Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@MotherOfDragons …engineering notebook…is that FTC team? :slight_smile:

@MotherOfDragons Glad you got the facts straight before unleashing mama bear…unlike me.

S19 got a zero on a computer lab power-point assignment. It dramatically affected his quarter grade. I asked why.

He said, “She marked it late but it was on time.”

I asked, “Are you sure? Are you really sure? Are you super really sure?”

Of course he replied, “Yes, yes, and yes.”

So I stepped in and unleashed on the teacher only to get this response…

“Mr. Stem2017, your son went in to the system and changed his submission date in OneNote for the assignment to reflect on-time, when in fact it was 5 days late.”

I was embarrassed, he was grounded…for a long time.

@kt1969 when you “link” the common app to naviance, it will automatically move them the schools to the applying list. Also, there is a button at the bottom of the “colleges I’m thinking about list” that says “move to application list” Click that and voila! Note that I get the feeling the school can customize naviance to “suit” their process so not everyone’s may work the same way.

@Aida we did some visits last year during Spring Break which was end of April and many of the schools we went to did not have visits because it was finals week, graduation week or because they had accepted students days so did not offer tours at the same time. I would call and ask.

@Fishnlines29 Yes, they must have customized it differently, bc there definitely isn’t a “move to application list” option. Also D linked her CA and Naviance weeks ago and it didn’t affect where the schools showed up on Naviance. Well, guess this all just shows how flexible Naviance is for the different schools! Thanks for the reply.

Poor D, as the only non-IB diploma student in 5th year IB Spanish is left behind today while all the IB kids are on a trip. Maybe she’ll use the time to work on an essay…

The only Uni I want to visit next April is Universal Studios :smiley:

I think this ‘flexibility’ of Naviance is really a pain in the arse. I would rather just use the CA and the school-specific apps. Yes, Naviance gives some insight into what stats kids from your school had who applied to the same schools. That’s not useful for us, however, since we’re going for the big MAC and don’t care about reaches. Plus, since much of it is self-reported, or there is very little data, you have to take it with a grain of salt. I’ve found individual school websites the CDS, and CC much more helpful.

FYI - Ohio State Eminence Fellows app is finally open.

Boy, I don’t know why we were all so stressed about these early decision deadlines. I have no less than 5 emails from schools that are graciously extending their deadline in order to hear from D. :)) :)) She is hopefully going to get her first application submitted this week (UKy). She wanted her CC to review her essays, but CC was a little busy trying to handle all of the other ED applicants/crises. Now that things have calmed down a bit, hopefully we can cross the first one off the list soon.

Of course, given that it was a computer lab assignment, if the kid had wanted to really show they deserved a high grade, they’d’ve covered their tracks better and hacked into more systems to fix the date discrepancy, but leaving no traces. :))

@Dolemite Ditto. We did Harry Potter Universal trip when DH had a work trip to Tampa in April several years ago. :smiley:

While on page 1344, I looked up what happened in the year 1344. Thanks wikipedia :smiley:

Yep. I grounded him an extra day for that faux pas.


My D was accepted and we are also waiting merit scholarship notice. Looks like awards started coming out the third week in November last year, but there is some hope they be a week early this year.

Here is a tip I heard from the UCF Director of Financial Aid: Summit your FASFA to UCF even if you do not qualify for need based aid, UCF Financial Aid produces a “package” that includes need-based aid, loans and merit aid. The logic is, if UCF knows you do not qualify for need-based aid the merit aid may be adjusted. They WILL run out of merit aid money, it appear they do not want to use up the merit aid bucket on students that will be covered by the need-based aid bucket.

Also, UCF wants the FASFA earlier than most schools, November 1st was mentioned as the target date but definitely before Thanksgiving. The best awards come out in the November/December so you really should submit your FASFA ASAP.

And no need to click the scholarship link yet, unless you like to watch the spinning arrow. :slight_smile:

@paveyourpath I have not heard of UCF offering full scholarship (full tuition yes) to anyone other that NMSF.

@itsgettingreal17 - What is the Ohio State Eminence Fellows app? My son applied EA to Ohio State.

NVM - I googled it and found it. Feb 1 deadline.

We have yet to receive any sort of extension. Are these all ED extensions? Or are some EAs? :slight_smile:

We have been getting phone calls from schools we visited but D decided not to send an app. It’s a little awkward.

Come to think of it, we visited Clemson last spring and did a tour and HC visit. That is the only school that NEVER followed up. Some snail mail, but never added to the email list, no notifications of visits to the area. Nada. Davidson was not much better. Those were our two schools with the ‘You’re welcome for the visit’ type of attitude.

@hadmeathello I totally agree with Clemson. We visited twice and never get anything from them.

GRRRR - My S17 applied to Ohio State (EA) and Notre Dame (REA) with his app submitted on 10/24. He requested letters from one of his teachers through Naviance in September. The teacher submitted the letters to those two schools as well as 4 others on 10/29 but today, Naviance still shows the letters as “In Progress” for those two schools! His 4 other letters show “Submitted”.

He went to see his GC and their screen shows submitted. ND does not have a portal so only way to verify is to call. Ohio State has a portal and it shows materials received and there is no letter listed. Since one is not required, it may not be on there, but can anyone confirm?

@jpc763 I wouldn’t worry about it. It can take up to 2 weeks for colleges to update info.

My D got a “grace day” for EA from Case Western yesterday. She received numerous extensions for “Fast App” deadline and fee waivers. This is not helping me teach her not to procrastinate.

RPI did send her an email titled “Our last e-mail” then proceeded to say “we are going to give you a little more time.” 8-|