Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)


Oh no. Here’s a hug {{{ }}} I’ll be thinking of you both. Please keep us posted.</p>

<p>{{{{{psychmom and pychDD}}}}:heart::heart::heart::heart:…</p>

<p>Here’s an unlimited supply…Use as needed! Will be thinking of you both tomorrow…Sending lots of good thoughts.</p>

<p>psychmom, I’ll be thinking of your daughter tomorrow and the following days! I hope it goes really smoothly for her (and you!).</p>

<p>I know there was some discussion of books earlier, but I didn’t pay much attention. Now that we know which textbooks DS needs, I have a question - is it OK to get the international, soft-cover version of textbooks? They’re so much cheaper!</p>



<p>Good idea! I think MOMS (and a few dads) deserve care packages, too!</p>

sending good vibes to the psychs! :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the good wishes, guys. It’s going to be a longgggg weekend.</p>

<p>copying the hearts from ks… :heart::heart::heart::heart:</p>

<p>and getting ready for the sendoffs! D has almost two months before her classes start…</p>

<p>AL34, RobD, austinmt and then i think its my son on the 12th?</p>

<p>welcome footballmom!!</p>

<p>hope all goes well with wisdom teeth pychmom!!</p>

<p>son called, got to see doctor today… ended up with a bit of surgery on the thing on his wrist, its been cultured but wont know what it grew for a few days. 2 cysts cut out but another one still there. apparently got yet another long lecture on how he should take care of his skin as it appears the infection is probably again from the areas elsewhere that are infected… stonger antibiotics and steroids… i think he just is so tired of it… saw his first dermatologist at 6 weeks old. but if he would take care of it maybe his legs, hands etc wouldnt be raw and bleeding.</p>

<p>hmmm i think the send offs may be a bit like first day of kindergarten… son happily waving and running in, me standing there blubbering.</p>

<p>oh ML you reminded me…sons school sent this flyer about care packages, that you can pre-order…move in, just because, valentines and includes a pizza card (gets 15 pizzas and a discount card)… i better dig that up</p>

<p>oh, p56, I hope your S I hope the wrist culture is something that’s easily treatable.</p>

<p>Lafalum, my kids still do the kiddie stuff at restaurants. Heck, D even orders off the kid menu most nights. :stuck_out_tongue: I hope your D has a great weekend camping.</p>

<p>db… its probably what was growing in his ankles before he left. he insists on wearing flip flops even when skin open, so any crap from the ground gets kicked up on them and then he is infected again…but socks and shoes just rub so bad.</p>

<p>Send-off List (please keep it going)</p>

<p>AL34 8/6
RobD 8/7
austinmtmom 8/10
parent56 8/12
jc40 8/13
MaineLonghorn 8/16
psychmom 8/23
showmom858 8/27</p>

<p>Special shoutout to BlessedTwice: Can you dig up a send-off graphic? Box of tissues? Flowers? Purple Hearts (wink)?</p>

<p>psychmom - hugs to you and your D with the wisdom teeth! My D is just a few days behind yours and will have hers out on 8/4.</p>

<p>D and I leave to take her to school on 8/27. When I turn the calendar to August on Sunday the date will be staring me right in the face!</p>

<p>By date, right?</p>

<p>AL34 8/6
RobD 8/7
austinmtmom 8/10
parent56 8/12
jc40 8/13
MaineLonghorn 8/16
psychmom 8/23
showmom858 8/27
teenage_cliche 8/30</p>

<p>Send-off List (please keep it going)</p>

<p>AL34 8/6
RobD 8/7
austinmtmom 8/10
parent56 8/12
jc40 8/13
MaineLonghorn 8/16
psychmom 8/23
showmom858 8/27
coskat 8/26</p>

<p>psychmom - good luck with the wisdom teeth - and no matter what she says after, make sure she gets her prescription for pain meds right away! (when I was 18 and had mine out, I told my parents I wanted to walk around the mall for a while before going home. they thought that was odd, but away we went. then the meds started wearing off and I was sobbing in the backseat holding my jaws and moaning for the 30 minute ride home - and to the pharmacy! should’ve had that next dose of meds handy much sooner! on the bright side, when I did get my script, I was much better and went back to my job as an all-day waitress the next day.)</p>

<p>My son doesn’t move in at school until September 14th - a Tuesday.</p>

<p>AL34 8/6
RobD 8/7
austinmtmom 8/10
parent56 8/12
jc40 8/13
MaineLonghorn 8/16
psychmom 8/23
coskat 8/26
showmom858 8/27
teenage_cliche 8/30</p>