Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Congrats @CA1543!!! that is so exciting

@whataboutcollege we are in the same boat. Only 3 apps in and no word yet, although none was expected yet either.

Congrats @CA1543!!!

My admissions story
I went to my counselor when I was a senior in high school (1979) because I was apply to 2 colleges. The guy looked at me and told me it was a waste of time that I wasn’t “college” material
 I was shocked and didn’t pay attention to him but I have to wonder how many other kids(think girls) that he did that to

@eandesmom and @whataboutcollege We are in the same boat. 5 apps in no word yet, but don’t expect to start hearing until the middle of the month. Have 5 more to send before the 15th.

It seems like this boat is pretty full right now :)) Feel much better :smiley:

Hey, Our thread is set up in Parents Forum thanks to @skieurope <:-P

@MichiganGeorgia That is terrible! So glad you didn’t listen to that nonsense. I have a male friend who was told the same thing by his HS counselor. He went anyway and did just fine. I also heard more than a few of my female HS classmates’ parents talking about college being the best place to find a husband. Even in the backwoods of the Midwest, I was surprised by that thinking.

@MichiganGeorgia A friend from South said he went to his counselor and told him that he wanted to apply to Harvard. GC replied where is that community college located? :)) He went to Harvard for undergrad and Yale for grad school. :smiley:

Thanks for getting those threads set up @payn4ward and @skieurope !

@payn4ward Thanks! Makes it feel like we have arrived. Kind of

Congratulations to everyone with acceptances and scholarships offers. We are a long ways from that point 
 however, my DC has 6 out 11 apps sent - 1 SCEA to a super-reach, the rest RD with two semi-rolling, not submitted yet though. I am so proud because I am very hands-off and barely proof-read supplementals 
 Our 1 app/week is working great for both, myself and DC. I usually do some sleuthing on NPC, financials, and such in the background.

I am oscillating between “my kid won’t get in anywhere” and “my kid will get in everywhere without any aid.” I feel great about the list looking at every college individually but if there are choices in April, it will be tough. There are two older siblings in the mix and expectations from both, father and one sibling (DC should go to the same college). Prestige, legacy, finances, freedom of speech are all issues to be considered and I fear nobody will be on the same page 
 Wish me courage to survive 

@Ghibelline2017 – know that you will not be alone considering these variables in late April
very late April, I fear.
Well, I should say that I hope he has choices, and that if he does have choices, the decision will be labored.

Can’t say that the app process is going quite that smoothly here. Four in, so that is good, and two more for Dec 1st. I am politely suggesting that this weekend and Election Day would be a wonderful time to submit these next two instead of waiting until Dec 1st. Son assures me the next two are relatively easy and now that he has responded to a # of prompts for the first schools, I am hopeful he can tweak and recycle. It is the Jan 1st RD apps that concern me, especially with the next several weekends booked with Quiz Bowl & Debate. It will happen

CONGRATS @CA1543 – most excellent news!

@whataboutcollege “DD has not received a single acceptance yet, anyone else is in the same boat?”

We are in the same boat here. Based on the schools S17 has applied to, he won’t receive his first decision until mid-December. I enjoy coming here and reading all of the wonderful news. It’s been a good week!! Congratulations to all of your children who are receiving acceptances, scholarships and finishing up the first marking period.

I missed the question about college acceptances
no, nothing–earliest, and it is a wicked long shot–is Dec 15th, then I think one of the state schools reports before Christmas, but then the other two are into the new year, so it will be a long drawn-out process as he applies to RD schools and the “earlier but not early action” schools’ responses will dribble out throughout the winter. Then more for end of March, I think. Haven’t looked that far out yet.

My S17 applied EA to a school that offers ED, EA and RD. It’s his SECOND choice school, so that’s why he applied EA. He too, as others noted, received an email encouraging him to move his app to ED. I think it’s kind of “not nice” to do that. To me, it puts an exclamation point on the fact that he DIDN’T apply ED. He probably has a 1st choice
 which he does. My feeling is that they already must have known it wasn’t his first choice since he applied EA.

I suppose they think a student didn’t know about the ED option. But, I think most students know. (I realize some might not.)

I don’t like the email
 not at all. Crossing fingers for the 1st choice!

@phoenixmomof2 I agree it seems like a strong arm tactic to pressure kids into changing to ED. For us it’s not a question of first choice, it’s that we can’t commit to a school without knowing what the financial package will be.

no acceptances here - maybe mid December, but a huge congratulations to those with acceptances and scholarships, too!!

@MichiganGeorgia yikes! That’s a terrible GC and I’m glad you didn’t heed his advice

@payn4ward thanks for helping set up the thread @skieurope I remember from last year the thread got so long that new posts couldn’t be added so someone created a google doc and it was updated there, but then the doc was removed (I guess it wasn’t allowed). Hope that doesn’t happen again this year.

@phoenixmomof2 your S situation is exactly like my D. I’m not sure if she received an email suggesting to switch to ED. I’ll have to ask. The EA is her second choice. But she did apply to her first choice ED so there’s nothing we can do.

Happy turining the clocks back and gaining an hour!!!

@greeny Actually that was a friend of mine who set up the Google doc before CC made them take it down after a loooooong time. I still have the link in case anyone is interested in acceptances from 2016 group, summarized by school.

If we don’t post it as a link I think we r ok. Need to check TOS.


Correct. Links to google docs are not allowed.

In case anyone is interested in a spreadsheet that calculates 4 year COA including %tuition increases and scholarships, PM me or hit me up on our FB page. It’s a Google Doc, but I can save as Excel too. It’s very basic, but you can customize as you like
I’m sure I’ll be making changes, and if you have suggestions I can make updates and share.

In case you haven’t made your own already. With acceptances rolling in for a lot of us, it is nice to have something to show the kiddos. :-B