Parents of students 3.5-3.8 gpa?

Bradley does or did. Others have auto merit. You just know - not your tyoes but Bama, UAH, Arizona, Ms State, Truman State, WVU, Mizzou , Murray State, and so many more. Others like Miami Ohio and U of SC will give you minimal ranges.

You need to look at costs too. So W Carolina is just inexpensive relative to others as are schools like the Ohio regionals, SUNYs, U Maine. FSU is another. So that may trump possible merit although they have it too.

You have schools in mind ? We can try to help narrow possible costs …

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Thinking of my junior who wants small in warm weather - still early ofc but considering Elon, Rollins, Rhodes, Furman, Eckerd, Charleston, East Carolina Univ, Reach: W&M (OOS), Emory, Richmond, Rice, Davidson (I’d imagine reach will not give any merit)

Stats will est around 4.3W (3.7UW)/ 1400 SAT/ rank around 40/350ish

You can look at each of the colleges on here from last year and they show what each person received - so you can figure out. You can also look at the common data set to see what % get merit.

Elon - assume full pay but they have small merit.

Rollins - yes merit

Rhodes - yes merit

Furman - yes merit

Charleston - yes

ECU - yes

W&M - now - assume full pay.

Emory - has it if you apply by Nov 15- but assume full pay

Richmond - has it - not sure how common.

Rice - has merit and the RIce Investment - so if your assets aren’t huge, - if income is $75K or less, it’s aull ride; $140K or less - free tuition, $200K or less - half tuition - oh, but you have to get in.

Davidson - has some big time scholarships I think.

Of those likely @&M, Emory, Rice and Davidson won’t happen. If Richmond does, no merit.

Looks like ECU has a scholarship app - but you can apply to WCU and just know tuition is $11K, etc.

Good luck.

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There’s a number of them, and unfortunately I forgot all about this thread, otherwise I could have been adding more of them as I came across them! Financial Pre-reads, including merit + merit ED


Your son might want to look into Christopher Newport which is slightly below 5k, but not by much (about 4500 undergrads). SUNY Geneseo with about 4800 undergrads would be another possibility, and tuition would cost no more than at Rutgers (there’s a flagship tuition match program). Binghamton doesn’t do the flagship match, but it could still be a possibility (about 14k undergrads).

I’d add Wofford to that list and if W&M isn’t too big, then I’d add Christopher Newport, too. Also, Loyola New Orleans could be a contender, too.

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Coastal Carolina (SC) and a host of smaller colleges in NC might fit the bill.


Major is still undecided but some sort of science. Either pre-med/health or graduate research oriented likely.

I would have to echo Wofford. Around 2K students with Division 1 athletics, and there is a strong pre-med track there while not busting your budget. It’s hard to completely estimate aid, but 90% of students get it within 24-32K per year of aid. It is definitely worth a look as my son has really loved it there and he came from a pretty large public NC.


Is that estimated amount how much aid kids get or the net cost they get to after aid? Sticker price with room/board is like $73k. So with $24k aid, that’s still close to $50k. Hoping to ideally keep it close to in state cost which would be around $30k.

Just found this thread. S24 falls right into this category


Guilford College is worth a look. Small, liberal, diverse, in Greensboro, gives good aid. Here is a recent review:


Again, a little hard to forecast, but not many if any are paying more than around 36K per year there. The sticker goes up, but so has the aid through the past years. My son was offered tuition around 29K per year after it was all said and done with very good but not incredible stats-


Just curious if there are any other athletic recruits on this thread? My S25 is planning to run in college.


DS24 belongs on this category ( I think ). 3.95 W, but applying TO as he didn’t do well. National Hispanic Recognition Scholar so he qualifies for a really good scholarship at Alabama and is now seriously considering it ( already admitted) Also applying to Clemson, Fordham, VT, JMU, VCU, NC State, UofSC, possibly W&M ( reach ). He is not expecting to get into many of these schools. Anywhere else we should consider applying?


D24 has a 3.69uw and 4.07w. TO. Strong junior year with lots of IB classes (not doing the diploma).

Final list tentatively looks like Pitt, Penn State, Indiana, UVM, Loyola Chicago and Clark, though I think Clark is dropping off her list at this point due to small size.


This depends on where you’re from (I assume VA), budget and desired expense. Ie your budget may be $50k but your preference is $30k etc.

If a school is $50k you really like and Bama is on average $10k - less the first year - which is being chosen ? If Bama, then lose the OOS schools etc.

TO will hurt at the others and the UW GPA might - u show weighted. Do you know the unweighted ?

What is his major? What is your budget? Going TO limits many options. If he is willing to retake and improve, I would consider looking at Louisville, Nebraska – Lincoln, New Mexico State, U South Florida. My son did not want to attend NMSU and UNL, but did apply to USF and was accepted with big merit (COA ~$16K per year). NCSU will be darn near impossible with those stats if OOS, in state could be possible based on major.

@murray93 My daughter may do track. She is still deciding whether she will choose a school just for the school or because of the school and running. She won’t go to a school just for the athletics. Is your son doing CC or track or both?

He is a sprinter so he is track only. We are also only looking at schools where he’d be happy without track — and potentially using it as an admissions boost. He didn’t take school very seriously freshman and sophomore year and is playing catch up right now.

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Yes. We don’t really want to pay much. Which is why Bama is more and more attractive as time goes by. His UW is 3.5. He has rigor ( 10 APs ) but has too many B’s.

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