Parents of students 3.5-3.8 gpa?

Fair enough - here’s a list from College Board. It doesn’t seem complete - but you can sort domestic for yes/no required. There’s far more yes but again, it appears the list is incomplete.

Trying to figure out what I was writing back to - but we often talk about the “named” schools and that’s perhaps where my comment was intended (not sure) - but your point is valid. Thanks

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@mo4620 Just chiming in about John Carrol. We camped near a group of their students several summers back and the students really impressed me with their friendly, easy-going natures and politeness.


May I ask what major? We are NY too.

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Reviving this thread for class of 24 senior year. Please come in if your student has a 3.5-3.8.

What schools are making the list? What are your safety/likely schools? Is your kid applying for honors or not bothering?


My student falls into this range. He attends a small private, and he’s looking at different types of schools, from large publics, to medium sized to small LAC’s. So he’ll have Boulder on his list as a safety (instate), and he also really likes the engineering program at Colorado Western University, also a safety, as you can walk into the program, complete the first two years of the program at the university and then, if you have received a minimal GPA your qualifying classes, you can continue on in the CU Boulder engineering program offered there.
He’s not absolutely certain that engineering absolutely needs to be his thing, so he also likes schools like DU, Trinity U (We wonder how conservative it would be there and also if he would be able to handle the heat), Santa Clara, Whitman, Occidental, Union College and possibly UC Davis, if he takes the time to fill out the UC application. We’re still looking for ideas of places where he would be happy to land. He likes being in the west but seems open to other areas as well.

The university itself is not very conservative, and San Antonio is a blue area in Texas (see 2020 election results map). So, depending on whether he needs a blue state or a blue community would impact Trinity’s fit.

Engineering is an option at DU, Santa Clara, and Union College, though, so it would remain an option at those schools.

Has he thought about Fort Lewis as another in-state safety? It has an ABET-accredited degree in general engineering and in computer engineering, so he could either stay here for his full college degree if he decides that engineering is his thing or transfer to Boulder (but not be required to transfer). With 3300 undergrads, it’s similar in size to Western Colorado (about 3100 undergrads).

Below are a few other schools he may want to consider, if he hasn’t already (all of which are ABET-accredited for various engineering disciplines but have many other offerings, too). Gonzaga and Seattle are both Jesuit schools, like Santa Clara.

  • Gonzaga (WA): About 5100 undergrads
  • Seattle (WA): About 4k undergrads
  • Southern Methodist (TX): About 7100 undergrads
  • U. of San Diego (CA): About 5700 undergrads
  • U. of Tulsa (OK): About 2600 undergrads

oh, it’s nice to see some action on this thread for class of 2024. This is where my D24 lands - to date, I’ve mostly been posting in the 3.0-3.4 thread, as it felt more comfortable than the regular class of 24 thread full of average excellent students.

This is my D’s list:
TCNJ (safety)
RIT (match)
Syracuse (match) - may or may not apply here…we are waiting to see if I qualify for a Tuition Exchange scholarship thru my employer
SUNY Bingahmton (reachy match - if that’s a thing)
Stevens Institute of Technology (reach)

She’s not applying honors anywhere.


My D23 is at Trinity U :slight_smile: I wouldn’t say it’s conservative at all, maybe left leaning moderate but more non-political as far as I can tell so far. If he’s interested I would show a lot of interest and definitely do the interview. Their acceptance rate was down to 28% this year. Being out of state continues to be helpful too. My daughter (we’re from the PNW) would tell you it is HOT but she’s having a great time, loves her classes and has found the people great.

Edited to add that Trinity is also ABET accredited in engineering.


Thanks for the info on Trinity University! Are most of your daughter’s friends from Texas? It would be nice if the school attracted some more geographic diversity. My son told me that an interview was highly recommended, so he’s going to do that.

I hadn’t realized that Fort Lewis offered engineering, so we will definitely look into that. Durango is a beautiful area, and my son is a mountain biker, so how could you go wring? All good suggestions. Thank you.

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Probably 60% Texas. A lot of Colorado, California, and New Orleans. What has been nice is that there aren’t a lot of kids who know each other from high school. We were a little worried about that but it’s not an issue.


I know families with students at all of these schools who really like them. Stevens has a brand new dorm with a million dollar view of NYC. Good luck!

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Thanks for reviving. GPA is in the 3.6’s unweighted. ACT is a 30, and waiting for last round of scores.

We are no longer dividing schools into reaches etc. Son will apply to public schools such as UGA, U Maryland, Cu Boulder and Penn State. Private schools include GW, Syracuse, Tulane and Miami.


Why aren’t you - to ensure you have a school you’ll get into. You will - given that list At lease CU.

Plus, what are your goals. For example, at some schools of similar ilk (to the publics), it would get mad merit. At others, like a CU, likely full pay of $6250 off. I would continue to ensure that any list one has continues to meet ones need - first and foremost with admissability. And hten other things that matter to each family.

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So long as son has a choice of three schools he likes, we’re fine. We can pay in full, but the merit would be nice, especially if it makes him feel good about himself.

Obviously, we don’t know about your kid - but major and other things would help.

But a 3.6 and 30 will likely be a no at UGA and UMD as well as Tulane and Miami.

It may be a yes at PSU and Syracuse - but may not and likely would be a yes at Colorado - but again, it depends on major and other things.

Just throwing out a high merit opportunity - an Alabama, for example, would bring $24K off the $33K tuition. So that’s mid 20s all in.

There’s other schools that could be good in merit - a Ms State, Mizzou, and more. Depending on major, Purdue is a low cost school - and could be an in - if not engineering/CS/Aviation, etc.

You might be fine - but given the list that you put up and again, not knowing what kind of school or the overall student profile - but I might think a bit wider and do a chance me.

There’s others - but you have to decide - what’s important, etc - whether it’s money, whether it’s location, where they want to be - but also to ensure you have a proper list (which you may) - but given the stats and schools listed, not sure you’ll have three choices. It’s possible but also not possible.

Good luck.

Some happy news: the ACT is now a 31.

Plus, the gpa might be closer to 3.7 depending on how various schools count certain grades/courses.

We’re sticking with our choices (plus Indiana) and I’m going to buy myself a carton of Tums.


I think it sounds like a great list! Keep us posted!

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No Tums needed - it depends on major but IU is a slam dunk and CU is likely a slam dunk.

You had said three :slight_smile:

Save the $$ on the TUMs.

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After a lot of researching and good discussions over the summer, S24 has decided he’s interested in pursuing an English degree (does not want to teach but is considering Library Science after undergrad is done). He’s realized he doesn’t want a lot of debt so he started focusing on SUNY schools plus others where he might qualify for merit aid.

Still working on a final list here, but here’s what we have now:

  1. University at Buffalo (this was his top choice for the past year, but he’s starting to wonder if it might be too big a school)
    2.SUNY Oswego (he’s starting to think this might be his best fit, although we’ve heard winters are brutal)
  2. SUNY Oneonta
  3. SUNY Geneseo
  4. Siena College
  5. University of New Hampshire

I think all of these ought to be in either the Target or Safety realms, though I’m concerned about him not having enough ECs. He’s working on the essay this week and he’s a pretty good writer, so maybe that will help him stand out.

Also on the “maybe” list: SUNY Albany, SUNY New Paltz, Ithaca College, and Marist.

He’s on the fence about applying to honors programs - I think he’s intimidated, which I totally understand. The honors program at Oswego appeals to him but the latest SUNY data sheets suggest that his scores might not be high enough to qualify. So I guess we’ll see.

I’m already losing sleep and it’s only September…gah!