Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Awesome news on your D’s full tuition scholarhsip! Huge congrats!! @mamaedefamilia

@mamaedefamilia It must feel so great with such a nice scholarship! Congratulations to your D!!!

Congratulations @mamaedefamilia ! <:-P <:-P

Best of luck on scores from today’s SATs. Congrats to all who’ve been admitted, gotten scholarships, submitted applications and other paperwork lately. Wow, @mamaedefamilia that’s awesome! <:-P

I’m still buried in work. Jeepers, I haven’t posted here since Halloween.

Back on Halloween morning, DS decided to postpone his EA app to Caltech to RA. He was going to have to do a rush job on both that and a 10-page English paper due yesterday for which he hadn’t even read the 400+ page book (because all time was devoted to making the MIT app as close to perfect as possible). The English paper won out. Probably a good move from a grades perspective.

Today is a day off for him (but only partly for me). Next up on the schedule is a local scholarship application due Nov. 15 and the UC + Calpoly apps due Nov. 30.

He leaves Wednesday night for a trip to NYU for the finals of a hacking competition. He was there last year also, but has even more friends he’s looking forward to seeing this time. A certain girl from his summer program lives in NJ and will probably stop by NYU…

I have PESS – Pre-Election Stress Syndrome. Not to brag, but I did just finish figuring out how to vote on all 17 Calif propositions plus all the local stuff.

Did anyone apply to Purdue? On the common app site, it says they’ll send an email with their portal login. DD got an email - but it didn’t include any portal info.

We also haven’t gotten any portal info from Case Western.

So 4 apps submitted, only 1 portal… :frowning:

In 1985, GT’s acceptance came in a skinny white envelope. I was momentarily devastated! Those with GT applicants should let me know if they still engage in this scare tactic.

My big happy moment today was checking portals to see that the elusive GC LoR has finally arrived everywhere! Then I re-ran all the NPC’s with our actual 2015 tax info. We lost the little bit of need-based that just a couple of schools had shown. The weird one is UVM. They never showed any need-based, but had shown $16,000 in merit and are now showing zero. This is with the same stats I’d entered previously. She’s already applied, so I guess it is what it is now. I’ve pin-pointed one RD reach school that I hope she’ll be willing to take off the list. Merit-wise it’s a near-impossibility and the essay looks tough. Might as well save our time and money.

My motto on California propositions is when in doubt vote no

Still have one nov. 15 ea to do then we are on hiatus until we get some results.

@thshadow It took a few days to receive Case portal. First they sent an acknowlegement and then a few days later portal email came. I assume they are buried under last minute applications so it would take longer to set up portals.

@snoozn I replaced a more-essay application with a no fee, no supplement school due to essay fatigue :smiley:

@theshadow …D applied to Purdue. She then got a “thank you for applying to Purdue” email. The portal log in info is WAY at the very bottom of the email! Very hard to see!

DS just got official Letter (large skinny blue envelope) - UPitt - accepted to Swanson School of Engineering (& Honors College - seems everyone is allowed to participate). He had previously received an email notice of general acceptance. Nice to know he has a good program for his desired EE major available and could still take some courses at CMU.

Congratulations @CA1543 !! <:-P <:-P

How exciting @CA1543 congrats

Congratulations to your DS! @CA1543 <:-P

It is so exciting to have good news almost daily now, yay! <:-P

DD has not received a single acceptance yet, anyone else is in the same boat?

@CA1543 That’s outstanding! Engineering programs are so competitive! You all must be thrilled.

thanks you all - you are THE BEST! I am so happy we are all going through this together. @mamaedefamilia – it is a relief to us bc he REALLY wants to do electrical engineering (and computer science) and it does seem super competitive and he has no major “hooks” so we are applying to a number of schools we think he has a good chance of getting in. And UPitt Swanson is really a good option & although a long drive - it is doable!

Congrats @mamaedefamilia and @CA1543 <:-P

@CA1543 the BEST part of Swanson, for me/us anyway; is they want them to have a whole year to get exposed to all of the different engineering disciplines BEFORE they make up their mind. And they are committed to letting the students choose.

From our staff tour guide and the student tour guide “at the end of the year, if all 600 decide they want to be ChemE, we will spend the summer making sure we have enough staff for 600 sophomore ChemE students.” Hopefully that wouldn’t happen but still!

Did you look at the freshman engineering first year conference?

Does ‘ditto’ or ‘+1’ work for adding congratulations to everyone receiving their acceptances and scholarships?

This is the good part of the November madness after the October panic.

Onward and upward.

@whataboutcollege we are in your boat, drifting along. DD only applied to 3 schools. 1 ED, 1 EA and our state school. We hope to hear back from the EA soon, the waiting is so hard.

Congrats @CA1543 – that’s great news!

@whataboutcollege We’re still rowing, too. (Like Gendry for any GoT fans.) DS only has one app in so far and won’t hear (long shot) until December. 6 more apps go in this month, but won’t hear on those until March. California doesn’t seem to have much in the way of rolling admissions.