Parents: I'm looking for books

<p>Do any of you happen to know any books (for a research paper) on cultural life in the ghettos during the Holocaust? I hope I can find some in the library here. Thanks!</p>

<p>"Lodz Ghetto: Inside a Community Under Siege," compiled and edited by Alan Adelson and Robert Lapides. Fantastic - all primary sources, from proclamations to diary entries. "A work of immense literary and moral power," said the New York Times. I couldn't put it down. Two of my children used it for research projects.</p>

<p>Wladyslaw Szpilman, The Pianist. Szpilman's memoirs form the basis of Roman Polanski's film of the same title.</p>

<p>One of my all-time favorite books is The King of Children: The Life and Death of Janucz Korczak by Betty Jean Lifton. Korczak was one of the greatest educators of the 20th century, founded a string of Polish and Jewish orphanages, and later maintained an orphanage/school inside the Warsaw Ghetto. Provided multiple opportunities to escape, he refused, and on August 6, 1943. went to the gas chambers with 273 of his children. There is a wonderful film by Poland's leading director Andrejz Wajda, simply called "Korczak".</p>