Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>^^LIMOM: Great description! Exactly what happens here. And the reasons for not wearing them (except to sleep or workout) are the same! :slight_smile: My D and S did get one pair of scrubs! Like your S, my S never wore them at all. My D did save them all until recently. We did donate them to a homeless shelter. She did save a few of those of her closest friends and of course from her own Bat Mitzvah. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Speaking of cleaning out
 are hardcover books recyclable?</p>

<p>I have an entire set of Childcraft Encyclopedias from about 1970, as well as a 5 Childcraft Annuals, from 1968-72. I looked on eBay, people were selling entire sets from 1970 for $9.95 (with no bidders yet), that’s 15 books. Not worth it. I can’t think of anyone to donate them to, the info is out-of-date and even if it isn’t, kids can easily look this stuff up online.</p>

<p>I was gonna throw them in our recycle bin, but I’m not sure if they can be recycled? I need the shelf space and I refuse to put anything else in the attic!</p>

<p>No, you can’t recycle books, because of the glue used in the bindings. You could call Goodwill or the Salvation Army and see if they’ll take them, despite some of the contents being out-of-date.</p>

<p>Laf: My H says hardcover books are recyclable
“They’re paper! Completely recyclable!” Just one man’s opinion. :)</p>

<p>Booklady: We crossposted! And since I remember you said you are a rare book dealer, I trust your expertise. Of course, my stubborn H still thinks (even with the glue) that he’s right! I had to ask!</p>

<p>And now I googled
Booklady you are correct (no surprise there!) The suggestion is to call Waste Management. Some towns collect them separately
If you can remove the binders/glue
pages within are recyclable. I like when I learn something new for the day. ;)</p>

<p>Well, the choice is the recycle bin or the garbage can. I can’t imagine anyone wanting 15 children’s encyclopedias that are 40 years out of date.</p>

<p>Just checked our town’s recycling guidelines. On things that CAN be recycled, it specifically lists paperback books. Hardcover books are not listed on either the “do recycle” OR the “don’t recycle” list.</p>

<p>(cross-posted with booklady)</p>

<p>ks, this might actually vary by municipality. I know that we can’t recycle them around here (because of the glue), so Lafalum, you might check with your town and see what the policy is.</p>

<p>ETA: I just googled, and one town’s website (that does accept books) says: “books are separated from other paper grades. Because of the glue binding, they are a bit trickier to recycle.”</p>

<p>Booklady: I agree!</p>

<p>Re books: a lot of nursing homes would be delirious with joy to have them.</p>

<p>zooser: That’s a GREAT idea! ;)</p>

<p>You could try Craigslist. People on there will take just about anything.</p>

<p>The whole sweatshirt thing is really surprising to me. I’ve grown up in a large Catholic community and have never been to a Bar Mitvah. A girl in my class did have a huge sweet sixteen party freshmen year (she was almost on the MTV show) and gave out shirts which said Team [insert name] here. I wasn’t invited to her party nor did I care.</p>

<p>My D was in a sweet 16 court and the birthday girl gave personalized jackets like the Pink Ladies from Greece. I don’t think my D has ever worn it, but it was adorable</p>

<p>Somehow I don’t think a nursing home wants Childcraft encyclopedias. They’re aimed at elementary school kids.</p>

<p>I could try Craigslist or Freecycle. Or I could just chuck them

<p>Don’t get me started on Sweet 16’s. Thank heavens my D didn’t want one. She said it would be too hard to pick who to invite and who to leave out. She went to a few, but I honestly never saw the point in them, and I don’t think she did either.</p>

<p>Parent56, I finally got to watch the wedding video. So beautiful and moving. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.</p>

<p> :sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny:
♬♬ Happy Birthday to coskat’s dear daughter! ♬♬ </p>

<p>Congratulations on the 2000th post, mdemvizi. Enjoy meeting your new sister-in-law. I’m sure she will adore you. :slight_smile: And congratulations on getting accepted into the Jumpstart program at Ithaca. That sounds :cool:. Four weeks from today
 I will be driving to Nashville. :)/:(</p>

<p>Youdon’tsay - Congrats to your son on his Brain Olympics success. :)</p>

<p>kindredspirit - :eek: I am sorry to read about your computer. Your new Mac sounds like just the ticket. I am using a PC this summer. I miss the Mac. I hope you enjoyed your coffee and conversation. :)</p>

<p>Yes! Opening night! I hope you and your talented daughter enjoy every minute of the performance, austinmtmom. Your daughter is so organized! Whew!</p>

<p>momof3sons - Waving! :slight_smile: Hope you and your guys are doing well.</p>

<p>The Vanderbilt send-off party was lovely. The hosts were very nice and the freshmen seemed to enjoy visiting with the alumni. The alumni outnumbered the freshmen by about thirty, so there was a very diverse group. Nice!</p>

<p>sewemma - I am continuing my thoughts and prayers for you and your family. I agree with others that you should take as long as you want for your special words of love. Sending a special prayer for your sister’s daughter and your dear mom. I love the idea of wearing your sister’s earrings. Very sweet. Love and hugs to you.</p>

<p>Sewemma – Still sending thoughts and prayers your way from your virtual family. Hang in there. Thank You again for keeping us focused on what is really important. Take all the time that you need. When someone tells me I have to do something in X minutes and X is unreasonable, I reply
 “you didn’t specify X minutes on which planet.”</p>

<p>t_c – Welcome back! PB Dorm is the only one that tracked us down so far.</p>

<p>Applicanot – Based on the activity here, maybe you should offer to help clean your friend’s room.</p>

<p>Keil – I agree with t_c. I travel a lot and often end up with a hotel room with a mini-fridge / freezer. The freezers can almost never be used like a “real” freezer, i.e. don’t put ice cream in them unless you want ice cream soup by the next day. They can be used to super-cool a bottle of water or something.</p>

<p>Parent56 - “omg
 son will be in heaven
not only met the professor
 he is now doing rounds with him!!!”. It must have been a long day as I read this as “omg
 son will be in heaven
not only met the professor
 he is now doing shots with him!!!”</p>

<p>MLH – We had D2 take out a loan so that she would have some “skin in the game” too.</p>

<p>BT – When your S gets to Vandy, make sure he checks out a little establishment (OK, dive bar) called “The End”. Ironically enough, it is behind the Methodist church. I saw Hank Williams III there earlier this year
 now that was an experience.</p>

<p>re: ISBN – ISBN is supposed to be edition specific, but be careful and check the title / edition when ordering esp. for some of the 3rd parties on Amazon.</p>

<p>re: room cleaning – I’d sooner handle asbestos with my bare hands. :)</p>

<p>Accounts are all set up for paying the school. Oh yay! I can hardly wait. :)</p>

<p>Lately, D2 has been going out with friends at night a lot. DW asked her if she is trying to make up for all those years of staying home and studying. On nights that we have to get up for work the next day, D2 has to be home at what we consider to be a reasonable time (not reasonable for D2 I’m sure). Yeah, we’re one of those mean sets of parents with a curfew since one of us inevitably stays up waiting for D2 to get home.</p>

<p>Tonight’s conversation as D2 was heading out the door:
DW: It’s Thursday night, so that means

D2: I have to be home by X o’clock.
DW: Right! Now you can roll your eyes back down where they belong.
(DW once asked D2 if she was planning on becoming a professional eye roller).</p>

<p>I missed out on so much having only brothers, but I’m getting paid back.</p>

<p>Hi everyone, I am still working on becoming less of a reader and more of a poster. It is funny to read about what to do with the all the bar/bat mitzvah t shirts, D2’s is next month and we are getting t shirts, really just because that is what everyone does here (NY). My kids wear the t shirts for sleeping, working out etc, I don’t think S1 bought any of his to school with him and D1 probably won’t either. I was too nice and let the kids leave behind everything they didn’t want to bring to college, I need to make them go through everything and get rid of some stuff.</p>

<p>Is anyone’s child having social problems this summer? D’s friends were the “good” girls in high school, never really into drinking or anything, but this summer a few of her friends have sort of decided to go wild before college. They are partying almost every night, and D just isn’t comfortable with it. They now think she is a prude, and aren’t really including her in things. This isn’t all of her friends, of course, but a lot of other friends, including her boyfriend, are away a lot, so she has been feeling pretty lonely. I took her out this afternoon for a little bit of a girls day, and finally got her to admit why she’s been so upset lately. She is definitely ready to leave for college. (And yes I know their will be partying in college too, but hopefully she will be able to find other things to, she isn’t totally against partying just not every day.)</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2, I would donate them. In winter, warm clothes are warm clothes, people don’t care what is written on the item.</p>

<p>Lafalum84, That is so sweet that your son has pictures of himself as a child in his colleges gear. We’ve got pictures of PMKjr in lots of Smith gear but we never really thought he’d go there. Okay
a little wishful thinking sometimes! </p>

<p>coskat, My “cure” to keep myself from becoming a future hoarder has been to give the organization gurus in my life the okay to help me from time to time. For my sister and for a friend of mine, they are so happy to be given permission to declutter that all I have to do is feed and thank them!</p>

<p>jackief, Naturally I hope your D likes NEU!</p>

<p>parent56, Doing rounds?! How cool!</p>

<p>I cannot believe that some of our kids will be living in dorms by August 19!</p>

<p>sewemma, I think you should speak slowly and go over the time limit because it sounds like the kind of thing your sister would enjoy. Her daughter sounds like a wonderful person; the legacy we all hope to have.</p>

<p>Hey, guys! We’re still in VA for our orientation/vacation excursion. Having fun, but it’s hot. Today was especially steamy while we were outside at Busch Gardens. The one thing different about VA from our neck of the woods, however, is that at least it cools down in the evening here. D checked the weather and it was over 100 at 7:00 p.m. back home! :eek:</p>

<p>Re: Bar/Batmizvahs
We have several friends who are Jewish, and I am floored at how much $ they spend on these events. Our friends who have daughters spend 25-30K for each batmizvah. They then remind us about the wedding that will follow about 10-15 years later. Yikes!!!</p>

God will pull you and your family through this tragedy. I will continue to pray for strength during this difficult time. </p>

Congrats on your son going off to Yale.</p>

You have me giddy with anticipation at your “news”. I can’t wait to hear!</p>

You must be SO proud! Have fun at the musical!</p>

Congrats to your son on his cabin’s victory.</p>

My D would be pea green with envy if she knew about your DS2’s internship at Mass General. In fact, we’re getting ready to watch Boston Med now. :D</p>

Your retreat sounds really cool. What a fabulous bonding opportunity you have!</p>

<p>Believe it or not, my D’s (and our’s) fears were alleviated Tuesday – she was able to get into all the classes she wanted. :slight_smile: She does want to switch sections for one of her classes (physics), but other than that, everything was great. When we entered the sample dorm at orientation, we got a lot of smiles, snickers, and stares as we took the tape measure and proceeded to measure the random, obscure things that weren’t listed on the website. I wanted to explain/justify, “The reason I’m measuring the chair is because I’m making a slipcover for it,” or “The reason I’m measuring this section of the wall is because we’re going to purchase an inexpensive wardrobe for her so that she and her roommate will both have a decent closet,” but I didn’t. I just walked out embarrased. :stuck_out_tongue: We are going to give it the “college try” (pun intended) and make this less than desirable room as livable as we possibly can. (BTW
do any of your kids have dorm rooms with one closet? Our D’s room was the first, and only, dorm room I’ve ever seen that has one closet. Typically, dorm rooms have two very, very small closets; hers has one the size of one individual in a normal room. It’s bizarre. Maybe it’s common at some of the really old schools??? :confused: Anyone know?) My husband is dreading trying to lug all of her heavier stuff up 3 flights of stairs (no elevator) in a building without airconditioning in August; it’s going to be toasty. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>jc40, my son lived in a dorm for four years, they found a way to make it livable. I am an Interior Decorator and I did not get involved! I consider his room at home to be very nice and he loves it, well except for the cornices he loved at 7 but now would like changed! I think he considers his room at home to be almost a vacation spot, his room at our NC was decorated by me as well. I think he likes the “comforts of home” and the independence and basics of dorm living. Daughters are of course an unknown quantity to me!</p>