Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>DH and I spent the weekend in Asheville and had a funny experience at dinner last night at Biltmore. We were at a restaurant near the winery. Throughout the evening we observed a well-dressed young man walking by our table numerous times. However, he never appeared to be doing “anything”. Finally, we could stand it no longer and asked our very professional waitress, “Who is that young man…and what does he do?”</p>

<p>She started to laugh and said, “He doesn’t do anything…he is a college intern.” </p>

<p>It made me laugh, too. She also mentioned that he had shown up late for work when the US played in the World Cup. His excuse “the game, I am an American.” The real world may be difficult for this young man.</p>

<p>BTW, orderd daughter’s Calculus book today. B and N had it for 196.25. Got it thru Amazon for $125 with shipping.</p>

<p>Hi all, great day at the beach! I often feel a little guilty driving around in my large SUV, but it comes in handy for dorm move ins and outs! I also pick up furniture sometimes, curtains and other stuff also for work but usually it’s just me and the dog. H has a large SUV and a sedan and S has a small SUV. Until fairly recently I had a baby blue Beetle convertible which I loved but it was only leased so back it went:(. I think S will check out fraternity rush at W&M because it seems fairly low key.</p>

<p>Hi again all…You guys inspired me to go dorm shopping with D…we had so much fun! Her favorite purchase of the day was the Purex 3 in 1 laundry sheets :slight_smile: thanks to you guys! She is excited that she doesn’t have to measure anything. We saw lots of cool things that we didn’t buy because we weren’t sure if she needed it… I am sure we will be doing more shopping once we get there. Luckily we are only a 3 hour drive from her school. I cannot imagine trying to coordinate for a school that you fly to!</p>

<p>As far as the RIFS/LORS for sorority rush…please know that the South is an entirely different animal and what we need may not be what your D would need for her school. As far as I know, Frat rush is way more easy going and not as intense…</p>

<p>back from online shopping LOL… got comforter, sheets, dishes, coffee maker, and george forman grill. few odds and ends still to get like kitchen utensils, a few pots/pans and that should do it</p>

<p>It sounds like a few of us were inspired to dorm shop today :slight_smile: When is Happy Hour?</p>

<p>Holy Crap! That southern sorority stuff is ridiculous. If that’s what’s required at Elon, forget it. Photos to include a head shot and full body shot? That’s creepy. And letters of recommendation from alumni? How in the world are you supposed to know alumni? (Although come to think of it, D does know one Elon sorority alumni, my cousin’s daughter.) Honestly, I can guarantee you there is NOTHING like that at S’s school in PA, where 1/3 of the girls go Greek. D really thinks she is interested in a service organization anyway. The “summer before” events just sound wrong too. D has a good friend from MA who will be going to Univ of SC. She doesn’t know anyone there, and she clearly won’t be able to attend any summer events. Is she at a disadvantage now? </p>

<p>I take exception to the statement that frats can add up to $5k/year to a kid’s college cost. That would be one heck of a frat! D’s frat costs him about $500/semester in dues. Beyond that, he pays to live in the house, but that housing fee is actually slightly cheaper than what his LAC charges for dorms, and he pays for a meal plan that is substantially cheaper than the college’s meal plan. And his house was recently renovated, so his room is air-conditioned, the house has a computer lab, etc.</p>

<p>A couple of pages back…PayFor is fretting that U of Chicago starts later than everyone.</p>

<p>Don’t feel bad…University of Cincinnati starts classes on Sept. 22. They’ll be on this late sched until they get off the quarter system, in Fall 2012.</p>

<p>And the summer of the change, they’ll get out June 11 and go back August 27 or thereabouts. Short summer!</p>

<p>Lafalum, my friend’s son joined a frat at Penn that was around $7000. I hope that isn’t annually, I thought that was crazy.</p>

<p>And the sorority app thing at some schools is just over the top! I had no idea…but maybe it’s different from when I was in school? (I don’t remember anyone talking about the onerous requirements.) </p>

<p>I couldn’t have seen my D joining one or being happy at a school where the majority of girls do. It’s enough to get into the COLLEGE!</p>

<p>Stanford doesn’t start until September 20th (orientation starts the 14th). Next year it doesn’t start until SEPTEMBER 26TH! What am I supposed to do in the summer? I was going to sublet, but that’s not going to work since I’m going to get kicked out halfway through August. I planned on doing something like Breakthrough Collaborative or the Middlebury Language Institute, but those programs start before our finals end.</p>

<p>We went dorm shopping today. 3 towels and a $6 mattress pad. Baby steps…</p>

<p>^^you may be able to rent an apartment for only a month or so around college towns, since sometimes graduate students only come to live on campus once school starts, so their apartment’s empty for a few months in the summer…</p>

<p>Hi folks! Just catching up here. Looks like I missed coffee and all the way past Happy Hour!</p>

<p>Mdemvizi: Sounds like you had a nice time seeing Mary Poppins. And glad you have a few days to get those medical forms in. :)</p>

<p>Coskat: agree with momof3sons that your BB&B experience seems unusual, though no less frustrating. When we did the register in one and pick up at the store near the school, everything was ready and waiting.</p>

<p>RobD: My H just mentioned today that he is just thinking of renting a bigger van for the trip to drop DD off. We have an SUV, though even with the Thule on top (was fine for my S’s stuff), for my D, he thinks we need a bigger car. And we’d rather both be driving back together after we drop her off, rather than in two separate cars for a possible 3 hour ride.</p>

<p>BlessedTwice: Thanks for the refresher on the “blue blazer” link! You’ve got a great memory! Still brings LOL’s… And I agree about what’s ahead for our wonderful kids being “even better.” That’s been helping me as I get periodically teary as well. Sending {{{HAPPY HUGS}}}:heart:….And those “space bags” sound awesome. I’ve heard great things about them for storage….And on a storage/space note….D surprised me today by starting to clean her room. I can actually see the top of her dresser (still have the clothes carpet thing going…one step at a time)</p>

<p>PAO2008: As another “softy,” I agree with BT….go for the PB Teen comforter your D loves. Happiness is underrated. :wink: We gave into that side of us today as well….bought D a Tempur-pedic pillow and a memory mattress topper. She’s happy and so are we. :slight_smile: And of course we’ll be even happier if they will last throughout college.(“Beyond” is pushing it :wink: )</p>

<p>Parent56: Sorry I missed the coffee! Hope I’m not too late to wish your S a wonderful and safe trip to Canada. Hope he has a wonderful time filled with happy memories. And hooray for online shopping!</p>

<p>Jackie: YAY for getting some dorm shopping done. Wishing your D2 a great time in her CIT stint at camp.</p>

<p>BUandBC82: The concert sounds awesome! Glad you enjoyed it! :)</p>

<p>YDS: Glad your MIL got to spend time with your DS. Hope another “quickie” visit is possible for her. Best to your DS2 at summer camp. </p>

<p>SWTCAT: I’m also sorry you had to shorten your vacation. Hope the time you had was great. And good news with getting some dorm shopping done. I agree that the prep for Sorority rush seems brutal! I agree with austinmt that the sorority that wins your D will be lucky. And glad you had fun dorm shopping with your D. </p>

<p>Austinmt: That side trip to New Orleans sounds wonderful. I loved my visit there many years ago. Hope your wonderful D finds some added treasures. :)</p>

<p>Missemily: Wishing your D a good week at Redlands. </p>

<p>Jc40: All I can saw is Wow re: the sorority rush! Thanks for the tutorial! I’m sure your D will end up where she is meant to be.</p>

<p>acm: Is that frat fee you are referring to at UPenn?! Hope not! That fee may be for living in the fraternity house (so it includes room and board). </p>

<p>CONGRATS to all who enjoyed some dorm shopping today…Here’s to baby steps and Beyond :)</p>

<p>Wishing all a wonderful night!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>It’s my lucky day! Ditto to everything kindredspirit just posted! ;)</p>

<p>KS, it is UPenn and it is the most expensive frat supposedly. My friend led me to believe it was dues not room and board.</p>

<p>LOL BT! I use your recaps to catch up! ;)</p>

<p>acm: That seems crazy! My D may rush for a sorority…We’ll see!</p>

<p>Stayin’ :cool:</p>

<p>S has quite a few friends already at UPenn or starting in the fall, including his roommate. His BS sends more kids to Penn each year then any other college.</p>

<p>$7000 for a frat could be correct…my friend that has a son in a frat said that his dues/expenses were around that the first year because the pledges have to pay for the parties, etc. If D is lucky enough to get into a sorority she will live in the house her sophomore year. It will be less than her room/board that we will be paying this year.</p>

<p>Thanks so much Kindred for the recap and the kind words :)</p>

<p>SWTCAT: Any time…:)</p>

<p>Back home but something must have blown in while we were gone. My allergies are awful. I may take some Tylenol PM and turn in early.</p>

<p>I have to admit that my perceptions of sororities were colored by a HS classmate, who went to TCU with a few friends. They all pledged one sorority; all got in but this one girl. She dropped out of college. Can you imagine? Good thing she maintained her perspective!!! :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Oh, and here’s a LOL: Ds2 just went to a birthday party for the younger sister of a friend (it’s at a laser-tag type place and the parents said the brother could bring a friend). This was just set up on the drive home from Dallas so we didn’t have time to get her a present. Ds found the T-shirt he got for free from a certain Midwest college he visited and where the friend is going. So he gave that to the younger sister! :D</p>