Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@not2much Its Hail to Pitt! :))

@itsgettingreal17 Just Roll with it! =))

I am an infrequent poster but daily lurker ā€“ you all have inspired me to change my avatar. I was struggling but DS told me to do something for Philly. The kids are big Phillies Phans and love going to the games, me not so much. It is simple and locates me geographically so I will keep it.

Welcome to all of the other previous lurkers. This is my morning coffee thread and then with my after dinner tea! If i miss a day or a week I get so far behind.

Congrats to all of the acceptances and scholarships rolling in! I love hearing about the results for everyone - so exciting. We will all need to be here for each other when those rejections come in as well.

I will have to go and add D17s acceptances (UA and Pitt) to the list but think I might wait a few weeks for the rest of her EA apps - she does not think she will be applying to any in the RD round unless she gets a second wind. She is over the essays and applications and sitting on a few acceptances and a few more expected with merit shortly.

Iā€™m so glad I came out of the lurking shadows, and I am happy to have gotten a Disney discussion started! Welcome to other new members!

Congratulations @greeny8! <:-P <:-P

Question (but not generic enough to be a QOTD):

I know there are others here who have introduced their kids to 'Bama and gotten them excited. What did it for them? My D2 has applied and been accepted, and I know she poked around the website, but we canā€™t visit until March. Without a visit, she seemsā€¦ underwhelmed. I love her other two options, but I think that UA is also a viable choice, both in program and in finances, and Iā€™d like her to keep an open mind. Suggestions?

Welcome to all the de-lurkers! D finally submitted her first app yesterday to UKy. She wasnā€™t thrilled with her Honors supplement but just wanted to get it submitted and be done with it. Three more apps to goā€¦

Oh, and I added an appropriate avatar.

@NerdMom88 D was very anti college in Alabama but I talked it up at every opportunity. The visit is the only thing that sold her.

Welcome de-lurkers and new avatars for oldtimers. I only just added a profile picture; itā€™s nice to see others doing likewise.

Congrats to all those with acceptances and scholarships!

Gonna be a long wait for us until Dec. 15th, Iā€™m afraid. And beyond that, late March/early April.

@NerdMom88 ā€“ Bama was just an imaginary safety for us. With two in-state options that she didnā€™t like and two OOS options that are her preferred, but perhaps not financially feasible for us I knew we had to GO. I didnā€™t want it to be so late in that game when she saw Bama.

The campus visit was great. Sure those sorority houses are sooo big and football is obviously a big deal. But so are the Honors programs. The Honors tours and meetings were great and I think she can see herself being happy there. The campus was much ā€œhomierā€ than she imagined and still beautiful. The Honors kids are engaged and active on campus and very knowledgeable.

Is that what you were wanting to knowā€¦what did it take?

Congrats to all of you that have acceptances!! I tried in vain to get my kids interested in UA or other large merit schools. DS (dear son) applied to two EA schools that wonā€™t notify until mid December and January. DD hears back from EA in January. We still have three EA schools with Nov. 15th and a merit application Dec.1st. Iā€™m envious of all of the offers you all already have.

We are still a Disney family, heading there for a graduation trip. Several of their friends are going along and will basically do their own thing. Checking in for $$$ Iā€™m sure. Over time our trips have changed but we still have fun.

Is anyone else facing an empty nest? The twins are my only kids and I donā€™t work outside of the house. Guess I better start finding something to do.

@twoforone99 and @carachel2 - We were oneanddone ā€“ empty nest looming!

@twoforone99 Yep. D is an only. Iā€™m planning a major downsize once she leaves. I work and have plenty of hobbies and friends to stay busy. But Iā€™m also considering expanding some of my current community activities, maybe getting an adjunct position, or starting a small consulting business on the side.

@twoforone99 we will be empty nesters next year. My girls are one year apart so itā€™s been a whirlwind year for us. Iā€™m not looking forward to it. I started working part time last year so that definitely helps,

@NerdMom88 D learned about and got excited for UA after reading many of the posts here on CC in the Alabama forum. The stats as a stand alone are not all that impressive but isolating the honors college and looking at the sheer number of extremely smart young adutls that attend is amazing. The numbers of NMSF and finalists and the amazing composite SAT/ACT scores from the honors college mean that she will be surrounded by outstanding peers.

She has watched videos and follows the facebook page.

The money helped and we sat down with her to show the effect of every $5,000 of debt on her future working life. We showed her in numbers the difference between spending $60K a year ($240K over 4 years) vs. $12K a year ($48K over 4 years) and the ROI. There are some schools that she was looking at (dreaming?) that had a COA above $65K. We created a fake budget (complete with rent, groceries, car, insurances, retirement savings,etcā€¦) based on her getting a job out of college at $50K, $60K, $75K, and $100K a year - and then added the loan payments and showed how long it would take her to work before she would earn back the difference in COA ā€“ This was eye opening to her. She has the possibility of other lower cost options but nice to have UA.

We went to a local UA recruiting event at a hotel and it was exciting to talk with so many enthusiastic kids. She met and talked with 2 really nice girls there that she said were just like her.

It was the visit that sealed the deal - she was blown away by the beauty of the campus - so well maintained and UA pride everywhere. The students seemed happy and friendly. On many other campuses she didnā€™t feel that people were happy. She was overwhelmed by the size but meeting with the honors representatives and several students from honors - she strongly feels that being part of that group will significantly shrink the school to a really nice size. All while enjoying the perks of a big school.

I overheard her talking to her church youth leader about the future explosion of Bama alumni that will be all over the US as these OOS high stats students move their way out into the working world and move up the ranks. She is excited to be riding the wave of moving up the rankings.

If you canā€™t visit for a while ā€“ see if there are any events in your area. Talk to your regional rep and see if she will sit down with your D at a local coffee shop. Also, D found a link to deans list students that Bama publishes and then by state and hometown. She was surprised to see some kids from nearby and ended up reaching out to a few of the kids on facebook. One lives just down the road but went to a private HS. Talking to real students who are from our area and travel so far helped her to get excited.

@twoforone99 and @LoveTheBard and @itsgettingreal17 - DS leaving for college will put us in empty nest as well. Havenā€™t worked outside the home in years, but I volunteer at school, activities, and in the community. @twoforone99 - Will need to reevaluate how to spend my time as well. :((

@twoforone99, @LoveTheBard , @itsgettingreal17 , @HappyGoLucky2017 We will be empty nesters after the twins launch. Not sure yet what I am going to do in the fall. I havenā€™t worked since the twins were born.

Congrats to @greeny8 and @Dolemite! I succumbed to peer pressure and selected an avatar. Itā€™s an adorable hoary marmot we met while on vacation in the Canadian Rockies. @theshadow - I recognize your avatar because my father-in-law is a huge fan and owns a few of your namesake vehicles.

Will be empty nesters here as well. A whole 'nother chapterā€¦