Parents of HS Class of 2024 3.0-3.4 GPA

Good Luck on the SAT to your D24.

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My D24 is also taking SAT Saturday. It’s her second time. She’s hoping to improve her English score. I think she can do it but we’ll see. I can tell she’s getting nervous as the day approaches. Good luck to your D24!

Good luck to your D24 on her SAT!!

S24 took ACT yesterday at school and will be taking SAT this Saturday (we enrolled in the SAT before his school announced the ACT test month ago… Otherwise we wouldn’t be doing SAT on the same week… sigh*)

He aced English in PSAT and the SAT practice tests, but his Math part still needs some work. Wife already jokes that being Asian his should excelled in Math instead lol.

S24 is taking it this Saturday as well. Has been doing a combo ACT/SAT prep 1:1 but really has done very little at home which is frustrating. Taking the ACT in April. His PSAT scores were crummy so hoping that the tutoring helps him a bit, as half his schools are not TO.

S24 is taking the SAT as well. He has decided to continue his sport in college so our search looks different then before. He has the schools narrowed down mostly. We may cut and add as time goes on but he is happy with where things stand. Fingers crossed. Does anyone else’s school use Scoir?

Another thought….in just a few short month we will have Seniors!!!

Good luck to all those taking the SAT Saturday.


My D24 has not done a whole lot of at-home prep (aside from what her tutor assigns her each week), either. I have stopped asking/nagging/mentioning it, as I think she needs to just experience the consequence of her (in)actions at this point. :woman_shrugging:

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D24 is taking the SAT on Saturday as well. has done almost zero prep since she took the SAT last fall. I don’t expect her scores to improve much.

I agree. Just frustrating when you spend money on tutoring and he still does not do the extra prep work. Maybe he will surprise us :crazy_face:


Well, I’m pretty sure that D24’s attempt to get a spot in the Summer Scrubs healthcare/medicine 1-week summer camp is not going to happen.


Because she picked her AP French teacher to ask for the 1 teacher letter of rec.

Why is this a problem?
Because in the last grading period, she got a C- in AP French.
Because for the 1st couple of weeks of THIS grading period, she totally forgot to do the online AP Classroom assignments for French, resulting in me getting an email from the teacher expressing concern about it…and the teacher even mentioned that she doesn’t understand why D24 isn’t going to student hours.

So D24 had another mini lesson yesterday from Mom reminding her again about the in’s and out’s of requesting a letter of rec from somebody. #1 rule? DON’T ASK SOMEBODY FOR A CLASS WHERE YOU’RE NOT DOING WELL IN THE CLASS!

#2 rule? TURN IN ALL OF THE ASSIGNMENTS ON TIME! Good grief, child.

Last weekend, she left her choir music binder at the concert venue. Thankfully, somebody picked it up and she got it back at practice last night.

On a positive note, though, she’s figured out who to ask for college app letters of rec.

And I mentioned in passing to her yesterday evening that In & Out Burger is hiring and they’re paying $18-$21.50/hr. Told her, “You know, working 20 hr a week for $18 an hour for 8 weeks in the summer gets you almost $3000 before taxes.” Her eyes bugged out of her head and she said, “Dang!” So I nodded and said, “So…it’s something to think about.”

I’m pretty sure she’s thinking about it.


Back when there were newspapers and want-ads, I used a “burger” approach with my wife’s younger sister. More into boys than academics, there had been an ongoing argument between her and my parents-in-law as to whether she had to attend college after HS. So I took her aside, opened the Boston Globe to help-wanted, and said “Let’s figure out what sort of job you would like that you can get with a high school degree.” After an hour or so of searching through the Sunday classifieds, UMass was looking pretty good to her.


I like that approach!

When D24 was in 8th grade, their econ teacher had them all do an assignment where they had to figure out a budget working at a minimum wage job right out of high school. had to figure out budget for rent, utilities, transportation, food, misc. expenses.

I’m very grateful for that teacher because after the assignment was done, D24 basically said, “There’s, like, not enough money to make it all work! That was hard! How do people live on just minimum wage?”

And that’s when DH & I looked at each other, smiled, and then we said, “And THAT is why you’re going to go to college.” :slight_smile:


Just an update.

Austin College will be renovating the resident halls, to address the mold and water leak issues. The school wanted all of the resident halls to be up to “modern standard” for the students.
*they must be in 50s standard before lol

The renovation is supposed to be done before Fall 2024.


I’ve seen videos on Youtube and would say that yes, the bathrooms probably are 50s/60s standard.

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Hope all of yesterday’s test takers felt good coming out and took a well-deserved nap afterwards!

My D24 thought the test was “not too bad” - she felt the math was a bit easier than the verbal section, which is interesting, as in all of her practice tests, including the proctored full, timed practice exam her tutor ran last weekend, she has consistently performed better on the verbal. So that could mean she did REALLY well altogether, or it could mean she had a bad verbal day…time will tell.

In other news, a nice bit of marketing material arrived in the mail from RIT. I normally just toss those things out right away, as they’re generally just a flyer or postcard type things. But this was a shiny booklet, so after dinner we sat around and read through it, and talked about the majors offered and then she googled a bit about each of the related careers (mostly she’s just interested in salary potential). It also spurred her to ask some comparative questions about some of the other schools we’ve mentioned as being possibilities. This was definitely the most sustained conversation we’ve had to date about school, majors, careers…it helped that D20 is home for the weekend and could contribute to the conversation (she definitely has more “street cred” on this topic in D24’s mind than I do).


D24 took the SAT yesterday. Did it get out of there until 1:30. It was a long day. Was very grumpy and hungry afterwards. No idea how she did. I don’t expect an improvement in her score. She did hardly any test prep.

We are hitting the road today for Albuquerque. Campus and housing tour tomorrow. Then drive home on Tues.

D26 is already asking if she can skip the April road trip to Texas. :laughing:

UNM tour is done! Here’s the order of preference so far from the kiddo:
U of A

One of the head enrollment people kicked off the info session before the tour and he knew which city we are from (probably because we were the only people from AZ in today’s tour). Did housing tour right after. Really liked Hokona Hall.

I posted a big list of stuff on the “up or down” college tour thread. A few highlights of stuff we liked:

  • DH really liked the architecture better than NMSU.
  • the UNM medical center is close by. Close enough that D24 could walk there. The hospital is expanding, too. So she wouldn’t need a car to get to any volunteer gig or internship there.
  • lots of different places to eat along Central Ave at the south end of campus.
  • almost all of the people on the tour were from out of state.
  • it’s more than $5000 cheaper per year than UofA.
  • DH is really pushing for this to be D24’s top pick.

We hit up the Frontier Restaurant on Central Ave right next to UNM last night for dinner. It was very busy…lots of college students showed up en masse right after we got there. I tried the posole soup and it was really good. D24 had the green chile stew and we all agreed again that their tortillas were very good there. The drive home today felt long. Next college road trip is in a month.

How is everybody else doing?


That sounds like a great dinner and way to experience the culture outside of class!

S24 and I discussed visiting a school instate this weekend. It may be a self tour.

SAT’s the two week wait 17 years later…scores are schedule to be released on the 24th, I read somewhere.

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Were going to check out A&M today because we missed the Aggieland), but S24 had to go to his part time job interview (they changed the time at the very last minute).

Of course, on the way home from the interview, he bought up prom and totally surprised his mother that he is going. (Hmm, who wil pay for the tux, corsage, ride, food… i wonder?)

Now the wife is worry that for the next several weeks he will be only thinking about the prom and not school work. He worked so hard to get his GPA to 3.97+, she is afraid its going to drop to 3.6.

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Let him go to prom and have fun! I am a believer of rounding things out and having time for fun things.