Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Have at it guys! Sorry to make you wait an extra 7 hours. </p>

<p>Please introduce yourself and your lovely family.</p>

<p>The thread that got us here
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>and the thread that began it all!
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>We've had a great group in the past threads, moms, dads, a grandmother! and students from this class, please anyone who felt the old group was too tight take this opportunity to join in and post. We'll be posting a list of where the kids from the past thread are headed, if you care to share we will add you to our growing family also.</p>

<p>I'll post more after reading the last couple pages of 2010. We are now parents of 14ers! Thanks for waiting to give me this honor!</p>

<p>And here are our mascots, the cool dudes, who got us through the journey so far, so glad they are staying with us on this new thread!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Good morning all! I have made the leap to the new thread. I’ve got coffee on if anybody wants some. Special for the opening of this new thread, I’ve brewed pure Kona.</p>

<p>Let’s see. In my lovely family, we have DH, DsS (step-son), and myself. DsS is working as a camp counselor for 8 weeks. He takes 2 days off this month for SUNY Albany Honors College orientation. He moves into the dorm 24AUG10.</p>

<p>Maine Longhorn maintains an alphabetical list of who (or who’s child) is going where, here is the version where I grouped it by school.</p>

<p>Boston University 1
momonthehill’s D</p>

<p>Brown 3
astromom’s D
L.A.Parent’s S
momof2men’s S</p>

<p>Bryn Mawr 1
Queen’s Mom’s D</p>

<p>Cal Poly Pomona 1
gotaplay2’s D</p>

<p>Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 1
lilmom’s S</p>

<p>Caltech 1
PaperChaserPop’s S</p>

<p>Carleton 4
aliceinw’s S
neumes’ S
pmartin57’s D
Youdon’tsay’s S</p>

<p>Carnegie Mellon 1

<p>Coastal Carolina 1
austinmtmom’s D</p>

<p>Colorado College 1
skier29’s S</p>

<p>Columbia 1
LetsGoMets’s S</p>

<p>Elon 1
Lafalum84’s D</p>

<p>Emerson 2
intouch1520’s D
runnersmom’s niece</p>

<p>George Washington 1
1sttimemom’s D</p>

<p>Goucher 1
nightchef’s S</p>

<p>Grinnell 1
sDonCC’s S</p>

<p>Hampshire College 1
ALF’s S</p>

<p>Harvard 3
Bubbe’s GS
mountaingoat’s D</p>

<p>Haverford 1
Bclintonk’s D</p>

<p>Ithaca 1

<p>Kenyon 1
boiledegg’s D</p>

<p>Loyola Chicago 1
mpabon’s D</p>

<p>Louisiana State University 1

<p>Macalester 1
Cecil’s S</p>

<p>Marymount Manhattan 1
showmom858’s D</p>

<p>Middlebury 1
journey919’s D</p>

<p>Northeastern 1
pugmadkate’s S</p>

<p>Northwestern 2
FindAPlace’s S
momof3sons’ S3</p>

<p>Oberlin 1
qialah’s D</p>

<p>Ole Miss 1’s S</p>

<p>Pitzer 1
mom2sons’ S2</p>

<p>Pomona College 1
BengalMom’s S</p>

<p>Princeton 2
GSharpM7’s D
hopeful12345’s D</p>

<p>Rhodes 1
mimimomx3’s D</p>

<p>Rice 1
MuppetMom’s D</p>

<p>Scripps 1
scualum’s D</p>

<p>Smith 2

<p>St. Olaf 1
robinsuesanders’ S</p>

<p>Stanford 1

<p>SUNY Albany 1
donnagal’s S</p>

<p>Swarthmore 3
2girls4me’s D
momof3sons’ S2</p>

<p>Tufts 3
CountingDown’s S
mathmom’s S
momof2inma’s D</p>

<p>University of Alabama 2
AL34’s S
RobD’s D</p>

<p>University of Alabama Birmingham 1
parent56’s S</p>

<p>University of Buffalo 1
coskat’s D</p>

<p>University of California Santa Barbara 1
esobay’s S</p>

<p>University of California Berkeley 1
IloveLA’s D</p>

<p>University of Central Florida 1
WhirledPeas2u’s D</p>

<p>University of Chicago 2
jackief’s D
motherbear332’s S</p>

<p>University of Cincinnati 1
mommuisc’s S</p>

<p>University of Delaware 2
Booklady’s S
zoosermom’s D</p>

<p>University of Illinois 1
BerneseMtn’s S</p>

<p>University of Maryland 1
ELY’s S</p>

<p>University of North Carolina 1
BUandBC82’s S</p>

<p>University of Pennsylvania 1
kindredspirit’s D</p>

<p>University of Redlands 2
missemily516’s D
vballmom’s S</p>

<p>University of Rochester 1
PinotNoir’s S</p>

<p>University of Scranton 1
1sokkermom’s D</p>

<p>University of Southern California 1
pixeljig’s S</p>

<p>University of Texas at Austin 2
MaineLonghorn’s S
SWTCAT’s D</p>

<p>University of Virginia 3
2education’s S
curiousmother’s D
shillyshally’s D</p>

<p>Vanderbilt 1
BlessedTwice’s S</p>

<p>Vassar 1
psychmom’s D</p>

<p>Villanova 2
archiemom’s S

<p>Wake Forest 1
DougBetsy’s S</p>

<p>Washington University in St. Louis 3
limabeans’s S
PAO2008’s D
sacchi’s S</p>

<p>Wesleyan 1
sewemma’s S</p>

<p>Wheaton (MA) 1
SLUMOM’s S</p>

<p>William & Mary 1
anothercrazymom’s S</p>

<p>Williams 1
GTalum’s D</p>

<p>Yale 2
learninginprog’s S
vicariousparent’s D</p>

<p>Good morning, I am mpabon and I have a daughter going to Loyola Chicago. I am in Northern California</p>

<p>Greetings all!
Hi, I’m momof3sons! (Hello momof3sons.) Hi, I’m momof3sons and I’m addicted to cc. :smiley:
I have…3 sons. </p>

<p>DS#1 has finished his third year in a Ph.D. program in Political Science at the U. of Chicago. He’s living out there thinking about his dissertation and teaching undergrads. DS#2 & #3, the reasons I am present and accounted for, just graduated from high school.</p>

<p>DS#2 will enter Swarthmore College in the fall, thinking about a Bio major with a view towards an eventual M.D. or M.D./Ph.D. He is currently in Boston for 2 months, working at Mass General Hospital in the Neurology Clinical Trials Unit.</p>

<p>DS#3 will enter Northwestern University, specifically their theatre program. He plans to become the greatest actor of his generation. :wink: We like to call him “a legend in his own mind.” He is working as a day camp counselor this summer with a group of ill-behaved kindergarten boys. He is also acting in a local Shakespeare production.</p>

<p>Shout-out and waving wildly to all my “peeps.” :D</p>

<p>Hello there, I joined cc when my D was headed off to a summer program at Phillips Exeter and I wanted the lowdown on logistics (where is the laundry etc) and I’ve stuck around as she became interested in the college search process pretty early. We got some good insight on schools to consider though here and she is thrilled to be attending the University of Chicago in the fall. Not sure on major, for a while she was talking about Psychology, but has tilted more towards languages (mostly ancient ones) and cultures. I know she will take advantage of as my opportunities as she can. She is working this summer at a resident camp and enjoying herself without school assignments taking up free time. Great to have a carefree summer!</p>

<p>I have a rising junior D also who is not quite as into the college process, we will visit some local schools in different broad categories this summer. She also is working this summer and practicing driving before she takes drivers ed in the fall. </p>

<p>My H and I both work in high tech.</p>

<p>I have a garden from which I am enjoying lots of yummy stuff and would love to just be able to hang out at the beach (ocean) more than I can fit in. My girls were(are) both active in Girl Scouts and I still keep my fingers in several pots (cookie jars)</p>

<p>Good Morning, One Mom, one Dad and one Son here. S is going to The College of William & Mary this fall, planning to major in IR. S is nannying this summer or as to his eternal annoyance I like to call it mannying. I am not entirely new to the idea of sending your child off, as he spent all 4 years of HS in a Boarding School (his idea, not ours). I live near the beach and spend as much time as possible sitting on the sand, kindle in hand. I also am very, very lucky to spend time on an Island in NC where we own a little beach cottage. I work very part time as an interior decorator and my husband works full time plus in his own company.</p>

<p>Morning peeps!</p>

<p>So happy to be continuing the journey…Thanks Jackie and to all as we explore the Beyond with our wonderful DD’s and DS’s. :)</p>

<p>I am Kindredspirit (KS for short - a new recent nickname that my DH has given me as well!). My D and S are the joy of my life…And DH always has a hanky when needed. ;)</p>

<p>D is headed off to University of Pennsylvania in the Fall. She is interested in going to medical school (though will not give up her passion for literature and the humanities). </p>

<p>S is going into his senior year at Syracuse University. Like D, he has inherited what we call “the helper gene.” Majoring in psychology and philosophy…we’ll see where that takes him…Somewhere helping people for sure.</p>

<p>Looking forward to continued joys, bumps and glitches, laughter, tears and most of all support that I know will be assured here. I LOVE my virtual friends!</p>

<p>Come one, come all…We are truly kindredspirits…</p>

<p>And waiting for some of that morning sunshine from BlessedTwice! :slight_smile: :heart:</p>

<p>Have a great one all!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: (a couple of extra to honor our new thread)</p>

<p>Great to log in to the new thread!</p>

<p>I’m an architect and a mom (finally, now as an almost-empty-nester, in that order) in CT; DH is also an architect (and no we have never worked together).</p>

<p>S1 is a rising college senior and will return to AZ next year to complete his aerospace engineering degree. He’s in San Francisco this summer on an interesting internship unrelated to aerospace, but having a blast. He’s all set…money in the bank, moving back into rental housing, senior year schedule complete and will (fingers crossed) graduate on time, in four years.</p>

<p>S2, who brought me to this wonderful group of people, will be Class of 2014 at Villanova University. At this point he’s aiming for a major in mathematics. Move-in day is August 18th. No job for the summer, and I’ve been too busy to push the idea of volunteer work. But this weekend, after a family wedding, we’re going to have “the talk”, about why he cannot just play video games all summer. That will be my main reason for support from this group in the near future!</p>

<p>Hi Everyone,</p>

<p>This has been a great diversion for me (and occasionally H) for a long time. Our S graduated from high school in 2004. He graduated from college in 2008. He was commissioned as an officer in the army on July 5, two years ago. He is currently in Iraq. He has been there almost a year, and is scheduled to come back to USA in about a month. We can’t wait… ;)</p>

<p>We will be taking D to college orientation next week. She is the baby of the family. She is working at a Blueberry farm this summer and having a great time. She is excited about her future in health care.</p>

<p>We will soon be empty nesters, except for our big goofy adorable half lab/half golden.</p>

<p>Both H & I are employed in environmental businesses in the greater Boston area. Soon to hit 27 years of marriage. Where did the years go ???</p>

<p>I would like to thank all the friends here from the Class of 2010, and to the “old time” cc posters too. I have a feeling that I will still lurk around for a while. S will be looking at grad school options in a couple of years…</p>

<p>Oh yeah. The screen name comes from the fact that both kids were (are)
soccer players! In fact, D is still playing on two separate coed leagues this summer for fun. One of the teams is named “Blood Bath & Beyond”. :eek:</p>

<p><em>waves wildly while wearing the new outfit she bought for this occasion, just like the first day of school</em></p>

<p>I’m YDS, mom to two sons. DS1 is heading to Carleton this fall, thankfully not until September so I have more time to figure this all out. Ds2 is a rising sophomore, and his college search will be very different, so I’ll be around a while.</p>

<p>ETA: sokkermom, I love that team name! Do they have coupons? ;)</p>

<p>YDS: LOL!..I love the soccer name also…and your new outfit. :)</p>

<p>And speaking of BB&B coupons…As we ALL want some more…If you sign up at their website for e-mail…they will instantly send you one of the 20% off coupons for one item that you can print out and take with you to the store. They also periodically send additional 20% off one item coupons. Still waiting to get one of the Golden Ticket ones for 20% off everything (momof3 :wink: ).</p>

<p>And they are open on July 4th…</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Good Morning! I brought mimosas!!!</p>

<p>I think my name choice was a bit of wishful thinking on my part. There are many times I feel completely out of touch! :wink: </p>

<p>I have two daughters '10 and '12. My D’10 will be attending Emerson College in Boston this fall and will be studying Journalism. She’ll be very close to home but very much away! Something we are all more than ready for. </p>

<p>I can’t wait to see who all of our kids become!</p>

<p>Good morning friends! Coffee and mimosas? This IS a special occasion!</p>

<p>I am RobD, resident of TN but native of NJ; I am a librarian, hence the obsession with research. D1 will be a freshman at the University of Alabama when she moves in on August 8th, planning on majoring in History & Anthropology with a current career goal of teaching at the HS or college level. D2 is a rising HS sophomore who is a writer. We’re not pushing her to think about college too much yet! </p>

<p>Current college related obsessions: 1) I’m taking a day off next week to go dorm shopping with D; the list keeps growing :slight_smile: 2) when are the darn AP scores going to be posted on the UA portal?</p>

<p>morning all!!</p>

<p>i am a mom of 3 boys… oldest grown and recently married, youngest in grade 9/10.</p>

<p>my middle son is what brought me to CC when he was trying to decide whether to attend a boarding math and science school or stay at his local high school. Well, he did go to the math/science school and had a wonderful experience!!<br>
He will be attending University of Alabama Birmingham in their Sci?Tech honors program and Chem Scholars program. Will be doing Forensic Chemistry and molecular biology has plans for grad school maybe md/phd. He starts on August 12th. He will actually be closer to home in college than he was at his hs…but dont really expect to see him much as he has become quite independent with 3 years of dorm life already…</p>

<p>Hello…my code name is LittleFalls…my s will be attending U of Michigian and majoring in Engineering. It will be 11 hours by car or a lovely direct flight into Detroit. He is working full time this summer and the house is already too quiet for me…feeling a bit blue about it all…although excited for him…Ann Arbor is awesome!! CC has been such a great outlet. I am gearing up now to help all the high school senior folks now getting ready for applications. This past school year has taught us all sooo much…that we must share. Cheers!</p>

<p>Hi everyone!</p>

<p>I’m the other architect. Small solo practice which leads to way too many CC breaks.</p>

<p>Dh does cancer research at a med school.</p>

<p>My oldest son is a rising senior at Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science. He is interning in Silicon Valley this summer (as he did last summer as well - different place though.)</p>

<p>My youngest son will be starting Tufts in the fall as a prospective IR major. He’s taking an intensive Arabic course this summer at NYU and is somewhat shellshocked by the amount of work involved. Four hours of class, followed by four hours of homework. It’s only three weeks though, so my sympathy is limited.</p>

<p>Good morning! :)</p>

<p>I’ve got a son headed to Wake Forest University on Aug 19. He plans to study Psychology and maybe minor in Finance or French. As soon as he passes the APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) he’ll also be an ROTC cadet. </p>

<p>Daughter is HS class of '12 and wants a college with small classes that will prep her for Physical Therapy grad school. She’s also ranked as pole vaulter at the state level.</p>

<p>H is self employed in video production. Although his office is in the home, his shoots require him to work a wacky schedule and travel alot. I do employee communciations for an insurance company. </p>

<p>Batman is our black lab. He’s 18 months old and likely to attend HYP. ;)</p>

<p>We live in Maryland, midway between Baltimore and Frederick.</p>

<p>^ :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: NO HYP for our dog. He was lucky to pass introduction to puppy obedience training about 6 years ago. The only reason he passed that class was because they didn’t want to deal with him again. :slight_smile: His name isn’t Marley, but it could be… He is destined to be a stay at home dog.</p>

<p>Good Morning folks,</p>

<p>I have 2 sons. S1 will be attending Carthage in Kenosha this fall. Before I joined CC a year ago I never dreamed we would actually find a school for S1 but thanks to all the guidance and wisdom I received we found a great fit for him. </p>

<p>S2 (college class of 2015) is totally opposite as he will do well in just about any environment. His reaches are high, his safeties are great and he says he will be happy at any of these schools.</p>

<p>So in one year we will be empty nesters. I had looked forward to a ton of travel, but this whole college tuition stuff is cutting into my plans. :p</p>