</p>

<p>Does AL have stink bugs? DD screams and screams over them and they are EVERYWHERE here in MD.</p>

<p>You had to mention stink bugs…didn’t you? LoL!! Our stink bug population is much lower than last year. You still have them bad?</p>