I recently took the New SAT and ended up getting a 1320 and 1340 out of 1600 (as a freshman). When I tried the practice Geometry Parcc test however, the questions seemed strangely harder. This leads to the question: is Parcc harder than the SAT?
Let me also add that the SAT was just a practice test I personally took.
just fyi - not all states have PARCC and some that did have it already removed it so there are most likely many people here who never took PARCC. PARCC was never part of our high school other than one year 9th graders tested it for no score and was never used as a graduation requirement.
They are not comparable at all - completely different. The New SAT only has around 6 possible geometry questions, if I recall correctly. PARCC Geometry should be closer to a geometry final.
Yeah, but I realized in general that taking the SAT is easier than taking the Parcc. The SAT’s geometry questions seem easier than the Parcc’s geometry questions.
Anyone else?