Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Kajon – that’s why I only got them bath sheets for college. Neither will wear a robe.</p>

<p>LOL, Kajon. Some girls on my hall wear robes and the velcro towel things, but I just use a regular towel. If it were coed I would probably cover up more (depends on how cute the boys were, HA, kidding)!</p>

<p>psychmom, your D will be happy she’s in an all-girl dorm when she comes down the hall after her shower, esp. if she’s wearing just a towel. ;)</p>

<p>I have a headache after ds’s doctor appt (and after engaging with someone on another thread). I think I might break out the Jack Daniels. :)</p>

<p>First load of dorm supplies arrived today from Penneys. DH is perturbed (mild characterization) that I bought 2, yes 2!, pillows for S2’s bed. Well, I’m hoping he’ll need to sit up in bed and do homework on his laptop. Oh yeah, and the splurge set us back a whole $6.99!!!</p>

<p>More Jack Daniels, please.</p>

<p>Oh, good. I have to virtually drink alone. ;)</p>

<p>If my son used the password he used for all his other college stuff, I could get into his Tufts sites, but if he used his other password, I can’t. As you can tell I have tried!</p>

<p>Bath sheets are definitely the way to go.</p>

<p>I was in a co-ed dorm a million years ago. I wore a bathrobe, but some of the guys just used towels - and some of those towels were a bit on the skimpy side! :eek:</p>



<p>Jack Daniels reminds me of MY college days. I think I’ll have my new summer drink instead. Vodka, cranberry juice and grapefruit (or pineapple) juice. It is much healthier!</p>

<p>We just got new next door neighbors and they are from England. Each day I see her having lunch alone on her deck with a large pint of beer…no wonder she is always so calm!</p>

<p>Can I join the Jack Daniels party? Someone stole my spare tire off the back of my car yesterday from the work parking lot & I didn’t find out until today. Grrrrr. DH has kindly been taking care of tracking down locking lug nuts, a new wheel, etc. The bright side is that I can spring for the “Life is Good” tire cover that I didn’t think was necessary as the one that came with the car was fine. </p>

<p>Re: passwords; D just tells me hers. I asked her about something with FA or billing and she just gave it to me. We filled out some forms at orientation for us to “officially” have access to mid term grades but it’s basically a non-issue. </p>

<p>Stopped at Home Depot on the way home & picked up a few things for a small tool kit for the dorm room: hammer, slotted screwdriver, phillips head screwdriver, needle nose pliers, adjustable pliers, flashlight, duct tape. Anything else that you think should be in there? </p>

<p>Thanks for the reminders about doctors appointments. I already had D’s dental checkup scheduled for the week before she leaves, but I’ll call the pediatrician tomorrow for the physical. D had to have a TB test as part of her immunization paperwork, so we had already taken care of that. She really likes our pediatrician & hasn’t asked to change; they’ve developed a really good give & take with her over the years and she sees kids through college. She reminds us a little of Rachel Maddow.</p>

<p>That sounds tasty! I really don’t drink much so it’s not like I have a vast reserve of liquor. I keep it simple. The Coke is one I pilfered from the Memorial Day neighborhood picnic for a situation such as this. :smiley: I’ve always thought people who have a nightly drink, even just a glass of wine at dinner, seem so sophisticated.</p>

<p>ETA: Yes, don’t leave the physical to the last minute. Part of my frustration tonight is that, because (they say), ds hasn’t been to the office for three years, they didn’t have his immunization records there. So now I’ll have to go back and pick up the sheet of paper, once they track down the records in storage, and only then will we know if he still needs something, which means he might have to come back in for whatever is missing (and, no, I will NOT pay another copay). She did go ahead and give him a meningitis shot. And we think he had a TB shot last year for Philmont, but that’s another call I have to make. I don’t think he went with the HPV thing. Oh, and she said ds definitely has a deviated septum (she used to be a PA in an ENT’s office) and we should consider surgery. Argh. When??? Dh had this surgery, and it made a huge difference, so I’m all in favor of it. But again, when? Quit the summer job early? Do it over the holidays? Wait until next summer? Oh, the joy!</p>

<p>Well then, count me as one your sophisticated friends. After 23 years of marriage (you’d have to meet him to understand), two sons (S1 typifies the “absent-minded-professor”, altho we affectionately characterize him as the original “clueless”) (S2 is your typical jock-slob), a slow night involves a glass of wine before, a glass of wine with and at least a glass of wine post-dinner. Weekends begin with a shot-and-a-beer…</p>

<p>Woohoo! Party at archiemom’s house! EVERY NIGHT.</p>

<p>Actually, the reason I find the nightly cocktail appealing harkens to my dating days. When I was 19 I was dating a 30yo (shhh, don’t tell my kids!). His parents, from Houston, drove up to see him, arriving while I was there. His mom walks in with a little bar set in hand and the first words out of her mouth were, “Thank God the traffic wasn’t bad and we made it here by 5 so we didn’t have to start drinking in the car!” Come hell or high water, his parents had a 5 o’clock cocktail. When it started getting serious and I went to visit them at their house, they had the most elegant, dark-wood bar. We sat around and had drinks at 5 on the dot. I felt very grown up. :slight_smile: <em>sigh</em></p>

<p>archiemom- when do you bring your son down here? We might have to meet for a drink. I am a vodka girl myself, but I do like really good beer too!</p>

<p>love all the dorm stories today!!</p>

<p>i think i have it easy…son’s roomate will be his first roommate he had at boarding school. they got along great…but both switched roomates each year (so they would remain friends LOL) they have an apartment style dorm and basically will each bring a mix/match set of things they have ie some pots, some plates, (i honestly think son would be fine just taking his bs things back and not getting anything new) </p>

<p>re health forms…again i have it easy… at his bs he had to have a physical and tb test every year. his college just wants a copy of his immunization record verifying he has had the Measles/mumps one …no meningitis shot, no tb test, and no physical.</p>

<p>Ok, I finally broke down and looked at the dorm photo link on page 46 (post #688). As expected, they look nothing like the minimalist look I hope to see in son’s dorm (we live 2000 miles away). I forgot I’d see a bunch of cute college freshman girls, ha a whole new set of worries. </p>

<p>For the families worried about roommates reluctant to purchase items, perhaps they prefer the “wait and see” method. That way there will be room for everything. I suggest going ahead and buying a dorm fridge. It is actually a bit of a pain to split a purchase and figure out how to even it all out at the end if not rooming together the next year. </p>

<p>In our case there is a micro-fridge rental option we are interested in. Yikes it is $220/yr rental, but we live to far away to do anything else. And it seems a good idea since we hear you can pick up food late at the dining hall when needed. We are hoping the other kid wants to split that cost.</p>

<p>colarado mom… wow 200/year? you could get one at walmart for 139-169 and then just donate it to goodwill or something each year (some schools even have charity yardsales for stuff left on campus). would be cheaper.</p>

<p>[Search</a> results for mini fridge - Walmart](<a href=“]Search”></p>

<p>Hi, everyone…was gone the whole day, but I did read through everything!</p>

<p>YDS - congrats to your S on his AP scores! I like how both your S and I were surprised by our 4s on physics. It was definitely a tough test! </p>

<p>Congrats to everyone else on the great AP scores as well!</p>

<p>missemily - sorry to hear about the roommate situation, but your D certainly has an admirable attitude. If I had received a call like that from your D, I think I would have been very excited! </p>

<p>Now I really feel like I have it easy (for those who are new/anyone who forgot, my roommate coincidentally ended up being one of my really good friends from a summer program I did last year). It’s just nice to know that we get along really well. We haven’t discussed coordinating decor or anything, but we did briefly discuss the refrigerator/microwave situation, so everything is on track! (Except that I haven’t shopped for anything yet…;))</p>



<p>Wait a minute! I resemble that remark. Just ask DW! :)</p>

<p>MomLive – Is it something that S and his friend can work out together? Let them figure out between the two of them who is going to provide what and then talk to their respective parents. “Friend” can then go to his parents and say “<s> and I have it all worked out. He is bringing the X and I am bringing the Y” and see what happens.</s></p><s>

<p>Re: logins / passwords – I have the admin logins and passwords to both D’s laptops for tech. support. I needed to get to D2’s school account for something and she was inconveniently located on the beach for a couple of days, so she gave me her login info. over the phone. I told her that she could change the password, but to my knowledge she has not done so. I also have the login / password for D1’s personal email account for some unknown reason, but don’t spend any time actually looking. In UG, I had to have access to D1’s accounts to pay bills, etc., but no more. D2’s school gets around this by allowing them to “invite” parents to the bill paying part of the account. Facebook accounts… not!</p>

<p>Along these lines, I had originally set up D1’s laptop for remote access so that I could do remote tech. support if needed (pcAnywhere, VNC, etc.). It did not work since the school’s firewall would not let me in.</p>

<p>Re: Dorm decoration – I am amazed that much thought goes into it, e.g. coordination beyond who brings the fridge and who brings the microwave. I just thought of a dorm as a place to sleep and that an “Early 18th century Mental Institution” motif would suffice. And, to my way of thinking, there is an invisible line down the middle of the room not to be crossed. The “pink” girl was way “over the line” literally and figuratively.</p>

<p>Look out LA, Jed and Elly May are on the way tomorrow! D1 has planned a culinary extravaganza inc. El Burrito Jr., Umami Burger, Pink’s Hot Dogs, and Martha’s in Hermosa Beach for brunch. Anyone got a coupon from BB&B for an angiogram? :)</p>

<p>And on that note for YDS, Archiemom, et al., we’ll go out with a little David Allan Coe…
Jack Daniels if you please.
Knock me to my knees.
You’re the only friend.
That has ever been.
That didn’t do me wrong.</p>

<p>Just got back from a week’s vacation and I’m not going to even try to read 25 pages to catch up, sorry!</p>

<p>H is up for a new position with his company. He’s pretty sure it will allow him to continue to work from home, and hopefully it will mean more money. But he was asked today if he is a “road warrior” and if he minds traveling. He said he has no problem with traveling, he used to travel about twice a month for his previous position. But now I’m thinking… I’m going to have an empty nest next fall, AND H may begin traveling again? Yikes! I might be REALLY lonely… :(</p>

<p>And on a different note… on our vacation, in the span of 48 hours my 2 kids (age 18 and 21) managed to lose 3 pairs of sunglasses. I couldn’t even make fun of them because I’d have lost MY sunglasses if the waitress at dinner hadn’t chased me down as we left the restaurant to return them to me. :cool:</p>

<p>Hi everyone,
sewemma- my prayers are with you and your sister</p>

<p>I enjoy reading all the posts for dorms etc…S1 could care less he feels he does not need much too start with, can always bring the rest during parents weekend. He has yet to connect with his roomate from Singapore, and figure out who is bringing what.
I have been collecting BBB coupons from neighbors and coworkers on the side just in case.</p>

<p>My DH has been home since the week-end, he has a swollen knee that was drained twice (2 trips to the ER). The orthopedic surgeon thinks it might be Lyme disease.We went for an MRI tonight, and should know more soon.
archiemom- save me a drink…please</p>

<p>S2 is back from his camp, and was very happy with the outcome…we are working on his final college visit list…and quite a few will have 2010 HS graduate there.</p>

<p>Congrats to all the great scores coming in, still waiting in New Jersey.</p>
