Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>S2s graduation party was a success!! My MIL with the broken hip came to the party looking great. Another 63 year old friend, who had a STROKE 2 weeks ago came and looked great ( his neurologist said that his amazing recovery is due to 1. Getting to the hospital quickly and 2. His health and fitness although he is still in the 7 stages of grief and is at the Why Me? Stage). AND the GFs parents were very nice. </p>

<p>G#: continued good thoughts for the job hunt for your D2. Last year when D1 was looking for a teaching position, she went on 6 interviews, and was the “bridesmaid” the first 4, and then was offered 2 jobs in the same day. </p>

<p>Tx5athome - glad the graduation party was a success and that the GF’s parents were nice. </p>

<p>Alice - where is your S now?</p>

<p>Momannoyed - love the suggestion of Brighton Beach for CD’s S.</p>

<p>CD - hugs!</p>

<p>GSharp - keeping your D and her job search in my thoughts. </p>

<p>LOL at her visiting the American Girl store - but I understand the pull of that place. I was very excited about going there with D when it first opened - but really, once was enough.</p>

<p>Not much going on here. We started building Dorm Mountain for S, and D’s remaining Dorm Mountain is slowly disappearing. Eventually, the downstairs of my house will get back to normal.</p>

<p>Looking forward to visiting D in less than a week! :)</p>

<p>Limomof2–will the dorm mountain really disappear one day? I seriously have my doubts. It seems to get bigger each year (granted he has added all the military gear). It makes me a bit crazy!</p>

<p>G#–Not sure how much DS remembers of the B-day celebration, but insists he had a great time! :-& Most of the essays got written, but not all of them. He left today for his training and had one of those “Train, plane and automobile” type adventures. First it was the ticket agent not wanting to check his baggage for free, which is stated specifically on the website for military traveling on orders. DH got that fixed with a bit of loud argument and a very nice supervisor who corrected the ticket agent (who continued to argue that she was right and supervisor was wrong–really?) :open_mouth: Next adventure began when he missed his connecting flight (still don’t know story on that one, since he had plenty of time, although I think it involved not being at the gate early and an oversold flight). Luckily two others headed to the same location were in the same boat. Got ticketed to another airport with a drive to the final destination. Guardian angels were continuing to work their magic, as they met a recruiter at the destination airport headed to the same place and offered all three a ride. So it all worked out well, considering all the issues (remember his cat like ability to land on his feet)!</p>

<p>Sending PVC’s to G#'s DD and others who are pounding the pavement looking for jobs and Aliceinw’s DS who is on the bike adventure of a lifetime! I don’t have a clue about the American Girl stuff, since I have two boys so I’ve never even understood the excitement of the dolls.</p>

<p>At least my D’s dorm mountain is mostly contained on the new massive bookcase we bought. She is enjoying her summer job but it is a lot of work (aren’t most jobs). Lucky her she is going to Montreal with her classes the weekend after this one. </p>

<p>Continued PVCs for the job hunters and cross country biker.</p>

<p>Coffee anyone? How about lunch? Or shall I just turn out the lights?</p>

<p>Happy to report that S is still making his way across the country, currently somewhere in Wyoming. And D is still traveling in SE Asia, currently in Laos (where the “s” is supposed to be silent, who knew?).</p>

<p>Best to all our kids who are working, studying, traveling, writing applications, etc. this summer.</p>

<p>Thanks for the lunch! Don’t turn out the lights! Hopefully everyone is just busy with summer activities! Glad to hear your DS is doing well on his travels. I just found out one of DS’s friends who he was in scouts with and who I had to push across the finish line for Eagle Scout just finished hiking the entire AT in 90 days! That’s quite an accomplishment! I believe it is over 2200 miles. Your DS will be able to talk about his bike trip for the rest of his life. I hope he’s keeping a journal or blog to remember it all!</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee! </p>

<p>Alice: Glad to hear your DS is making progress. </p>

<p>My D1 and a friend (also a teacher) left this morning for Spain and Portugal. I am very excited for her. They were worried about traffic and ended up arriving at the airport 3 hours early. Oh well, better early than late. </p>

<p>S3 is working hard as a sailing instructor. This year he has 6 year-olds in the morning and the “cruisers” (kids who don’t like to race) in the afternoon. He is exhausted when he comes home, says that we have “no idea” how hard it is to wrangle 6 year olds, and is disgusted how much the government is taking out of his paycheck. </p>

<p>Good luck to all the travelers and job seekers. </p>

<p>I’m starting this week’s post with a moment of silence ‘cuz I think that the world could use one right about now……………………. OK</p>

<p>Can someone make these planes go faster? I’m ready to get home!</p>

<p>Charlie Hayden, RIP!
<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube;

<p>Aliceinw – Your kids need embedded GPS chips. Is it by design that they try to stay 12,000 miles from each other at all times? :wink: Oh and, Namaste… now go home! ;)</p>

<p>Tx5 – Nice GF parents is always a plus. My D’s BF’s GF’s parents were always exceptionally nice. :wink: Does your family tell you on a daily basis just how right you are? Read on…</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – OK, the American Girl store has gone to a new level of creepy… they have a “bakery” where you can by a cookie for you and a matching smaller one for your doll… they do realize those dolls aren’t real, right? Tell D we said Hi! (or “Hey!” in my part of VA).</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – Glad that the travel Guardian Angels were looking after your DS! These days, you need all the Guardian Angels that you can get! My dad hiked many sections of the AT trail, but not the whole thing at once. I helped my mother clean out his office this past weekend and now have several of his AT trail guides and topographic maps.</p>

<p>Jackief – I was joking with DW this weekend that I was going to cut out the ceiling in my “Cave” and put in massive shelves for all of the records that we rescued from her dad’s house (he was a DJ) and books, etc. from my dad’s office (he was a pack rat). Thanks to dad, I am now the proud owner of several books on mathematical functions (dating back to the 50’s), at least 10 different types of graph paper, handwritten calculus and linear algebra equations, and (wait for it…………) a sextant!</p>

<p>In post-college news, D2 got a call back from the company in NYC. They said that there was a problem because she did not have the required 1-2 years of experience. As she was thinking “You knew that from my resume before you had me come to NYC for the interview,” they told her that they want her to do research for them so badly that they are going to re-write the job requirements to meet her experience and plan to send her an offer letter today (it has already been approved by the Director)! So, as tx5 pointed out, D2 has graduated from “Bride’s Maid” to “Potential Bride-To-Be.” As part of the interview process, D2 had to write a research paper that was essentially a financial analysis. They told her that her paper won over the other two candidates with finance experience because she went beyond just the numbers and was able to explain the historical / cultural significance of the numbers and what it probably meant for future spending. They said that they were specifically looking for someone who would catch that perspective and not just the numbers, so her History major served her well. The company is UK based and the awkward, CC-relevant part of the interview was when they told her that “Princeton is a nice college, but it isn’t Oxford.” She’s not sure if they were jerking her chain or serious, so she just smiled, nodded, and said something the effect that it does have much more history. Being UK-based also means that D2 would be working in England some which she sees as a plus. This opportunity is a big deal for a child from a hometown of < 1000 people. I have one happy little girl (and, by extension, parents). However, she may have to give up on her “below the Mason-Dixon Line” rule. I’m not sure if the basis of that rule is culture, climate, or availability of real sweet tea. Yeah, it’s the latter. ;)</p>

<p>In the meantime, she had 2 in-person interviews in DC this week. One was at one of DC’s major museums which she would love. She texted me from DC and said that if she got a job there, there were some apartments next to her hotel that looked nice. I looked them up on-line and sent her a text back… “Those are condos that start at $400,000 and go up from there.” Reply, “Oh, Just Kidding.” ;)</p>

<p>She also had 2 more phone interviews with a certain company located near YDS. :wink: She had to write a case study this week based on a scenario that they gave her and is supposed to get a critique today. She’s not very confident. D2 is anything, but “Miss Finance” and the case study required her to research Mutual Funds about which she texted me… “This is hard, but kind of fun.” Because of her lack of finance background, she was worried about one of the interviews with one of their Hedge Fund managers, but said that he was very nice and really tried to sell her on the company and Austin in general. It’s funny, she is liking this job and what she hears about Austin more and more, but still thinks that taking it would make her feel like she was “selling out” and following the money instead of her heart. To mitigate that, she has decided that if she takes a “generic” job then she is going to find an organization about which she cares and volunteer with them.</p>

<p>AWESOME news for D2, G#! It seems quick here, but I know that there this job search is a long hard slog. </p>

<p>My heart hurts for your family that you get to process 2 houses of memories at once. That is tough. We brought home a sextant out of my Mom’s house, too. No idea where it came from though.</p>

<p>Summer is going great for DS, his 3 day a week job leaves him time to go dancing 3 days a week. But no time apparently to process and sort his dorm mountain. He fully believes that he will just leave it stacked and take it off to his new dorm come fall. He will have a studio an right now it covers 3 rooms. I don’t think it will fit in a studio!!</p>

<p>DD is not having quite as happy a summer, she is supposed to be working in her lab and getting trained up on a certain piece of equipment … the training was to start in early May. The grad student to train her has not yet found the time and doesn’t return emails. Mama bear has to stand down and shut up, but GRRRRR. DD has had a history of being trampled by being a bit too nice and patient. Her time, her spine I keep saying to myself. GAK.</p>

<p>Thought I’d stop in and make some coffee! Muffins, too. :)</p>

<p>S was at a street festival near us and ran into ANOTHER kid from his HS who works at this great company in Wisconsin (to hear the other 3 kids tell it.) He may have to check it out when it comes time to interview for a job.</p>

<p>He just got notice of the Fall Jobs Fair, so that time is not far away. Don’t know if he’s excited about finally getting out of school and leaving home, but I am! :wink: (He has 2 semesters left b/c of the co-op program being 5 years.)</p>

<p>Thinking of all the parents with children, friends, & relatives in Israel now. Ran into a friend at the post office and learned that her Mormon son is there for a program. I had no idea. </p>

<p>Good luck to G#'s D and all those in the job market right now!</p>

<p>stopping by to add my :-bd for G#'s D’s job prospects. Only a few weeks left before I drive with D off into the sunset, aka the grad school location. Summer as a teaching intern going well</p>

<p>Hi momannoyed. Thanks for the coffee and muffins. And best to your S on his remaining two terms and job hunting. Wonder if the company in Wisconsin is the same company my S interviewed for. He liked it a lot, and has many friends (including his roommate of 3 years) there or going there - but he decided he wanted to come home. :)</p>

<p>I am planning to buy tickets to Israel tonight for a trip in September for my cousin’s wedding. Maybe the prices will be low.</p>

<p>Oh, alice, that scares me!</p>


<p>Didn’t US government put a travel restriction to Televiv?</p>

<p>It was a short ban, and only applied to US airlines. I am not going till September, and I booked El Al. I’m not scared.</p>

<p>I second the PVC for all job hunters. S1 starts at the local CBS affiliate August 4. He interned with them and I guess he impressed them since they “carved out” a job for him! His title will be associate producer - just like Mary on Mary Tyler Moore - I should get a picture of him tossing his school toboggan into the air. His major is actually sports journalism so he hopes to do that eventually, but to even have something remotely connected to his major is fantastic. </p>

<p>good news Bestfriends!</p>

<p>My DS has stepped further out into his own, the bank wanted to change his college checking account (that he had since HS) with my name and access on it. So he set up a new account just for him. I went in case they could just take me off, but it was time, I guess to get a “grownup” account. He picked a higher level, he could have gotten another “college” account in just his name because of grad school, but he was thinking long term and didn’t want to change accounts again in 2 years. Good point! Now I won’t be able to track his travels by looking at where he uses his debit card (not that I actually did often, but once when he was on the road and din’t text, I did it to see if he was alive!). More grown up! and he will be 22 in a week! OMG!</p>

<p>edit to add: DD 2 years older never (yet) wanted me off the account and just ran into a problem with her stipend and needing to pay tuition before the stipend to pay it got to her. Was very handy to have access to shift money around like crazy. Of course if she had planned ahead a little bit there would not have been a crisis requiring overnight access to $$$. </p>

<p>This was gonna be a long travel day with me hanging around the airport waiting for D2, but she is coming home a day later than planned, so I can go home.</p>

<p>Where is everyone? Geez, it was Wednesday before y’all had coffee and muffins? :wink: Good thing momannoyed came around or you’d be famished.</p>

<p>Speaking of momannoyed, who knew that Whiskey-Sin was the place to be! I second the thoughts for those with relatives in what seems to be ½ the world these days!</p>

<p>Esobay – I think that we should start the “2014 and Beyond Sextant Owner’s” thread. That’s sure to generate some activity. :wink: Yet again, I’m stumped… oh yeah, the dancing is intentional, I keep forgetting that. I can’t even conceptualize why anyone would want to dance. Now I get it. I am still stumped on how DS is planning to fit 3 rooms of sh** in a 1 room bag. :wink: I don’t see any type of bank account that will solve that dilemma. Sorry that DD is having a less than stellar summer. I like Mama Bear’s approach of not getting all up in her GRRRRRILL though. ;)</p>

<p>Jackief – It seems like just yesterday that it was sunrise and now it’s almost sun set. Best of luck to your D in grad school!</p>

<p>Aliceinw – What, no GPS coordinates for your S and D this week? How the heck are we supposed to travel vicariously through them? :wink: I can’t wait until “Zen and the Art of Peddling You’re A** Cross-Country” comes out. Best of luck to you with the upcoming wedding travels!</p>

<p>Bestfriendsgirl – Congrats to Mary (don’t tell him I said that :wink: )! I’m hoping that D2 will be throwing her hat any day now!</p>

<p>YDS – If you see a little lost girl from VA roaming around your neighborhood, please point her in the direction of the airport. I don’t know what you put in the water down there, but D2 loves Austin (even though she concurs that a car would be a “need”)! Read on…</p>

<p>In post-college news, last Friday came and went without the NYC offer letter. Come to find out that only 1 reference had responded yet and they have to have 2. They were able to contact a second one on Wed. It was her thesis advisor and they that the advisor gave her a “glowing review” because D2 always had the work done on-time and turned in her thesis 2 days early… yay for promptness. They called Wed. night to work out the terms of the offer (salary, start date, etc.) and are supposed to send her a letter any day now (hopefully, ergh!)… the wheels of progress turn slowly. D2 said that her contact there is incredibly nice and excited to have her personally coming (not just someone with a pulse). She said that they seem interested in her as a person and is all but ready to tell them “Yes” now.</p>

<p>In the meantime, Austin Company flew D2 there for 5 interviews… all before noon today! She got there yesterday and spent the afternoon exploring and sending me pix messages from around downtown Austin… guitar sculpture, capitol building, etc. She had dinner with a friend from school last night and her family invited D2 to stay an extra day and see what people do for fun in Austin. Based on the “Cost of Lunch” Index, D2 has determined that Austin cost of living is much less than NYC, but you have to be careful because the portions are also bigger. ;)</p>

<p>G#, with the NY offer on its way (eventually), does the Austin Company have a shot??? It sure would be fun to have you visit!</p>

<p>I’m glad she concurs with what I posted earlier – she’s gonna have to learn to love to drive if she comes here. :wink: It’s really a great place to be a single person. Report back what her friend says people do for fun in Austin. I am curious whether it matches up with where my ds took one of his college friends/teammates when he visited a couple of weeks ago.</p>

<p>TGIF to the iPeeps! It’s great to read the updates on what our 2014 & Beyonders are doing.</p>

<p>Bestfriendsgirl - congrats to S1 on his new job! </p>

<p>GSharp - I’m holding my breath & crossing my fingers for your D2. Will it be Austin or NYC or an unknown option?</p>

<p>alicew - I’m living vicariously through your DS & DD’s travels. Any updates?</p>

<p>We moved S2 into his apartment 2 weeks ago. He is in a 3rd floor loft with a spiral staircase which forced us to hoist his bed and furniture into the loft with a rope since these items could not be carried up the spiral stairs. S2 started his job on Monday. I’m looking forward to hearing about his first week of work. He sent me a text last night, “Is it cool if I come home for the weekend?” Not only is it “cool,” but I promised not to tell anyone so that he could surprise family & friends tonight.</p>

<p>S1 is halfway through his graduate program. He has been working FT & going to grad school at night. He has a take-home exam to complete this weekend, then he is done for the summer semester. He has 4 weeks without class & has scheduled a 1-week “stay-cation” from work - he’s exhausted.</p>