Parents of HS Class of 2024 3.0-3.4 GPA

Just back from a road trip to Williamsburg with DD1. She absolutely loved W&M and is going to put in an ED2 application though definitely a reach. Something seems to have clicked with her executive functioning wise and her Q1 grades were high above cumulative GPA which is now 3.9 weighted. So hopefully those senior grades will help with this quest.

Fingers and toes will be crossed here until February!


D24 is getting her wisdom teeth removed today! I think I’m going to have a grumpy kid the rest of the week.

My D20 had her’s out over the summer. Definitely ice as much as possible- being consistent with icing kept her from bruising and only had very slight swelling. Drinking pineapple juice also helps with inflammation. Good luck!


D24 is having hers out next month as soon as they break for Christmas.

Hopes for a speedy recovery!

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@sbinaz I hope your daughter has a speedy recovery and can eat some mashed potatoes and stuffing on Thanksgiving. She probably could eat some cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie and whipped cream. S24 had his out a few summers ago as his molars were not coming in due to his wisdom teeth. He ate a lot of jello and ice cream. and milkshakes.

I was reading the other 2024 thread when I realized I never shared the news that S24 was unofficially accepted into his first choice school as an athletic recruit! He has verbally committed. We went out to dinner that night to celebrate and bought a bunch of gear online that night. He had bought a sweatshirt at his visit and more gear at the open house when the final decision was made.

I’m excited to share the remainder of the journey with you all. I keep checking his other portals for decisions but this school he was most enthusiastic about as was the coach for him.

Happy Thanksgiving!!


A big envelope arrived today from Austin College. In it was something that said that admitted students who visit in person before 5/1 will be awarded an extra $1000 in grant money. We are headed there for D24’s music audition on 2/19. So that $23,000 scholarship just became a $24,000 one.

I also know that regardless of one’s financial need, if you submit a FAFSA, she’ll be awarded a $500/yr college grant. We’ll take everything we can get.


This now officially puts Austin College in the ‘affordable’ category!


D24 submitted a college-specific financial aid form to Centre College and also submitted an application today for their music performance scholarship. Now we just need to get an in person audition scheduled.


So word on the street at school is that some of the seniors and their parents have received love notes (<-- sarcasm) from school saying, “Hey, you/your kid has too many unexcused absences and they won’t graduate if there’s more unexcused absences.” And there’s been much crying and gnashing of teeth about it.

D24 has only missed 2 days so far, but those were excused because of her wisdom teeth removal thing.

One of the seniors has missed 24 days of a first period art class…and it’s the kid’s fine art requirement for graduation.

So I told my kid to stay the course, don’t burn out. Trimester 2 is over on 2/9. It’s only a little over 2 more months of regular instruction left before senior project season starts. You can go to class for 2 more months!

** edited to add **
D24 hasn’t received any such love notes. In fact, some of the seniors have good-naturedly hassled her about how she never misses school. D24 said, “I don’t want to miss class because it’s such a big pain to make stuff up. It’s just easier to go to school and do it.”

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SOOOOO true!

I told DD024 that she can get Senioritis AFTER her 1st semester grades are in/sent to colleges.
S22’s 2nd semester HS grades dropped a grade in every class from Senioritis. I told him no C/Ds, don’t want colleges to rescind their offers.

S22 has skipped so many of his college morning classes. They’re 10am, not even 8am class.

I’ve dangled a bribe:

  • if you text me a picture of you in your morning class, I’ll add $25 to his diningdollar$
    He finally went to the class, texted me the picture.

I don’t know HOW but he’s getting A’s in his classes, even the ones he’s not attending. Because of that, I’m not harping too hard on him for skipping classes.


D24 has changed jobs again. :joy: Say bye bye to Taco Bell, and hello to Marshall’s. She started earlier this week. Kid said that this job is, by far, WAY better than Taco Bell or McD’s. “I pretty much did restocking the entire time and nobody really bugged me. It was great. No angry people in the drive-thru!”

Another big plus is that she actually gets breaks. Neither McD’s or Taco Bell EVER gave her breaks. Even a 10 min break on a 4-hour shift. A 30 min break for a 6 hour shift? Nope. Is that legal? NO!


I do think it is good for kids to have their first job be in fast food. It made me never want to do that again. I think that really was my toughest job or perhaps cleaning chickens before frying at a deli. YUCK! :face_with_peeking_eye:


D24 has been contacted by the NMSU dean of their Conroy Honors Program to apply! Would involve an additional $6000/yr award/stipend toward tuition. NMSU isn’t on the top half of the list, but we are going to encourage her to apply anyway in order to keep her options open.

The email from the dean even offered to meet w/her on a Zoom meeting so he could explain the program and answer any questions that she might have.


Update about S24 - he has applied to 3 colleges, UW Parkside, UW LaCrosse, and St. Norbert. He has received acceptances to Parkside and as of yesterday, LaCrosse, which seems to be his #1 choice.
He is undecided about major. I don’t know if LAX has the majors he’s interested in.
I have to learn about financial aid and the FAFSA.


Awesome news!

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Are we the only family up until the wee hours of last night getting the UC Application done? Along with last minute turn in for a couple of the Utah schools? D24 may have a slightly higher GPA than the range here, but executive functioning skills are a whole different challenge…

CSU App in, UCD and UCSC application in, fingers crossed Utah State and Univ or Utah get completed today…


It is December already! Two more weeks to early decisions from FSU and USF.
Hopefully things go well as we go into the holidays.
FSU has a study abroad information session next week and S24 decided to not attend as it is before the decisions!
We are planning to do study abroad the first semester.


With you waiting on UF and FSU (well, and UGA) as top choices. December may give me a heart attack :rofl:

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D24 got her first acceptance, to Lesley University! It is not her top choice, but it was a big boost to get an acceptance to a Real College in Massachusetts last night. One of her other schools (UNE) also posted on socials that EA decisions are being/ have been mailed, too. The other two - Wheaton and Endicott - have both said that their EAs will be out before winter break, as well,so, fingers crossed.

With a 3.0-ish (more like a 2.9, but her school goes out of 100 - so 82) GPA, she also got 12k a year in merit, FWIW.


Yay!! What great news!