Parents! Come join in on MARCH MADNESS

<p>Hey Parents,</p>

<p>It's time for MARCH MADNESS!!!</p>

<p>I made a pool for CC through Yahoo. Sign up now and set your picks! (You need a Yahoo ID, if you don't have one, sign up!)</p>

<p>Even if you don't know anything about college basketball, join in on the fun and pick your favorite college teams (or the teams that your S & D go to, or your alma mater!) ;)</p>

<p>Sign up instructions:
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
Click "sign up" and create your pickset.</p>

<p>Then click "join a group"
Then "join a private group"</p>

<p>Then type in for ID: 104092 and password: cc</p>

<p>ID: 104092
Password: cc</p>

<p>Winner gets.. bragging rights =) Sign up quick because the games start tomorrow!</p>

<p>My good friend's son is playing - for Niagara - David Brooks. I'm rooting for them because of him.</p>

<p>Woah, that's awesome momsdream!</p>

<p>Update: We have 9 members so far, hurry up and get in on the action!</p>

<p>Everyone should pick Vermont over Syracuse to back Soozie's D.</p>

<p>Vermont over Syracuse? Wow :P Not sure if I'm gonna do that myself, but please feel free to yourself.</p>

<p>We have ~36 members as of right now. =). This is one last bump before I get back to writing my scholarship essay!</p>

<p>I'd just like to throw out that My school is in the Division 3 final four.. so everyone cheer them on!!</p>

<p>thanks for doing this...</p>

<p>There is an article about Nate Robinson of the UW Huskies in the Washington Post today. It seems that half the hoops analysts in the country, as well as many in the other cafe are down on UDub being a #1 seed, but I just say watch Nate go!</p>

<p>I feel compelled to post that my alma mater has been the no.1 ranked team for the last fifteen weeks. I was a dedicated fan when I was at school, and, whatever happens in the tournment, being able to watch all their games on TV this winter has been a huge pleasure. Oskiwawa IlliNo1s!</p>

<p>Hopefully Bucknell will be in the same shape as when they took out Pitt earlier this year. Unfortunately 14th seeds have no history of such upsets. Ah well. The nail biter against Holy Cross last Friday was classic!</p>

<p>Nice call on Vermont of Syracuse, dadofsam :)</p>

<p>Thanks a lot dadofsam. All of the karma coming from the board cost me one of my final four picks :)</p>

<p>wOOt! Bucknell upsets Kansas!! One point game! My house is going bonkers! :)</p>

<p>Unfortunately, Vermont and Bucknell did not survive the second round, but what games!
My school was also in there, but lost in the first round.</p>

<p>Bucknell actually played Wisconsin pretty close until the end. Not bad for a small school that is playing a state! Quite a difference in enrollment. Fortunately for Bucknell, they only graduate one senior who is not a starter. I thought it was nice that the OSU band put on Bucknell shirts and played for their game.</p>

<p>And there is the satisfaction that you can really screw up the brackets. ;)</p>