Parents of students 3.5-3.8 gpa?

Another thing while I’m on here… S24 also got a couple of those “you’ve been selected for our fast track application” emails for schools that are offering no fee, no essay apps. At least one of them is a school that was in his original list but got crossed off because he thought it was too small.

To me it feels a little like a waste of time if they were not already on his list, but his point was that it’s zero risk.

To be fair, at least a couple of these are coming from schools that should be safeties for him, so these would probably be easy admits. I suppose seeing an acceptance pop up would help his confidence.

What do you all think - is it worth a little extra time to submit any of these, or should he continue to focus on the current list only?

I think the biggest thing is that a person should only apply to a school they would actually attend. So, having a big pile of “yes!” from places you really don’t want to go, even if it is completely free… that doesn’t really solve the problem of where you’re going to college next year.

If there’s at least 1 that S24 would actually go to (albeit, assuming there were no better options), then yeah, apply there. But don’t apply somewhere S24 just wouldn’t go, and would rather have a gap year working retail instead of attending…


Like UMN and Colorado School of Mines do those.

We did them - but did the essays. But my son had interest.

Always do the essays regardless of what they say.

It’s worth time - if there’s any chance he’d consider them and they’re easy enough so that you don’t derail other stuff. But if there’s zero interest, than why bother?

Sometimes schools come into play that weren’t on the list - that’s what happened to my son - out of the blue.

Really depends on time management, etc. Some kids just want more acceptances - makes em feel good.

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Looking at your S’s list I think (unless things changed) Siena College offers an extremely fast turnaround time for decisions. I would have him apply there ASAP and hopefully that will become the acceptance he has in hand quickly.

FWIW my S (who applied a number of years ago) was accepted by Siena in October. Siena was a college he liked and that acceptance took tons of pressure off the rest of the process and allowed us to further cut down his application list (no reason to apply to colleges he didn’t like as much as Siena after his acceptance). Ultimately he did not attend Siena, but the college was one the schools we re-visited at the end of the process.

Also we visited Marist and liked it (S did not attend there either) and his close friend went to SUNY New Paltz and had a very good experience. If interested, you may be able to visit both in one day.


I get the sense that he wants to be able to say “even if I didn’t get in anywhere else, at least I’d have this one.”

My gut says this is really what’s making him consider that, at least for one school in particular (Canisius, which is not too far from us and was on his original list until he said he wanted something larger).

So maybe it would make sense for him to do just that one, and then turn his attention back to applications for his actual list once that’s out the door…


Good point… I’ll look into that, because Siena is actually ON the list so would be more worth his time. Thanks!


do you mean a 3.5 - 3.8 weighted GPA?

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I don’t think there are strict rules for this thread, but it’s mainly for students whose GPAs aren’t “high stats” but also don’t fit into the 3.0-3.4 GPA thread.

Some schools don’t weight GPAs, so unweighted works well.




I’m really excited about this thread. My youngest falls into this category, and although she is class of 2025 and still has some time yet in school, I’m guessing she’ll stay pretty much where she is now (3.8 UW) with some solid, but not amazing extra curriculars.

She would prefer to stay in the west, but plans to apply to a few schools that are farther away like perhaps Pitt or similar. I think a small school would be a great choice for her, but right now she’s drawn to larger ones.

I’ll be following along on your journeys with your '24 grads and hope to learn from your experiences. Best wishes, everyone!


Appreciate this thread for my S24. He has 3.6 GPA and 1450 SAT. He has long term volunteer experiences, long term PT job, one long term sport and a mix of 8 honors/AP courses-Sr year has 3 APs. On his list of colleges: Publics incl Rutgers (instate) Univ of S.C., Univ Rhode Island, Univ of Delaware, maybe UMASS amherst, & JMU; Privates incl: Elon, Fairfield, College of Charleston, maybe Syracuse. Interested in social sciences: psych and forensics. He is not interested in schools under 5K-after visiting. Any other suggestions or strategies to current list appreciated-son wants to stay on east coast. TIA!


We have a very similar list! D24 has a uw 3.83, w 4.1, test optional. 8 AP and very good EC. She is applying poli sci to most of your list (Syracuse, Elon, Fairfield, UDel, Umass, and also Lehigh as a reach). She’s also applying to American, UVM and Univ Denver (if he’s willing to go west).
UNH is in her back pocket as a late application if things aren’t going well.
She sent in Pitt today as a bit of a trial balloon. Good luck! Gulp


Take a look at Univ Denver. Great campus in a great city.


@tsbna44 has a daughter at College of Charleston and speaks very highly of it, if you’d like to reach out with questions.

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Thank u

Check the Charleston Fellows program with those stats. They have a Crime, Law and Society minor - not sure if there’s forensics in it - but you can combine with Pscyh.

The top 7 schools on the 3rd link are all East - in case it opens more ideas for you as most/all would be attainable.

Charleston Fellows Program - College of Charleston (

Crime, Law and Society - College of Charleston (

Best Forensic Science Degree Colleges in the U.S. | 2023 (

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we r on same track, which is validating! I liked UDenver’s website and really want him to extend geographically. But he has resisted. UVM is in our orbit too. Forgot about that one.We had a couple friends tour and had mixed reviews about it. So we need to see and feel it out.

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TY! U are a wealth of knowledge and truly it is appreciated. Thank u for links to CofC! We have looked at the 6/7 on the list link u sent. I thought GW was a bit too reachy for him, but maybe Im selling him short. Will reassess. New Haven was crossed off after virtual tour. But I will have him circle back in person especially if others dont work out in early round. 3 on the list are very urban campuses (we toured 2) and though programs are very attractive, location/energy was not.

Charleston is urban but not GW urban and it’s not as large as Philly. I assume your too urban was related to Drexel and VCU. Then GW would be out.

Know nothing about UNH - but it has a forensics institute. If it’s not right, it’s not right. But if you’re close enough, maybe worth a visit?

Hofstra would be big merit. Doesn’t get a lot of love on the CC - but their NPC will tell you the scholarship. I’ve always thought it has a decent name. What were your thought there?

A 3.6 (UW) and 1450 can work at GW if you demonstrate interest. Worst case, if he likes it and not all do (my daughter hated it - just “too” urban - but worst case you get rejected. It’s good to get rejected somewhere. Both my kids did - and I’m glad - they reached. Doesn’t mean you need to - if your schools are all safe, then so be it. But GW - not impossible - I’ll leave it at that. So yes, you’re selling him short :slight_smile: - even if he doesn’t get in. If you like - get on it. ED is the ultimate interest but you can express other ways - but it is PRICEY. And they finally, I believe, have on campus dining - didn’t in 2021. But if you felt the other two were two urban - they got nothing on GW :slight_smile: But maybe I’m reading your message wrong.

Miami of Ohio is like - in some ways a huge Elon - and it has a forensics minor - and they give good merit. It’s "isolated’ but it’s not that far from your target zone - just to throw out another.

W Carolina tuition is like $11K OOS - and it’s got a program too. There’s probably more colleges than we even know in forensics of some sort.

Forensic Investigation Minor < Miami University (

Western Carolina University - Forensic Science (

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This is super helpful! Are there other schools you know of that estimate merit aid in NPC? Helps target schools financially!