Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Lafalum - and your husband doesn’t want to go to a Yankee/Red Sox game??? I’ll go with you!</p>

<p>We’d love to go. If you can spot us the $300+ per ticket on Stubhub, we’re there!</p>

<p>We paid way too much for D & BF’s tickets on Stubhub a couple months ago, but that’s what D wanted for a grad gift. I bet those tickets are cheaper now, since the Red Sox… well, they stink this year. Too many injuries.</p>

<p>I’m about $598 short. Had to pay for a parking permit this week.</p>

<p>Welcome to AJ, psychomomma, and TWINMAMA. Glad you’ve joined the gang.</p>

<p>Lafalum84 - I am right there with you. D has plans every night with friends at least 5 times a week. I am missing her already!</p>

<p>Glad to be part of this group- my husband is great but I can use all the support I can get! It’s been very much an emotional roller coaster at our house over the past month. One daughter is convinced that she’ll flunk out of college or never make any friends there, and the other one is in a bit of denial that she’s even going to college at all (doesn’t want to shop for anything, do summer reading, etc.) I’m trying to remember that “it’s not personal” when they snap at me or melt down in tears. It’s hard to deal with my own emotions when I’m trying to keep them from falling apart!!</p>

<p>Welcome TWINMAMA! And hang in there! As you’ll see each of your D’s is dealing with it in ways many D’s and S’s of the wonderful community here have…are! The one constant is the support you will get here. :)</p>

<p>hi twinmama!! hugs!!</p>

<p>Thanks, kindredspirit! I’ve been reading through some of the past posts (although not all 177 pages) and it’s good to know that what we’re going through at our house is “normal”!</p>

<p>Thanks for the hugs, parent56- I can use them today!</p>

<p>Just stopping by to say Welcome psychmomma and TWINMAMA!!! CONGRATS to your wonderful children! </p>

<p><em>waves to all the fabulous posters</em></p>

<p>We are 17 days and counting down. :cool: :eek: :cool:</p>

<p>Now back to work…</p>

I am waving~here as the parent of twins headed off to college. I have boys, and although they are very good friends, they have had times when they’ve been apart for 7-8 weeks at a time during the summers. One will be in college on the East Coast and one in the midwest, a couple of hours plane ride away. I also have an older son in grad school, so we will also have an empty nest. I am looking forward to it. :slight_smile: I think (hope) that my boys will keep in touch. We just added a “txt” plan last month. ;)</p>

<p>Hey, welcome, lurkers!!! It’s a real coming-out party today.</p>

<p>psychmomma AND psychmom? Think of all the money we’ll save on therapy bills in the coming year.</p>

<p>Speaking of baseball, I would like to thank all you Red Sox fans, who are helping to keep the Angels at bay. My Rangers are on a roll.</p>

<p>Just had lunch with the wonderful friend who last summer first took ds to his eventual college. I told her I doubt he’d be going there if it weren’t for her! It’s funny how things work out. </p>

<p>And, laf, speaking of getting a life: I just realized that I have more than 5,000 posts! :eek: You know what that means, right? More posting in the Cafe, where my obsession is masked. :D</p>

<p>I pretty much only post on this thread and in the cafe. Would hate to see what my REAL post count is :p</p>

<p>I don’t think I have posted since May! Had our two week vacation at our rental house & are now involved in cleaning out the FIL’s house. (assisted living) House closes on August 17th. Woe is me, H is taking all kinds of stuff… papers in the attic from high school & elementary he saved. (Dump material). Our Sophomore we are taking to school on August 21st & our Freshman on August 28th. (Day trip for Freshman-YAY). So no conflicts there & their Family Weekends are 3 weekends apart. Empty Nest coming!:cool:</p>

<p>Here is a story I wrote on December 4th, 1998:</p>

<p>Pete wos at school and one day at art Petes techar said twoday we ar going to draw a chicken and aveone tok out tur puincls and cauns and begn to wirot Pete culed his chicken the cauls of the Rainbow and evrebode laute at Pete and he flt sad then wen he got home he wet to his room to think and had an iahd he will hag his chicken in his room</p>

<p>(I like how I could spell ‘chicken’ and ‘school’ and not ‘are’. I like my phonetic spelling of ‘idea’. I also like how I felt ‘rainbow’ was important enough to be capitalized.)</p>

<p>Oh, t_c, I love this!!!</p>

<p>t_c - While Pete may not still have the chicken hanging in his room, I’m sure glad you still have this - and suggest that you hang it in your room!!!</p>

<p>Oh t_c - I love that! Too cute!!</p>

<p>TC, if you have a bulletin board in your room at home leave that hanging up there. Your folks will appreciate it when you’re off at college!</p>