Parents of HS Class of 2024 3.0-3.4 GPA

On this fine Sunday morning, I thought I’d bring you all some Tales From The Drive-Thru window, courtesy of D24. Here are this week’s highlights:

  • “I have this one coworker who cannot figure out that the Grimace shakes are only supposed to be sold as part of a meal. They always sell them by themselves. But now I stopped caring because I’m tired of having to constantly fix it. So I decided to be like Elsa and let it go.”
  • “This other coworker always screws up taking orders. Like this 1 lady asked for JUST the nuggets and the guy put it in as a meal. So then my manager had to give her a refund. Just PAY ATTENTION! Why is it so hard?”
  • “This group of teenage boys came through the drive-thru and I was getting their order ready and they honked at me and 1 of them was very obviously checking me out and I was thinking, like, ‘Ugh, really? I don’t have time for this right now. Stop being so annoying.’” :joy:
  • “The most irritating customers are the 14 yr old teenage girls who come through the drive-thru in their parents’ golf cart and they’re all giggling. I mean, how is that even legal for you to drive a golf cart on city streets when you’re clearly not old enough to have a driver’s license?”
  • “The 2nd most irritating customers are the golf cart girls but their Karen mom is with them, only the mom is a passenger.”
  • “I am never hungry when I’m at work because it smells bad at the back of the kitchen by the 1st drive-thru window. So now I’m starving.”
  • “If I get a job somewhere else, can I quit McDonald’s?” Yes, child, you may. In fact, the sandwich shop next door is hiring. Go apply.

I mentioned the other day to DH that D24 & I momentarily considered researching Guilford College, but then ruled it out for reasons mentioned above. Cue huge Darth Vader sigh from DH. #triggered :joy:

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Hi - I’m new here so please feel free to redirect me if this isn’t the right way to go about this!

My D24 has grades inching towards 3.5, better if we don’t count freshman Covid year. SATs don’t break 1200. She wants a small school, and the most important thing to her is a beautiful campus. She’d prefer somewhere warm and with some sort of body of water on it. Maybe 2-3 quads and some stores and restaurants across the street. She’s likely to major in psych or poli-sci, so we’re all over the liberal arts schools. Anyone have any thoughts? We saw Connecticut College and that was a good fit, Elon right now has the top spot.

In return I can offer - I saw a ton of the engineering east coast smaller schools last year with a focus on computer science, for my S22. If anyone wants any feedback please let me know… we saw RIT, WPI, Rochester, etc., etc. Had a really great experience with him.




While I haven’t toured these 2, research Endicott (MA) and Fairfield (CT), both are on water. I heard that the senior dorms in Fairfield are gorgeous!
A lot of kids from from HS are going to Fairfield.

Applying ED to ConnCollege will really help with admissions.

Curious where your S22 landed. We toured all those colleges also.
I’m an alum of WPI, but it was too expensive for my S22.


You’re in the right place! We’re happy to have you here. :slight_smile:

I looked up Connecticut College on Naviance. It says that their acceptance rate is 37%. Their 2022-2023 Common Data Set is available online at Some info from the CDS:

  • 48% of applicants submit SAT scores
  • 16% submit ACT scores
  • 25-75th percentile range of SAT scores = 1180-1390
  • 25-75th percentile range of ACT scores = 28-32
  • pg. 10 shows the GPA range of enrolled students. Avg GPA was 3.81.

I think that Connecticut College might be sort of in the realm of reach, but that’s just my uninformed opinion.

Do you have preferences in terms of geography? Also, define “somewhere warm,” because that can mean different things to different people. :slight_smile:

By “some sort of body of water on it,” are we talking access to a pool? Or is a duck pond ok? Or school must be on a lake or on the coast near ocean? Or next to a river? Or a stream? :slight_smile:

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Hello everyone. DD24 is solidly in this gpa range. What an exciting year for all of us. We are in SoCal and DD24 only wants to consider California universities. We’ve toured a few. So far we like Chapman; Usfca, and Pepperdine is further down the list. For publics I like the smaller Cal States - Chico state; maybe Sonoma. We plan to check out LMU, Univ of San Diego, cal baptist. None of the UCs offer her major.
I thought she’d like St Mary’s but once we visited it screamed private school vibes and she’s so over the religious private school scene.
She hopes to study PR/ Communications with perhaps a minor in film. Kiddo is super involved in school activities, summer programs etc.
Oh - and we are not doing any standardized testing. :open_mouth:


Yes it is all over the place here. He is already feeling so much better after two doses.

What about Berry College in GA?

If the student isn’t up for a religious college, Berry would be wrong for them. I live in the region and know a little bit about Berry.

Hi. Yea, she wants to stay in Cali.

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My son landed at Colorado School of Mines - and he LOVES it. Getting away from the east coast was great, although I loved all the schools he checked out.


@JaimeT1050 My S24 has Conn College as his top choice right now, and also likes smaller schools with water on campus.

If warm is a priority, and she doesn’t have any issues with a more moderate to conservative vibe, I would check out Furman. Pretty campus with a lake, and a very cute town. We have family friends whose son loved it.

If she likes New England and doesn’t mind cold, Hobart & William Smith is on Seneca Lake, one of the Finger Lakes in upstate NY.

One I can recommend first hand because we just visited is Wheaton College in Norton, VA. It’s a very picturesque campus, with a pond in the middle. Vibe is friendly, laid back, small classes, great professors.

For a warm, beach campus, how about Eckard in St. Petersburg Florida? Looks lovely!


I’ve only been at CS Chico for a few people’s graduations, but it’s worth the hike up there to check out. A welcoming demeanor as California campuses go, nice melding of the campus and town environments (very car-optional), and argueably the only CS with otter families in residence (a stream runs through the middle of the campus).


Yes we plan to visit for the Wildcat Preview weekend in October.

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Sorry I meant to respond to JaimeT1050

There’s something about Colorado. DS23 went to rule it out as he had his top two picked out and ended up loving it. Will be attending CSU this fall.


University of Redlands? ~2400 total undergrads


Yes! I have been looking Redlands. If I remember right, their public relations options are minimal. Preferably she attends a school with a strong Student -run PR agency / and a Prssa presence. I pay attention to schools whose PR and Advertising departments send kids to competitions and they do well. ASU has an impressive program, but she won’t look at Az. Also Cal State Fullerton has an amazing PR program. Kiddo has a bit of adhd and we’d prefer she’s at a smaller school so we won’t apply there.

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Colorado sounds awesome. I like U of Denver.

D24 decided today that she’s fully sick of working at McDonald’s and has now applied to 2 Jersey Mike’s locations, 2 Starbucks barista jobs near us, and applied for a cashier’s job at Panera Bread. She tried to negotiate w/DH & I today to quit McDonald’s, claiming that her having 100% free time will mean that she can go to an interview at any time. :joy: We shut that one down…sorry, kiddo, but unfortunately, in the working world, it’s far easier to get a new job if you’re currently employed.

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Off the top of my head, some schools that you might want to consider are:

  • St. Mary’s College of Maryland (it’s Maryland’s public liberal arts college…don’t be fooled by the name!)
  • Christopher Newport (VA) - more mid-sized at around 4500 undergrads
  • Hampton (VA) - HBCU
  • Flagler (FL)
  • Eckerd (FL)

Also, perhaps an honors college would work for her? Coastal Carolina (SC), Colllege of Charleston (SC), and UNC Wilmington are all along the water, too, and they’re all schools of 10-14k undergrads. I don’t know what the honors college requirements are, but sometimes they will except a separate application/appeal if she doesn’t meet the regular cutoffs.