Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Morning all! Welcome to all the new posters!!</p>

<p>BUandBC - So glad your puppy is home safe and sound!</p>

<p>DB - I’m also awaiting a Batman update. Sending postive thoughts your way.</p>

<p>PAO - Thank you for sharing with us. I have no doubt your D is looking down on and watching over her sister and brother. My beloved nephew died 19 years ago, a year before my D was born. He spent lots of time with me and my H - even went with us on our 2nd date - and I still miss him terribly. But I know he is keeping an eye on my D and that means so much to me.</p>

<p>MomLive and t-bone - My D is headed your way to Coastal Carolina. All I can say it watch out!</p>

<p>adding son’s concerns for batman!!
he still thinks i’m crazy about this forum…although he admits it was helpful during his application process…and he wasnt above telling me…“ask such and such on your crazy college board” …told him last night about batman…and as he stumbled out of bed and up the stairs…he asked if there was any word yet</p>

<p>welcome momlive!! </p>

<p>robD…i posted on the AL board, same goes for your D at any time!!</p>


LOL…I’ve heard that too, only in my case it was my wife saying it.</p>

<p>Wow, there are more Chapel Hill people on here than I thought! ; )</p>

<p>My roommate and I have SO MUCH stuff for our dorm room. Yes, we’re girls, and we’re also really into decorating and making it look cute. Our room looks adorable, but it sure is a pain to move stuff in and out. Oh well, it is worth it to us!</p>

<p>Here are some of my favorite dorm things… A big rug for the floor, desk lamps, an octopus lamp (that we’re technically not supposed to have, lol), posters for the wall and sticky wall things to put them on the walls, a full length mirror, a Brita water pitcher (so we don’t have to run to the water fountain 40 times a day), a Dirt Devil, a little message board for our door so people can write to us, rainboots, a caddy for shower stuff, shower flip flops… The list goes on and on! Target was our best friend for sure.</p>

<p>Oh, and a drying rack. We’re on our third one. Those things are flimsy!</p>

<p>lol nightchef… see we knew what we were doing!</p>

<p>eeeww jambaby… i sent a rug the first year, and threw it out on move out day…guys dont know the meaning of vacuum. which reminds me…i sent a vacuum… some other guy used it alot until it broke, dont think they knew about filters, or pick up paperclips, stones etc before you vacuum.</p>

<p>S and I are heading out today to look for linens, towels, lamps, etc. He is NOT thrilled at the prospect, but I refuse to wait until the last minute because these things never work out as well as you hope they will. :rolleyes: I’m sure this will not be our only trip.</p>

<p>Where is DB? I’m getting even more worried…</p>

<p>t-bone…yes, we’re in the upstate as well. I did my UG at USC and grad work at Clemson.</p>

<p>Austinmtmom - a good friend’s son is starting his junior year at Coastal. He loves it, couldn’t have been a better fit for him. I take it your daughter likes the beach :)</p>

<p>MomLive - Always like to hear about kids who like CCU. D does love the beach but picked CCU for their outstanding Musical Theatre program. When she visited she fell in love with the faculty, the facilites, the other students. Just felt right to her. CCU made offers to 16 BFA MT students this year and 13 accepted so it will be a small, tight-kit group, which is great for her. Her dad was especially excited because now he has even more reasons to plan a couple of beach vacations every year LOL!</p>

<p>It has been a tough morning at our house. H and S1 took our 15 year old Gordon Setter to the vet to be put to sleep. Somehow we thought it would be best to do now instead of when he is at college.I just got back from the pet store and had a dog tag made for son’s key chain. I hope he likes it. I wrote Charlie and then “Best Buds 4 ever”</p>

<p>I have been trying to buy minimal dorm stuff and I am amazed at how much room it takes up in the corner of my dining room.</p>

<p>Yesterday I took all his college paperwork and organized it into a huge 3 ring binder by category and with each piece of paper in it’s own plastic insert. Son actually sat down and looked through the book. </p>

<p>Off to split some hostas.</p>

<p>Kajon, I’m so sorry about your dog. I remember when we had to put our dog down (before we had kids). It was a heartbreaking experience but the most “humane” decision one can make for their “best friend”. Hugs to you and your family!</p>

<p>MomLive, having sent stuff for every possible contingency to school with S1, I am sending less with S2. Maybe his room will stay neater, too. (hahahaha) Both my kids wanted more towels than I would have expected. Send extra socks. Files and baskets were wasted on S1. </p>

<p>Expect to buy new sneakers over winter break. With all the walking on campus, S1 went through shoes much more quickly than he ever did at home. Duct tape is handy. (S1 found it useful to hold his shoes together after he forgot to tell me he needed new ones over winter break. However, duct tape does not hold up well in the snow. :eyes:)</p>

<p>BUandBC82, am so glad your pup is safe and sound. Ours went through the invisible fence in a thunderstorm a year and a half ago and was hit by a car. She survived and is 99% of her normal self, but someone should have told us we’d need a college fund for her vet bills. She now takes meds for storm phobia and fireworks, and we go out with her when the weather is crummy.</p>

<p>“Flourishing Forum” – say THAT three times fast!</p>

<p>Kajon, so sorry about Charlie. I love the dog tag idea. {{Hugs}} to you and your family.</p>

<p>Belatedly joining in with thanks to Jackie for starting the thread. I actually read all 308 posts! Nice to see new faces along with familiar ones from the previous thread.</p>

<p>I’m vballmom, the screen name coming from S2’s freshman year of high school when I coached his volleyball team. He has since moved on to other sports, mainly golf, so the name’s a bit dated, but that’s life :wink: I’m the founder of a small biotech startup with DH and am a software developer. DH and I were married a little less than a year ago. </p>

<p>S1 ('13) just finished his first year at Cal Poly SLO and had a wonderful year there. It was hard to see him go but I still had S2 ('14) home who kept me busy and entertained.</p>

<p>S2 will be going off to the University of Redlands in Southern California this fall. I’m guessing he’ll meet missemily’s D there because it’s a small school. He got his dorm assignment and his roommate’s name in the mail, and is looking forward to being on campus at the end of August.</p>

<p>DH and I are anticipating our empty nest with a mix of excitement and melancholy. I’ll miss my boys, but am happy they’re off to new adventures.</p>

<p>Kajon my condolences on your sweet dog. We have a geriatric dog with congestive heart failure and I know we’ll be making this difficult decision in the future. It’s never easy.</p>

<p>All the dog news is making me way too emotional. I wish the best for all of you and your furry friends.</p>

<p>Well, I’m off! I have books and clothes and presents and a fully charged camera - what else could a girl need for a few weeks with her extended family in Eastern Europe? (answer - bug spray. <em>packs that</em>) See you all July 20th!</p>

<p>Kajon, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your pup. He was a part of your family for a long time! I love the dog tag idea, a wonderful reminder for your S. {Hugs} to you and your family.</p>

<p>so sorry Kajon!!</p>

<p>CountingDown, I was so afraid he was going to get hit. He is definitely not street smart. I’m glad your dog recovered.</p>

<p>There was an article in this morning’s paper about how most dogs are afraid of fireworks. When they hear the loud noise their instinct is to flee. They’ll panic and jump over fences or dig under them or, in our case, run through them.</p>

<p>I do have a picture of my midnight wanderer on the shutterfly site if anyone is wondering what the little guy looks like.</p>

<p>have a great time t-c!!!</p>