Parents and Bama Bound

What do the parents do during the 2 day session of Bama Bound? Do we eat lunch and dinner with our kids?

It’s been 4 years since I did Bama Bound with my daughter, but my recollection is that the 2nd day ends around noon, so no lunch or dinner as part of Bama Bound. I don’t know if this year’s schedule is available yet, but I found this link to last year’s schedule, which looks similar to what ours was.

Depends somewhat on whether you are staying in the dorms or not (as a parent), and whether you have a car. I spent my time with my son’s roommates’ moms, and we toured around and got familiar with the layout of everything, shopped, and ate out at lots of interesting places. Some parents take tape measures and take notes in the dormroom so they can visualise how everything is going to fit. Many years ago there was a mini-social event for parents in the lobby of the dorm that the parents stay in, run by the student ambassadors, in order to answer questions. There is probably something similar nowadays.

There are some interesting presentations (campus safety, move-in tips, registration tips, etc.), and I highly recommend attending those, even if you have heard the info before.

Students are given a dining dollars card, but it is only has enough for 2 meals on it (for the lunch or dinner of the 1st day). I don’t recall breakfast being provided on Day 2. If you are arriving a day ahead of time (in order to be there for the 1st day’s meetings), then you and your student are on their own for meals that additional day. Parents are free to meet with their kids and have meals with them, but I would encourage you to not do so - expect your students to have meals with their roommates and new-found classmates so they start to feel what it is like to be on campus without you. :frowning:

I remember there was a parents-only luncheon, but I don’t remember if that is still held.

Its been 2 years for me, but on the 2nd day there was a parents breakfast (for my oldest in the Ferg, for my youngest at Capstone since the Ferg was being renovated.) Everything was over by noon on the 2nd day. We were leaving the next day, so we spent the rest of that day exploring Tuscaloosa.

FYI, on the 2nd bama bound for my younger son they were very strict about not seeing dorm rooms so don’t plan on measuring anything then. (Summer students are in dorms.) The University of Alabama parents facebook has measurements if anyone needs them.

You can measure the dorms that parents stay in (and students can measure the ones they stay in). That’s what I meant by what I said. :wink:

Aeromom, that’s true. If you stay in Ridgecrest South, you can check out the dimensions when you are there. I stayed there twice for both bama bounds. I learned from the first one to bring warmer pj’s - its cold in there in the summer!

We were also at BB summer 2014, and they had a parent breakfast at the Capstone Hotel location. There were some things the second afternoon that we stayed for (like the UPD/TPD presentation for parents that the kids had separately at another time). The first evening there was something in the evening that was at Capstone Hotel location, and many parents socialized at the bar - I was tired and sat in the shuttle, but in hindsight should have socialized…

Totally agree with kjcphmom. I froze my butt off at BB. It was hot outside, but inside the air conditioning was on full blast. I had a sweater and wished I had a coat!

We went last year. The night before BB, we ate together. Then I didn’t see DD much until dinner at the end of day 1. At that point, we spent about an hour together to make sure we agreed upon her scheduling approach (we had it planned before we got to BB, but wanted to confirm things after the sessions.) The next meal we ate was at the airport together. She found friends, had things to do --both scheduled and unscheduled–and was totally at home on campus. However, some kids may need a little more support–so you could plan a longer dinner, lunches are students only though.