Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>S announced at work he is finally starting a project they have been working on documentation for for a long time. I have no idea what it is but he is excited and it sounds like it’s important and not for newbies. :slight_smile: In other news, he played disc golf with a girl. Yes, a female asked him to do something and he accepted. :D</p>

<p>Enjoying the long stretch of cool weather with frequent rain, but realize it comes at a price–it’s bound to be hot later, and other parts of the country are having a heat wave and drought. Sorry, I’m not in charge of the weather.</p>

<p>Still waiting on the grandchild…due Aug. 5 but they say you shouldn’t get to attached to a due date.</p>

<p>Hey all! Checking in after a conspicuous absence and I’m thrilled to hear all the happy news about graduations & grad school & JOBS! Congrats to your D, G#!</p>

<p>D1 has 9 days left at her internship then has a 3 day turnaround to come home, repack, fit in multiple doctor appts & a haircut before moving back to school for her last semester. Of course, D2 has to move in that weekend too, so I have about 2000 miles, 3 round trips, and 4 states to cover in 5 days. Bring it ;)</p>

<p>Morning, iPeeps.</p>

<p>Wanted to share a funny story. Ds has been house-sitting all summer for various people. His most regular gig has a favored pet, Jake. He’s active and cuddly, and ds has been taking care of him for three years. Earlier in the year, he had a customer with two cats, and one developed an ear infection the day before he started working. Putting drops in the ear of a huge cat who doesn’t know/like you proved to be a challenge. But this current customer’s dog is driving him nuts. </p>

<p>She’s an old gal and seems to be really needy. And smelly. She whines if ds doesn’t let her sleep in the same room with him, but he said she stinks so bad that he doesn’t want her in the room. But if he doesn’t let her in, then he can’t sleep because she whines. The windows are painted shut, so he can’t even open them to get some fresh air. She mopes around and follows him everywhere. When he doesn’t get home until late, she’ll sit in the backyard and bark and bark. She’s got a doggie door so it’s not like she has to stay out there. One night it was so bad that ds found a note on his car from a neighbor complaining. I told him last night to leave the TV on when he’s gone as perhaps the noise will make her feel less lonely. He texted that that seemed to work.</p>

<p>The dog is named after an anti-anxiety med so that should have been a clue, I guess. :wink: Our dog is so easy. I think he’s shocked to come across one that is so much work.</p>

<p>Good Morning! Happy Friday! </p>

<p>I love hearing all the exciting stories of our adventurers, job hunters and pet sitters. We had a dog who was an angel when we were home, but who became a neurotic mess when we were gone. </p>

<p>D1 had a wonderful time in Portugal and Spain. She brought me back a hat from Portugal (baseball style) and a beautiful coffee cup from Spain. And she brought great T-shirts for DH and the boys. </p>

<p>S2 starts his Masters program on Monday. He is excited, but nervous. Last night he started having kidney stone symptoms again so we are hoping it passes by Monday. Poor kid. </p>

<p>It’s Friday again. Thank heavens the week went quickly. I thought I’d stop by and bring some coffee and doughnuts. You all might not appreciate them, but I know my S is looking forward to being in the land of Dunkin Doughnuts again. He is spending the day in Northfield, hanging out with Carleton friends who are there for the summer. I think he will hit the road again tomorrow, headed for Milwaukee. There he hopes to catch a Brewers game before boarding a ferry to cross Lake Michigan and avoid biking through Chicago. D is in Cambodia, and has decided to stay where she is for another day, hoping to see the temples when it is not so rainy. Then again, why did she decide to go during monsoon season?</p>

<p>Happy Friday to all.</p>

<p>No going home this weekend, ergh! It is still Friday, right?</p>

<p>I’m taking a little time off tomorrow to attend the Wilton, ME Blueberry Festival. Blueberry pancakes in the morning and fireworks at night. Yes, I know that I’m the world’s most boring individual. :wink:
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<p>I see P56… And I see RobD… And I see…</p>

<p>Aliceinw – I think that every bike trip should be measured in time zones and every trip abroad should be measured in extreme weather seasons. ;)</p>

<p>Coskat – Wishing your DD the best of luck in PA and you the best of luck with the adjustment!</p>

<p>Tx5 – Sounds like you made out like a bandit. :wink: Wishing your S2 the best with the kidney stones… I had them once and it was miserable!</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Your S2 does everything “big”, doesn’t he? ;)</p>

<p>Jackief – Congratulations to you! So, will you still be sitting at our lunch table or have you and your new cool friends moved on? ;)</p>

<p>RobD – Good to “see” you again. I hope the D1 / D2 Whirlwind Tour is successful!</p>

<p>YDS – So, DS isn’t quite feeling the canine love, but sure is smelling it? ;)</p>

<p>Continued Thanx! to everyone for your wealth of NYC knowledge. Austin said that it could be a couple of weeks before they make a decision, so D2 is moving ahead with NYC where she has an offer in hand. It looks like 2 weeks from today D2 will be a resident of the Big Apple. She is totally psyched about her employer and the job and has secured a place to live for the 2nd half of August near Stuyvesant Square. Now she is checking several other short-term options for September and beyond. She wants to get to NYC before looking for something longer-term. So far, all of her options have come from friends or alumni, so no generic Craig’s List listings, Whew! She has a UWS, UES, and Midtown option that she is pursuing each with its own set of pluses and minuses. She has been able to take Skype tours of the apartments. She needs to make a decision soon before my intray fills up from all the apartment listings. I guess that I should be glad that she wants my input.</p>

<p>coffee is ready :)</p>

<p>as it has been so long, thought i would just give a quick update on s2. he managed to finish all he set out to do… 2 degrees both with concentrations in 4 years! so graduated with BS BS… double BS seems appropriate!! he decided to take a gap year between graduation and possible mstp, applied for a scholarship … so is currently in germany working and drinking beer.
working on his application to mstp programs and it is a good thing there is an ocean between us… “hey mom, review this essay for me” which leads to… “well those revisions suck, i’m not writing that” … and just think with 18 schools applied to and a possible 3-6 more essays per school if he gets secondaries…it will be me drinking the beer!
he gets back in october and will go back to his lab at school , hopefully get some interviews, but no idea where he will end up next year</p>

<p>oh and G#… thank you for seeing me in the magic mirror… that lady on tv (was it romper room?) never saw me and i waited every day</p>

<p>Well, S1 will be starting his new job Monday driving a rental car. He went to visit friends in his college town Tuesday and spent the night. When he went out to his car Wednesday morning, the entire drivers’ side front fender was gone, with the fender of the other vehicle lying in the road. He called the police and they did their job for once and located the other driver, whose car looked even worse. S1’s GF looked her up on social media and said she was bragging about how drunk she was and then posting how she was being accused of a hit-and-run. S1’s car is totaled - at least the other driver had insurance which will cover it and above all, no one was hurt. S1 said he wants to hold onto his settlement and save up to get what he really wants (a truck.) S2 is not taking a car to school this semester so there will be one for S1 to drive - it’s all good. </p>

<p>parent56 - working and drinking beer in Germany? Why can’t I find a job like that?</p>

<p>Jackief - congrats on the new position. I interviewed yesterday for a higher-paying job in state government and it went well. Almost too well. At any rate, I’m cautiously optimistic. </p>

<p>Congrats on the job, jackie!</p>

<p>Ds starts his new job tomorrow, and the dog he is taking care of continues to be a monster. He talked to the neighbor today who is still complaining about the barking. When he took this job he had NO IDEA this dog would be so much trouble. It’s a hound, so you can imagine how annoying the baying is. The neighbor is a new dad so sleep-deprived as it is. Everyone is being as understanding as they can, but ds had to tell the neighbor today that he starts a full-time job tomorrow so he won’t be home with it all day for the next week and has no idea how it will go. Today, ds1 is meeting some friends out of town so he’s enlisted his brother to feed/sit with the dog for a hew hours to keep it calm.</p>

<p>Congratulations to Jackie and G#'s D2!</p>

<p>YDS: Good luck to your son on his first day! Sorry about the wayward pooch.</p>

<p>My S2 starts his masters program today. Tonight is some sort of program for the outgoing students and the incoming students. Families are encouraged to attend so I am going with him. Since I am completely clueless about the program I figure it will be worthwhile. He is nervous. He hasn’t had any pain from the kidney stone in about 48 hours, so either it passed or moved somewhere where it isn’t painful. Hopefully it passed. </p>

<p>G# congrats to your daughter and Jackie you too!</p>

<p>News update for us:</p>

<p>S2 has been working at Tufts this summer. One of his new bosses is apparently a cousin to Dilbert’s boss, so he’s learning a lot about dealing with incompetence. He doesn’t have a job, but just got offered an internship in NYC for the fall that is right up his alley and should be a good place to make connections. He also plans to take the Foreign Service exam in October, and to finally get his Driver’s License since he’ll be in one place for a while. He’ll live with us and commute into the city since they aren’t paying him. He’s fun to have around, so we are looking forward to it.</p>

<p>Good to catch up on all the news. Except for the smelly dog sitting job, it sounds like everyone is doing well. :)</p>

<p>No grandbaby yet. </p>

<p>DIL who is a math/english teacher got a full-time job teaching Algebra Honors! She’s had a series of one-year positions of various kinds and always found herself having to apply for a new one (or reapply for the old one) EVERY summer. Lots of “last hired, first fired” and oh-we-don’t-have-any-money-this-year scenarios. But this is permanent & closer to home besides. YAY!</p>

<p>And that’s all I got.</p>

<p>Congrats to your DIL, momannoyed.</p>

<p>Glad to hear about jobs, internships, grad school starts, and wishing all the best. </p>

<p>My S is advancing rapidly across the state of Michigan and looking forward to Niagara Falls and then a visit with my mom. My D is wrapping up her time in Cambodia and getting ready to head to Burma. I am in Vermont for a yoga retreat. Namaste. </p>

<p>Happy Friday!</p>

<p>Very happy to hear about Momannoyed’s DIL. My D1 finished her first year teaching and I guess is lucky that, although she had to “re-interview”, she has a job again this year. And happy to hear Alice’s son is making good progress.</p>

<p>My S2 started his Masters program. He is happy so far. There are 37 students “learning team”. He has a lot in common with the other students. A lot of the program involves internships and he has an interview in 2 hours for something that looks like a good match. The only bummer is that he will miss our family vacation, but on the positive side, someone will be home with Dog Henry. </p>

<p>I am working today but then I am off for 3 weeks!! Tomorrow we leave for a family reunion in Lake Tahoe, then I will be home for a week and then off with my mom and sister for a couple days in NYC for the US Open. </p>

<p>Congrats to momannoyed’s DIL, tx5’s S1, bestfriendsgirl’s S, YDS’s S1, mathmom’s S2, and G#'s D2 on jobs, internships & grad school. New beginnings are so exciting!</p>

<p>alicew: will there be a grand homecoming party for your DS & DD when they return?</p>

<p>S2 survived his first business trip. Yesterday morning he flew from VA to Seattle, had a full day of meetings, then caught the red-eye back to VA and went straight to work this morning. He is now an official Road Warrior. </p>

<p>Well, I’m all full of lobstah and blueberries, so it’s time to go home!!!</p>

<p>P56 – Congratulations to S2!!! Can he just claim a Masters in Bovine Scatology? :wink: Sounds like he is roughing it while avoiding having his mom put her foot where the sun don’t shine! How dare Miss Connie not see you in her mirror? ;)</p>

<p>Bestfriendsgirl – Glad that all will work out for S1, but sorry that he (and you) had to deal with it! Best of luck to you on the job!!!</p>

<p>YDS – Sorry that your S is having to deal with canine chaos just as he is starting a new job… not a good combination for sure!</p>

<p>Tx5 – I’ll join you in hoping that S2 passed the kidney stone… not what he needs at this time either! Enjoy the time off!!!</p>

<p>Mathmom – Congrats to S2 on the internship! I think that DW is ready to move to NYC to have D2 around!</p>

<p>Momannoyed – Many congrats to your DIL!!!</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Whew! I was afraid that I had missed this week’s travel log! Namaste.</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Congrats (or Condolences?) to S2 on obtaining “Road Warrior” status.</p>

<p>In post-college news, D2 has accepted the NYC job (found through the school’s Career Services) and got the Mid-Town apartment that she wanted… whew! Skype roommate interviews and apartment tours come in very handy. She found the apartment through her alumni association which is very active in NYC. I feel a little better about this one too because it has security, a doorman, and an elevator. She is nervous. DW has already started to “miss” her as she has been tearing up on the phone this week… it’s empty nest for real this time. To compensate, they have been work shopping and hitting the spa this week.</p>

<p>OK, gotta run so I can get up at 4:30AM to fly home. LIMOMOF2, I’ll be the sleepy one flying into LGA in the morning.</p>

<p>Just checking in to say we’re STILL waiting for the grandbaby to arrive, with increasing impatience. (5 days overdue). I know, they come when they come, but you’d think with the full moon and all that, now would be a good time. I-) We keep checking our phones, drumming our fingers, and tapping our toes…</p>

<p>Just checkin’ in, momannoyed. Any update?</p>

<p>Happy Monday to the rest of you. S expects to get to Niagara Falls tomorrow! D is in Burma, and pretty much off the grid.</p>

<p>Looks like S1 is going to have to buy a car immediately after all - my mom’s 98 Buick LeSabre, which my husband was driving, bit the dust over the weekend. It would have been $3000 to repair and the car is only worth about $2200, so it was a no-brainer. Now, S1 has his heart set on a late-model used truck - never mind that he has student loans to pay off and that’s part of the reason he’s living at home right now. It’s always something …</p>

<p>Any sign of a baby yet, momannoyed?</p>

<p>Come on, stork!</p>

<p>DS finished his first week of work successfully, including Friday night happy hour. :wink: Then he played in an ultimate tournament all weekend with his new club team. Even though he’s the newest member, he seems to have some of the best experience, having played competitively in college, so he turned into a captain. They didn’t win a lot, but he had fun and feels like they laid a good foundation for the rest of the season.</p>

<p>The smelly-dog house sitting ended a day early. They paid him extra – hmmm, maybe they knew the dog would be a PITA. :wink: He’s is back home for the next two weeks, until the next gig. His commute was only about 30 minutes – quicker than we thought. But school isn’t back in session yet, so that’s going to get worse.</p>

<p>Tonight, we’re going to talk about budgeting and opening a Roth IRA. I better read up so he thinks I know what I’m talking about! </p>