Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

Alice - so exciting about your coming retirement!

Wishing your S a safe and fun bike trip!

GSharp - MTA workers who aren’t helpful? Imagine that!

Glad your D made it out of her last apartment before the mice moved in.

Enjoy your vacation! Nice that your girls and D1’s H will be joining you for part of the time.

Thanks about my S. So far, he says he likes his classes and his new roommate seems to be working out well. That was a big relief after the roommate he had last year. Sadly, S and his gf broke up. I think it was mutual, but I’m still worried about him.

No real updates from D.

Happy Friday to all!

Last weekend D1, DH & I took a roadtrip (about 400 miles each way) to visit S3 at Berkeley. We squished a lot of activities into 2 days (Anchor Brewery tour, Giants vs Padres game at AT&T Park (which despite being a Dodgers fan I LOVE), the Cal vs SDSU football game (D1 is a SDSU alumni) and dinner at my Aunt & Uncles (where we did S3’s laundry which had not been done in 3 weeks). S3 looks happy and healthy so I think I can last until he comes home for Thanksgiving.

This weekend I am playing on an “over 50” team in a tennis tournament. It should be fun, but the forecast is for the upper 80’s, which is not my favorite.

I just had to dust in here a little. It is verrrrryyyy quiet.

Home needs dusting, too; hasn’t been done since before leaving for Germany vacation Sept 8. Yes, we went to Oktoberfest, it was great. Lots less crowded than I feared and lots more carnival/rides/fair vibe than a drunken brawl. And we went both day and night (in small doses). The best thing was the starting parade; it was very similar to the Rose Bowl parade I thought. The beer producer’s all had horse drawn wagons decorated with flowers, beautiful flowers. And the tack on the horses was stunning!

g# did you not come back from vacation?

alice… how many more days until retirement party? Are you bringing us cookies or are we to provide the wine?

tx5; glad you like ATT park, not so glad about the (grrr rotten) Dodgers… 8-|

In COLLEGE news, DD started her first rotation as a TA for her research prof. She doesn’t know how it is going yet because the babies had to have their safety training first. DS finished his summer internship/job with glowing recommendations and is back at school. He was coughing too much to say what classes he is taking this time or what his TA job is. Funny, he is the younger and in a Masters program and he TA’d all last year (part of his scholarship). DD is entering her 3rd year of grad school and this is her first TA trip (part of being a PHD grad student I guess).

Well, look who crawled out of the woodwork… I know, I have been totally remiss since going on vacation. You know how sometimes you pay for going on vacation?

We had a nice laid-back vacation at OBX. D1 and D2 made it. Unfortunately, D1 arrived the evening that D2 left in the morning. So DW was a little upset to not have them both there at the same time. Oh well, DW and D1 are headed to NYC for a “girl’s weekend” with D2 next month. DW already told me that I might want to turn off my AMEX alerts. :wink:

My recent CC airplane moment was a young lady and gentleman sitting behind me “talking up” their colleges to each other… Sewanee and Carleton, respectively.

esobay – Everyone is going to blame you for blowing off the dust and inciting my return. :wink: How’s that Oktoberfest hangover coming? Your youngun’s sure stay busy!

Momannoyed – If you are still around, I made my first trip to your S’s alma mater this week. OK, actually I was a block away, but I did walk over to check out the football practice field.

And the reason?… I went to Bogart’s (first time) to see GWAR! Man, I am getting old! :wink:

Sounds like this is not a hypothetical scenario. :wink:

AliceinW – If I am counting correctly, you are down to 1 week left before retirement. Congratulations!!! I can’t wait until my invite for the party arrives. :wink: As you may recall, D2 is a big Alice fan. Her big event for this week is going to the Morgan Library & Museum for the Alice in Wonderland exhibit.

Tx5 – So, did you kick some “over 50” butt or what?

LIMOMOF2 – Sorry to hear about your S and GF, especially as the new year is starting, ugh. Has your worry level subsided any? D2 got me a “Brooklyn Style” birthday card. She misses her (and your) old Greenpoint neighborhood. She said that it was a great place to live, just not the roommate situation. She handwrote in the card that even though she doesn’t live there anymore Brooklyn is THE BEST borough and for me to never forget it. Her goal is to one day make enough money to live in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn with a view of the river.

In post-college news, D2 is edging ever closer to joining the “and Beyond” club. She took the GRE last week. She is happy with the results and does not think that she needs to take it again. She is ecstatic that she is done studying for a while. D2 has also lined up 3 professors who will write recommendations for her. One told her that he was just thinking about her because he now uses one of her papers as an example for his writing seminar. She and her roommate are still getting along well and have decided that part of the current apartment’s “charm” is that it will never get clean enough, no matter how much they scrub. :wink:

I think it’s a good thing that esobay was here and did some dusting!! Otherwise, we’d all be sneezing. Hope your D and your S are enjoying their TA’ing this term.

G# - glad you had a good vacation, even if your Ds’ visits did not overlap. We all know Carleton is superior to Sewanee, right? :wink: Both of my kiddos are contemplating grad school (one of them in Brussels!).

Hope everyone else is doing well. Good to know you have better things to do than visiting CC!

Today is my last Monday at work. Thursday is my last day. I’m so ready! Happy Monday.

TGIF to the iPeeps!!

alicew: 5 years ago we launched our kids to college. This past week, we launched you into the Great Retirement Beyond! Many, many congratulations on this milestone & freedom. Enjoy the silence of your alarm clock.

esobay: I’m incredibly envious of your Oktoberfest trip. It sounds like the trip of a lifetime. I’m glad to hear that DD & DS are doing well with TA jobs & grad school. Could you remind me what they are studying?

G#: Welcome back from vacation! I was wondering if the Scumdogs of the Universe had abducted you.

S2 texted me from work at 3:20 am last night. The sad thing is that both he and I were awake at that time. He is working unbelievable hours & is completely exhausted. But he convinced his employer to send him on a recruiting trip to W&M, where he will meet with current students and, oh yeah, conveniently get to see his GF (who is a senior this year).
S1 bought a condo 2 weeks ago, so we’ve helped him move, paint, & settle into the new digs. He runs the Marine Corps Marathon in 2 weeks and finishes his master’s degree in 8 weeks. There will be a huge Housewarming/Graduation/Holiday party in December!

Good morning!

Congratulations to AliceW!! When I woke up to my alarm at 6am I thought about how lucky she is.

Update on my over-50 tennis team. We DID kick butt, and won the tournament, so now we are off to Indian Wells in November for “Nationals”.

D1 survived her third “Back to School” night. Kids are no problem, but their parents make her nervous!

S2 finished his internship at Padres Stadium and filled out his paperwork for graduation in January. Fingers crossed he gets a job soon after.

Currently working on Dog Henry’s Halloween costume for the Howl-o-ween Yappy Hour. Last year he went as a Tiffany’s box. He looked great at first, but toward the end of the evening, the box we used started to fall apart, and he looked more like the “walk of shame”.

Happy Weekend to all!

I had to jump in here just long enough to congratulate Alice and leave her a little “present” before she looks into her next keyhole!

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Congrats Alice I am so jealous! It is good to see/read that some are still here and know how the beyond is progressing. As you said 12rmh18 5 years ago we launched our kids and wow look at all that has happened since. I have been lost in wedding land and am now firmly planted in post wedding bluesville a newly minted MIL. My DD who met her now husband first semester freshman year 5 years ago in her dorm and never looked back is a happy wife as of 10/10/15. They are back to the reality of grad school (her) and work for him today and as for me I must finally face the reality that she is fully launched even as I write this from her old bedroom with soccer & dance trophies on the shelves and even though she moved out last year after graduation, what is it with this thing called denial??? But stopping back here brings me a smile hearing all the good things that continue to unfold for the parents and class of 2010. Wishing you all well!

12rm18 , good luck to your guys! NEW condo!! YAY!
DD is PhD Material Science, DS is Computer Science, both at Stanford which is nice and near home.
coskat, hugs and cheers for being a newly minted MIL. You will be great. We made DD ditch the soccer trophies one summer so I could paint. the room seems very empty all the time now.

g# ?? big bird?

alice BYE!! WAGE SLAVE, Hello retirement rush! I really like being retired, but I don’t seem to get much done. ever.

G# - the quote has hit the mark on how I got my name, er, my cc name. I was a lurker for a while, and decided to sign up. The name I chose was “curious” which, of course, was not available. So I turned to “curiouser and curiouser” - which somewhat more surprisingly was also not available. So “aliceinw” it was.

So here I am getting used to retirement. There are some kinks in the system (I actually turned on the TV yesterday afternoon) but overall it feels good. Here’s hoping you all get a chance to try it - well, except esobay, who seems to have preceded me.

coskat - I’m sure you will be a great MIL. I would like to have a chance to try that someday, but NOT YET. My kids are not ready.

Today, I will practice yoga, do some homework for my yoga teacher training session that is tomorrow, go to pilates, maybe run a few errands, etc. Sounds perfect to me. Happy Friday to all.

I’m sitting here hoping to get a standby seat on an earlier flight. Somehow I managed to book the one that doesn’t get me home until 12:30AM tomorrow. Wish me luck!

AliceinW – How’s that retirement coming? TV, huh? That’s never a good thing! Of course, it is a given that Carleton wins out over Sewanee, but I try to avoid in-flight altercations. :wink: I always joke with DW that I am going to retire, but I don’t think that she could stand half as much money and twice and much husband. :wink: I tell her that it could be like when we first got married and lived off of love… not so much going for that idea either. :wink:

12rmh18 – You and S2 really need to get some sleep. I bet he’ll be too exhausted to have any time to spend with his GF. :wink: Also congrats to S1 on the new condo and best of luck with the marathon. I actually stayed in town for the USAF marathon in September and hoped that I could buy you a cup of Boston Stoker. Regardless, enjoy the party. DW and I may be going to the W&M Homecoming game tomorrow. I’m not sure why since I have never been to one, but it is an excuse to get out of the house.

Isn’t that always the way? Don’t you hate those meddling parents? :wink:

Tx5 – Congrats and best of luck to you in November! May you continue to kick butt! And may S2 kick job hunting butt!

Coskat – Congrats to your DD and you with your new MIL title. You are not the only one in occasional “denial” as DW periodically visits the trophies, ribbons, worn out shoes, etc. that live in the D’s old rooms.

Esobay – The latest version of CC makes Alice in Wonderland look like Big Bird. At some point CC’s non-proportional font capability really went south. Near Stanford, huh? For a while, I lived in the big city of Atherton and went to elementary school in Redwood City when my dad was at Stanford.

Not much word from D2. I think that she may be busy filling out applications and writing “personal statements” for grad school. To my knowledge, NYC is still standing, so she and her roommate have not done too much damage. :wink:

Congratulations, Coskat! Wow about your D being married! Exciting news! Wishing them all the best!

Tx5athome - did you decide on a costume for Henry?

Alice - congrats again on your retirement! Enjoy it!

GSharp - I hope you made it home without any issues.

NYC is indeed still standing. :slight_smile: At least it was fine when I left the city late last night.

Wishing your D2 lots of luck with her grad school applications. My D is doing the same - though she is only applying to a few schools. She’s already applied to one program and been accepted, but she’s decided to submit two other applications so that she (hopefully) has options.

Anybody home???

I am enjoying retirement immensely. On the college, or at least higher education, front - my D (Carleton 2012) is applying for a one year grad program in Brussels for next year. More related to her personal interests than to any particular future employment, but if you can’t do that at 25, when can you do it? She’s been working since graduation, and I think it’s a great idea. My S (Carleton 2014) is getting used to work and contemplating a stint in grad school to get a Masters/Teaching Certificate. Judging by what I’ve seen, he will not get around to applying for Fall of 2016, so will keep working. Then again, he doesn’t tell me everything.

Hope the rest of you and your kiddos are doing well. That is, if there are any of you out there. Happy Thursday.

Yes retirement is great! But the first thin I did was to cut clear the leafs and bark on the Palm Tree, now it is decorated with lights. :slight_smile:

Glad to see that some folks are still hanging around. I mostly just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Exactly! I hope that the planets all align for both your D and S!

Artloversplus – Retirement? What’s that? Do I get to participate? :wink:

LIMOMOF2 – That’s great that your D already has a grad school ace up her sleeve. Congratulations to her! I thought of you when DW texted me from Bryant Park’s Max Brenner’s (read on). Let me know if NYC seems to be incurring any damage and I’ll speak to my D. :wink:

Speaking of NYC, DW and D1 went to NYC a couple of weekends ago for “Girls Weekend” (Did you know that does not include me? :wink: ) with D2. I believe that my AMEX is still functional. :wink:

Meanwhile, D2 is still filling out grad school applications, personal statements, writing samples… you know the drill. I think that most applications are due soon, so hopefully that will be behind her. She wanted to stay in NYC to work on those instead of coming “home” for Thanksgiving. She will be home for Christmas.

Happy Thanksgiving All!!!

Gsharp, Yes, retirement! When I stop buying houses, its time to retire… :slight_smile:

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving and black Friday everyone. Was in stores at around 6PM last night! Black Friday is no longer, Black Thanksgiving more or less. Either way, glad to have all returned to home.

Anyone care to share door buster stories?

I haven’t checked in here for a little bit - it’s been pretty quiet around here. I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgivings and are looking forward to the upcoming holidays.

GSharp - sorry to hear I missed meeting up with your DW and you two Ds while they were in the city. I’m a girl - they could have invited me to their “Girls weekend!” :wink: NYC seems like it withstood any damage done by the women in your life. I was in the city today, and it seemed perfectly fine - other than the fact that it was super-crowded. That’s not exactly unexpected at this time of year, but it does make it hard to get around. Btw, I wish I’d thought to go over to Bryant Park while I was in the city today. That would have been fun and maybe I would have found a few gifts.

Thanks about my D’s one grad school acceptance. I’m pretty sure she’s applying to one or two other schools, but as of last week, they were ready to go but had not been submitted.

Yay for your D2 coming home for Christmas! Will D1 and her H be there too? Wishing your D2 the best with her apps. Wouldn’t it be funny if they ended up at the same school? I believe my D said hers are due in January, but I’m not sure when in January.

My kids will both be home for Christmas. :slight_smile: I see S at least once a month, but I haven’t seen D since my niece’s wedding in Sept. We spent almost no time together that weekend since she was in the bridal party and had to do bridesmaid-y things, so it’ll be nice to catch up with her.

Oh, and I’m not sure whether I mentioned this here, but S was thinking about transferring schools and had applied and been accepted to the other school. I’m happy to say that he’s decided to stay where he is. A bunch of good things happened that outweighed the bad, so he decided that the good things outweighed the bad.

Hi there LIMOM. Glad to hear that your D has a grad school acceptance, and wishing her best of luck on any other applications. Also glad to hear that your S has decided to “bloom where he was planted” and that good things are happening for him there. And nice that you will have them both home for Christmas.

Gsharp - Glad to hear (via LIMOM) that “your women” did not wreak too much havoc on NYC. Best to your D2 on her grad school applications also. Nice that she will be home for Christmas - hope you can have your whole family together.

Artloversplus - no door busters stories here, but glad that you had your family home and could enjoy your Thanksgiving.

I am about to leave my house for the day so I don’t suffocate from the oil paint vapors - finally having the repairs done from last winter’s ice dams. Huge project - the house is a construction zone. And not because we are doing anything wonderful to improve our house. Ugh. My D will be home at Christmas time, and I’m looking forward to that, but I am hoping she will have a bedroom to sleep in. Come to think of it, I am hoping I will have a bedroom to sleep in too. There may be some motel time on the horizon for us. Last night would have been a good choice - hard to sleep when you can’t breathe.

Happy Hanukkah to those celebrating, and best to everyone else.

Forgive me, Parents of the HS Class of 2010, for I have sinned. It’s been 3.5 years since my last posting. :open_mouth:

Long story short, when last I posted in the summer of 2012, DS was about to enter his 3rd year at NYU. He had a housing assignment to a dorm, and also signed a lease to an apartment. He petitioned to be released from his dorm contract - DENIED. DS went totally non-liner, threatening bodily harm to the housing administrators. The office went into lock down, the NYPD was involved (no charges were filed, thankfully). Needless to say, DS was suspended from school for one academic year. He ended up going to the “school of hard knocks” for the next year, jumping from entry level, minimum paying job to job in NYC. However, with new found maturity (and therapist help), he applied and was reinstated back at school for the fall of 2013. He ended up graduating in 3.5 years, completing his studies from NYU in December 2014. The best news now is that about four weeks ago, after doing interesting jobs at the Bronx Zoo and the Food Network, he landed a FULL TIME, PAYING POSITION with benefits, doing creative work that he loves, in NYC. In fact, he’s working for a startup (it’s all made up of millennials) who’s mission is to get great jobs and internships for college students and recent grads, and opportunities to land a full-time job after graduation. He’s the “Content Creation and Social Media Manager”. That’s right. He’s getting paid to be on the computer all day, making videos and posting items for his company on FB, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc. Wonders never cease.

As for DD, big changes in her life as well. She continues to work for a Big 4 accounting firm in Boston. Side note - as part of a company sponsored community service project, she was giving refreshments away to Boston Marathon runners as they crossed the finish line, when the bombs went off. She’s fine, but it left us all very shaken. But the bigger news is that she met a guy (also that the firm - and yes, I approve!). Both of them got two year assignments to the firm’s Sydney Australia office, starting in 2013. They came back to the States at the midpoint (last summer), and got married, and have permanently returned back to the States this June. DS, his GF, DW and I went “down under” last year to spend the holidays with them. And for the first time in four years, everyone was back home for this Thanksgiving. DW was especially happy to have her brood back under her roof.

It’s nice to see many familiar people still posting on this thread. Granted, I’ve not gone back and read all the postings, but I will try to do a better job of keeping up. And I hope everyone stays safe this holiday season.

From the unusually warm climate of northern New England -
