Parents of HS Class of 2024 3.0-3.4 GPA

Good luck to her! We are in school until 6/23 :sob: and we are counting down the days.

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D24 gets out 6/23 too. Going to school till end of June is brutal! D22 is overjoyed that she now can enjoy much of May and all of June school free.

Return of the Jedi last night was super fun. Theater was packed. People cheered and clapped at the end. D24 wore her Ahsoka sweatshirt.

D24 had her annual choir evaluation/test w/the choir director this morning. That went great. Choir director said she’s improved a lot since start of the school year (this is extracurricular thing, one evening a week). D24’s Music Theory teacher went to D24’s choir concert in early December and exchanged emails w/the choir director…they’ve been conversing regularly since then about all things music. Choir director spoke very highly of him, said he’s a composer (which I didn’t know!).

Mentioned to choir director that D24 might be applying for a music scholarship at a couple of the LACs (where they have small music scholarships for non-music majors). The scholarships require either an in person audition or submission of a recording of a couple of pieces of music that you perform. Asked choir director if she’d be willing to help D24 w/that. Choir director said absolutely yes and also offered to write letters of rec if needed, too.

D24 has her In & Out Burger interview tomorrow a.m. bright and early at 8:40 am. So I walked her through a mock interview today. That was…amusing. :joy: Had to teach my kid how to properly shake somebody’s hand in a business/work situation (i.e., how to not limp-wrist the handshake). Talked to her about how to dress (“dress for the job you want”), told her that she’ll need to wear her hair up since it’ll be a requirement working there anyway (her hair is super long), don’t wear earrings (not permitted while on the job), what to say when the interviewer asks you “So, do you have any questions for me?” and all that.

Next 2 wk at school are final exams and when the HS students are not taking an exam, they’re basically in study hall.

Apparently, we missed the French trip meeting yesterday evening, which both D24 and I totally forgot about. French teacher sent out an email afterwards with the Powerpoint presentation and a link for parents and students to join the WhatsApp group that she set up for the trip. Need to order some Euros at the bank for D24 and check w/our cell phone provider to make sure she can send & receive text messages and get phone calls while in France. On departure day, they all have to wear red shirts. And D24 doesn’t have a red shirt. So need to go buy one!

I feel for everybody whose kids are in school until 6/23. That’s rough!!


D24 had her In & Out Burger interview this morning. It went fine. She said there was another teenage girl also interviewing after her. Wasn’t offered job right away, said they’d let her know. Had D24 submit app at McDonald’s, too. There’s 1 ~5 min from us and a 2nd one opening about 7-8 min away. D24 is irritated w/us over this, but DH & I don’t care…everybody should work a retail or food service job at some point in their lives. It’ll give my kid a good sense of perspective.

DH talked again earlier today about concerns that D24 getting lost in the crowd at U of A. The intro science classes she’ll have to take are all 325+ students per class. U of A’s math dept is not known for having very helpful professors for Calculus classes. Fair amt of discussion on Reddit from students saying to go take math and/or physics at Pima Community College instead.

D24 still has U of A as her #1 and, to be honest, it’s entirely because she thinks that she’ll easily be able to go visit her HS friends at ASU. DH & I feel that making a college decision for a reason like this is kind of like the dumb decision that so many HS seniors make when they choose where they’re going to college based on where their boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other is going to be attending.

We are keeping our mouth shut for now and I am talking about it here to get it out of my head for a little while.

Fingers crossed for her with the jobs. S24 thought he had a job all lined up at a local restaurant where he bussed summer of 2021, but they ended up not having availability because everyone who worked last summer decided to come back so they have no open spots :roll_eyes: Now he is scrambling.

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S24 is still learning the last APUSH unit in class, but his final is Wednesday and the AP is Thursday. This is the problem with starting school after Labor Day! S24 has been going in before school every day for a week to review, so hopefully that’s enough.

Is it common for schools to do final exams before the AP? Ours is apparently worried that if they put the final at the end of June (when finals would naturally fall) the kids won’t study for the AP. (Our school is not out until June 23.)

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My son’s 3 AP’s will happen this week and next. He has finals mostly after in May and June. He has 3 online classes due to shortage of teachers so these finals will be on his own. All 3 due on 5/12. He tends to do the minimum studying for tests on his own so not expecting much. They are doing some prep work in class and in assignments that are due so at least he is getting some prep. A lot of work for him to do in the next 2 weeks. He has procrastinated assignments.

He also broke his collarbone saving a soccer goal so he has more time to do his work since he cannot play for about 3 months. Summer plans have changed somewhat. Maybe time to work on college essay this summer?

That’s strange. Our school goes until June 20th. Finals start around 6/15 or so. I don’t believe that AP classes actually have a final exam, though.

D24 is taking hers in AP Chem today (starts now, I think?). So excited for her to be done!

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A broken collar bone is no fun! Sometimes they need surgery—I hope not for your son. Mine would have a hard time with no sports, but usually injured kids still go to practice and meets and help out. Best wishes for your son’s recovery!

Good luck to all with AP’s! S24 just told me that the final counts as a regular test, so that’s good. Sometimes they are worth 1/5 of your grade for the year.

Jumping in because I’m taking the APUSH exam this week too. We have final exams for AP classes early, before the AP exam and then do a project during the last month of school. Finals for non-AP classes are the last week of school.

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Good luck on the APUSH exam!


Thank you! Luckily no surgery needed. Yes, he is going to watch the games and help out.

That is good that Final counts as regular test. Mine has a project worth 20% of grade!

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Good luck on your APUSH exam!!!

Good luck everyone with AP’s! DD24 has APUSH and Bio. I’m trying to find time in the next few days after Bio for her to take the Bio, USH1 and USH2 CLEPs. I’m pretty sure she will pass… and she would be able to receive credit for these at some of the schools on her list. So a little bit of backup for the APs. But she’s pretty jammed until the 19th with play rehearsals again… every year they do 2 full length productions plus some short plays in May.

I’ve been geeking out a bit with spreadsheets for some of her schools, mapping out core requirements and poli sci major requirements vs her likely entering credits. Uncovered an interesting differentiator in that most colleges give 3 credit hours for most classes and require 120 hours to graduate which is 40 classes total. However there are a couple private schools on the list with more of a 4 hours/class system where you only need 32 classes to graduate. Also big differences in major requirements for poli sci. I’ve seen as few as 10 classes needed for the major (assuming credit for AP Gov next year) vs 17 classes needed at, for example, VA Tech with same assumption. One more thing to consider as everyone starts trying to narrow down lists next year.


D24 is taking AP English Lit exam this morning. Fingers crossed!

D24 has a job interview at a McDonald’s near us on Fri afternoon after school. She’s irritated. :joy: No word so far from In & Out. Am gonna make her apply for 2-3 other jobs this evening. Welcome to adulting, kiddo!


Adulting is just the worst sometimes! :wink: :joy:

She might not appreciate now, but she will later.


Good luck to her on both AP and job front!

APs are just so stressful. I think D24 is feeling added stress to get a good score on the ones where the teacher is writing her a letter of recommendation. Our school had the wrong list of students taking APES yesterday so almost made students not on that list take the test on the makeup date. Led to a lot of unnecessary anxiety for affected kids :rage:

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S24 dodged a bullet!

His French teacher accepted his late homework, because she made him do an extra essay to comepnsate, which he did. So his GPA is saved. :crossed_fingers:

After reaching out to the community center and explained, plus lots of apologies and promises of doing double shifts, they have decided that he will not be on probation :relieved:. He will be starting on his lift guard job this weekend.

S24 said he is ready for finals and everything else… we shall see about that.


That’s awesome!!

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D24 had her AP English Lit exam today. She said that she thought it was pretty easy, thought the essay prompts were easy, and she was able to come up with a bunch of stuff to write about. Also said that the books they’ve read this year and last year in English class helped a lot.

Her next AP exam/final is on Friday, then the rest are next week.