Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>TGIF to the iPeeps! It’s been kinda quiet around here. Here’s some espresso to carry you through the weekend!</p>

<p>VAMom2015: I just recognized your “Diver Down” sign. A friend’s D2 has the same sign after knocking the passenger mirror off her car. She asked the auto repair to paint the new mirror with the “Diver Down” emblem. Is there any news on the interview & college apps?</p>

<p>ML: I loved your update. It’s great that you are in a current state of equilibrium with all 3 kids.</p>

<p>mathmom: Which Broadway show did your S2 see? It’s good that he already recognizes what he does NOT want to do.</p>

<p>GSharp: I highly recommend the USAF Museum if you ever get a chance to visit. It was fascinating. It sounds like your D2 is loving the Big Apple. Does she have any regrets about passing on the Austin job?</p>

<p>S1 survived the transition & happily started his new job. I spoke with S2 yesterday to remind him that his auto insurance payment is overdue & on the verge of being cancelled >:P , so I know that he is alive & well. That is all. </p>

<p>Mathmom – It sounds like S2 is learning a lot in his internship, including some self-awareness… good for him. He sounds like D2 who is thankful every day for walking or public transportation everywhere.</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – So, were the food and drinks awesome? Enquiring minds want to know. D2 only lives a couple of blocks from the UN and said that her street and roof tops were crawling with Secret Service the day that President Obama was there.</p>

<p>Momannoyed – Practice interviews (especially ones to which you don’t have to travel) sound like a great idea. As an IT nerd myself, it takes a lot for us to come out of our shells sometimes. As we say in IT, “How can you tell if a programmer is an extrovert?.. He stares at other people’s shoes.” ;)</p>

<p>Jackief – You have my sympathies taking care of parents!!! My mother is doing much better and has gone back to her Bridge Club and is taking 5 life-long learning classes at the college near her. She had to essentially stop all of this while she took care of my dad.</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Best of luck to S1 with the new job and it’s always nice to know that your kids are still alive. That’s D2’s line when she calls me, “I haven’t talked to you in a while, so I thought I’d let you know that I’m still alive.” I think that when she first got to NYC, she may have been pining for Austin, but hasn’t mentioned it at all lately. She has met a lot of interesting people in NYC and is starting to enjoy it more… if only it didn’t cost so much to do your laundry. ;)</p>

<p>D1 could use some PVC as her apartment building had a fire this week. Everyone got out safely. She and SIL are living with his parents not far away, but have yet to be able to get back in and assess the damage. They have insurance, but that’s really little consolation to not knowing.</p>

<p>On a more positive note, after 8 years of tuition payments, we followed coskat’s lead and bought DW a new car last weekend and pick it up tomorrow… she deserves it big time!!! She made fun of me that my idea of car shopping is building a spreadsheet (which did not initially include color), but it worked and we stuck to the budget and ended up with a vehicle that surprised us how much we both like it (as if she’ll let me in it with my dirty shoes ;)).</p>

<p>D2 has embarked on what she calls “Apartment search part deux.” Her sublet / lease is up (along with the rent $) the end of November, so she is back in search mode again, ugh! I saw the FB pix, so I know that she and some other 2014 grads did go back to her alma mater for the game last weekend. She talked to me a little about a project they gave her at work and it is massive… whole books could be written on the subject. She said that her boss told her that they have never attempted anything like it in the US or UK (so no real precedent to follow), but she’s sure that D2 will do a good job blazing the trail! I sure hope so!!!</p>

<p>Hi To all, Good to hear everyones updates. G# hope your wife enjoys the the new wheels. DD is working hard, pulling an all nighter on homework this week yikes glad I’m not in grad school although sometimes after working in the real world I do long for the undergrad days of long ago. Everyone enjoy your weekend.</p>

<p>G#, don’t remind dd2 that this weekend in Austin is ACL Fest. Hip, young music-lover’s dream. We got ds1 two three-day passes for graduation. This is his first time going because he always was at school in October. I’m getting the first-day report now. He loved it! </p>

<p>GSharp - I believe that S and his friends considered the food and drinks pretty awesome and possibly a little bit overwhelming - we brought a LOT of stuff. Luckily, by the time we arrived, all of his friends from home had headed back to their respective schools. I was disappointed about not getting to see them, but going out to lunch was way less expensive that it would have been. I’d been anticipating the possibility of taking out his 5 visiting friends plus whichever suitemates wanted to join us. Instead, S just wanted to go out with us. He was exhausted and had tons of work to do.</p>

<p>That’s great - sort of - about your D2 being given such a challenging project so quickly. It sounds like they have a lot of faith in her. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Keeping my fingers crossed for her and her roommate to find a really great apartment. Are they looking in the same area, or checking out other parts of the city? Not surprised at all about the number of police and secret service agents in your D’s neighborhood last week. My friend and I were at the Global Citizen Festival in Central Park last Sunday, and there were a lot of law enforcement types from a bunch of different organizations - NYPD, NYC Dept. of Parks & Recreation, Homeland Security, and others - they weren’t there just to protect the performers - there were a bunch of world leaders present as well.</p>

<p>That’s awful about the fire in D1’s building. PVCs for her and her H. I hope they let them in soon as it must be making them crazy to not know what is salvageable and what will have to be replaced.</p>

<p>Congrats to your DW on her new car!</p>

<p>YDS - glad your D1 is enjoying the music festival. </p>

<p>Hi to everyone else! I’ve got to get back to cleaning house. I mostly skipped it last week, so I have no choice.</p>

<p>Happy Tuesday! Coffee is ready - and a hot cuppa tastes good on a chilly autumn morning.</p>

<p>GSharp: I was sorry to hear about the fire in D1 & SIL’s apartment building. Have they been able to return yet? Congrats to your DW on her new vehicle!</p>

<p>YDS: a 3-day concert pass is a great graduation gift. Returning to work after 3-days of concert fun must be a shock to your S1’s system.</p>

<p>Momannoyed: PVCs that the phone interview went well. Doing “practice” interviews for the real deal is a good idea. </p>

<p>jackief: sorry to hear that the coop office is not more helpful. Is there a separate career office at D2’s school?</p>

<p>We had a S2 sighting over the weekend: he was able to leave work early (7:30pm) on Friday and come home to join us for the Ohio State-UMaryland football game on Saturday - DH is a lifelong OSU fan - before driving back & returning to work Saturday evening. Apparently working 90-100 hrs/week is good for S2’s liver because he lost 20 lbs & his college fraternity-sponsored beer gut. He looks great!</p>

<p>12rmh18 - Thanks for the coffee. Glad your S2 was able to join you and looking good - but here’s hoping he does not continue to lose weight like that (unless he can transfer the weight loss to me).</p>

<p>GSharp - hoping your D1 has gotten back into her apartment and the damage was not too severe (or at least that the irreplaceable items made it).</p>

<p>YDS - so glad your S1 enjoyed the graduation concert!</p>

<p>PVCs for those seeking jobs and internships and coop placements.</p>

<p>Not much news here. S is working, learning the ropes and enjoying it. D is job hunting, I think. Or maybe she’s just doing errands.</p>

<p>Happy Tuesday.</p>

<p>12rmh18–Yes, I’m a scuba instructor, so the dive flag seemed appropriate! DS1 has a second med school interview as of last night and was very happy. Hopefully a few more will come in the next few weeks. </p>

<p>G#–Sorry to hear about D1/SIL apartment complex fire. Hopefully the damage is not too bad–tell them vinegar does wonders to remove smoke smells. We’re headed to DS1’s school at the end of the month for a football game. We wanted to see at least one this year, since it’s his senior year.</p>

<p>As predicted (unfortunately) DS2 didn’t improve on his ACT. Well, he has one more chance this fall so we’ll practice more and see what happens.</p>

<p>I’ve been up to my ears in computer upgrades. We purchased a new POS software system and I’ve spent months transferring customer data from the old system–which doesn’t have a very good way of exporting data, so it’s been painful. Just switched to new system today and this included switching the computer hardware. I didn’t factor in the ancient printer that doesn’t even have driver support anymore (vista was the last driver update), so I had to get a new printer. I’m currently feeling like the old woman who swallowed the fly! :open_mouth: Hopefully I can work out the kinks this week, since I’m heading out of town next week and I’m a bit concerned that there will be issues. There’s never a good time to make such a switch!</p>

<p>I thought that I was going to get to the airport late, but now I have time to post since my flight is delayed, ergh!</p>

<p>Coskat – I think that DW’s new wheels are enjoying the garage. She’s “afraid” to drive it, so has been driving the old car all week. She said that she “may” take me out to dinner in it this weekend. Like your DD, I pulled an all-nighter every night this week… OK, an all-nighter for me now is working until after mid-night… that is technically an all-nighter, right? ;)</p>

<p>YDS – Glad that your DS1 enjoyed the ACL Fest tix! Let me know if you feel the need to adopt a new S, especially when SXSW rolls around. ;)</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Whew! Your food wasn’t lame! And you had a reduced lunch bill! You are clearly living right. And the house looks really clean. ;)</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Great that you were able to see your S2, even if there is less of him to love. ;)</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Great that your S is enjoying the ropes. Did your D come home with a new job and / or bag of groceries? ;)</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – How’s that POS (Point-of-Sale or Piece-of-S???) software coming? How’s DS1 “enjoying” senior year? D2 sent me a pix of a building on campus 2 weekends ago with the caption, “And the best part is that I’m not even allowed in.” ;)</p>

<p>Thanx for the PVCs for D1. As it turns out, their apartment came out relatively unscathed other than some smoke damage and they have moved back in. The apartment across the hall from them was completely gutted.</p>

<p>D2 gave me an “I’m still alive” call. She has a couple of potential roommates, now they just need to find a place to live, ergh! Luckily, they all work relatively close to each other and have the same “show stopper” criteria… the laundry must at least be in the building, preferably in the apartment. She is looking forward to having a 3-day weekend ‘cuz the US office gets Monday off.</p>

<p>Just stopping by to say hi. DS will be home tomorrow for an overnighter. He had “reading days” Thursday & Friday but chose to stay on campus and do whatever it is he is doing. Reading? Writing a paper for sure, and working on Senior project. Possibly practicing with the team for the big CS competition that is in November, whose full name escapes me now. </p>

<p>You know, we all hope for that empty nest but I am not totally fine with not having anybody who needs me around here. :frowning: On the bright side, we are going up to see the grandboys in a few days. :)</p>

<p>Momannoyed so get that not being fine with the empty nest thing.</p>

<p>G# can also relate to your DW reluctance to drive the new car, I didn’t have a choice as I traded in my old one but am only now settling in to driving my new one 3- 4 weeks out, I hate change lol
Re: all nighters, yes post midnight counts for us “seasoned” students of life</p>

<p>Swinging by to say hi. Should have made it yesterday when tragedy struck at our house - there was no coffee to be had… I was on a 6:30 conference call to Europe and had to hang tough until 8:30 when I could go to the local coffee shop. Ah first world problems…</p>

<p>All is well with mine - DS is in grad school and things seem to be going well. DD (10) is in her Senior year and will walk in May but will be attending summer school to pick up one last class. Ah well, close enough. </p>

<p>DW and I have been living with contractors all summer - building a rainwater catchment system (think cistern on steroids - the various tanks hold 28,000 gallons) to combat the CA drought and then doing extensive stone work and landscaping outside, also to adjust for the drought. We will be in much better shape come next summer but it has been a painful summer - again, first world problem.</p>

<p>Hope all is well with all of yours…</p>

<p>scualum–just heard something on npr today about the drought in CA. Some people are totally without water and having to rely on donations of bottled water. They have dry wells, & the underground water table getting ever lower…Glad you are able to do something positive and I hope it rains soon!</p>

<p>It was great seeing DS this weekend. We figure the next time will be Thanksgiving. By then the leaves will be all raked & grass-cutting season will be over. :frowning: :D</p>

<p>Maybe when I get in tonight DW will be on the phone with D2 like last week. How do I know? The conversation was something like, “What, you need new shoes? Well Carrie Bradshaw, how many feet have you sprouted since you got up there?” D2 must get her snarkiness from her mother. ;)</p>

<p>Scualum – Good to see you and see that the first world is treating you and your young’uns well.</p>

<p>Momannoyed – You should really make DS feel more loved by saving him some leaves and lawn to mow. ;)</p>

<p>Coskat – An update on the car. Since bringing it home, it has been driven maybe 50 feet and that is because I backed it out of the garage so that I could get down the Halloween decorations last weekend. I had to immediately put it back because there were leaves falling on it. ;)</p>

<p>D2 called from a store called TJ Maxx, which is a discount store in our area, to say that she just picked up a $500 pair of shoes. By “picked up” I mean picked up and immediately put down. I’m pretty sure that one could buy the entire TJ Maxx store for $500 where we live. :wink: So much for discount shoe shopping for the 2 charity, fund-raiser “cocktail parties” to which she is invited this weekend. We are a little concerned because she is also meeting one of her college friends who works for an NGO in west Africa and is in NYC for a few days.</p>

<p>Hi there!</p>

<p>Sad to think the weekend is almost over. Nope, I’m not too excited about having to go to work tomorrow. </p>

<p>GSharp - so, how is your DW getting around these days? Is she still driving her old car? </p>

<p>TJ Maxx is a discount store here too. :slight_smile: I wonder how much the regular price was on that $500 pair of shoes? </p>

<p>Yikes about your D’s friend working for an NGO in West Africa and coming to NYC now. I can understand your concern, Lets hope the screening process they’ve implemented at JFK will be effective. I haven’t read up on it yet, but hopefully they require something more substantial than just self-reported information.</p>

<p>Hi scualum and momannoyed! :)</p>

<p>Hi all!</p>

<p>Reporting in after a trip to Portland, Maine & a bit of time in Boston. Saw the grandkids (adorbs) and just missed seeing the Head of the Charles (we needed to be at Brandeis Sunday evening for a special concert and didn’t even try to leave Portland early as that’s where the adorable gk’s were.) We did go for a walk along the Charles on Monday morning before our flight left. Saw some fall foliage & a whole FLOCK of swans.</p>

<p>Thanks, G#, I will save some leaves for DS. He just asked if he can borrow a car to drive up to Dayton for a job interview, so maybe we can work out a trade. :)</p>

<p>Oh, and you know how the Cincinnati airport is actually in Northern Kentucky? Our flight attendant today did not know this. Priceless. But makes you wonder where Delta is getting these people and how much training they get. :/</p>

<p>Belatedly answering questions. The Broadway show was “If then”. He didn’t figure out the conceit until well into the play, which means he was just confused for a very long time. He’s still done very little driving. I’m pretty sure he’ll get the license eventually, but he’d rather spend his weekends hanging with friends, playing video games, apple picking etc. (that’s the plan for this weekend, I don’t know where they think they are going to find any apples left.) We are in the midst of major remodeling. I am ever more sympathetic for my clients. I love my contractors but the process is loud and dusty and takes forever. </p>

<p>Hi All, Happy Fall, just got back from a lovely 5 days in Vegas w sis and cousins 40 bucks richer thanks to 5 cent slots lol I’m such a high roller. Have to save my pennies since DD got engaged over Columbus Day Weekend, yikes I expected it eventually but not so soon, can’t believe my baby’s getting married, I’m not ready to be a MOB.
G# your wife is too funny by the time she drives it the car will be out of style. </p>

<p>coskat, congratulations! Will you be opening another “dressing the MOB” thread? or will it be easy for you?</p>

<p>I don’t get in here much anymore, DS (the '10) is very happy at his master’s program. His sis (the '08) is not doing as well as she and everyone expected in her phd program, she is heading into her “quals” test without having much data because she didn’t know how to change the batteries in some machine and the grad student to help her … didn’t. She needs to get pushier, but that has always been a problem for her. </p>

<p>H and I took a vacation, ending in our 40th college reunion. It was sort of fun, crowds are NOT my cup of tea and everyone who knows me was astonished that I wanted to go. DH and I met there for one thing. I still kept in touch with my roomie who lives in the area so got to see her. I wouldn’t go to another, but it was good. When DD picked us up at the airport, she was vehement that she would never ever attend her HS reunions. Made me a bit sad that we didn’t know she didn’t like it there until now, 10 years later. </p>

<p>Good morning! No news, so just stopping by to say “hi”. </p>