<p>Catch-22, I had a sort of similar situation last year.</p>
<p>My English teacher gave me horrible grades because she didn't like me. Every book we read had a strong female character, which no one has problems with, until the teacher decides to make comments to the class about the entire male gender based on the actions of the characters in the book (she didn't have a date to prom, 30 years ago, and she seemed still bitter). The thing that still stands out most in my mind is that I did an awesome presentation, she asked me a couple questions in the middle of it, and I nailed the answer right away, and she acknowledge that, while I had a friend who got their argument ripped to shreds by the teacher after practically every sentence or two, and she said all of their stuff was wrong. Then I got a C, and they got an A. People pretty much agreed that I got graded completely unfairly many many times.</p>
<p>My parents had a meeting with her and my GC, but it really didn't help anything. We would spend some of TOK class practically everyday complaining about her to the TOK teacher (who taught SL english, and was just a great person and awesome teacher), and he thought the same way we did, but he wouldn't come out and say it. Other members of the English department thought the same way about this teacher, but she's been at the school awhile, and the exam scores shows she does something right.</p>
<p>So in the end, I stuck it out. I didn't really have much choice, I heavily considered dropping to SL English, but that involves complications, and would have made me take a language HL, which was not my forte at all. I never did get a B in that class. I worried about my English grade until the college acceptances came in, and then I could relax somewhat, realizing it didn't matter as much anymore. Every year people take this English class, knowing grades will be based more heavily on how the teacher likes you than the quality of work you do, but there's nothing to be done =/</p>
<p>So, I guess in conclusion, I wanted to share that you are not the only one with teachers like that, and I suggest that you stick it out. Your acceptance will be fine with the Bs, and after you graduate you can throw them in his face b/c he tried to keep you out of the school you wanted to attend, but in the end, he is the only failure, as a person, and an educator.</p>