Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Our EFC will drop but so will the college endowments.

If 529s are in an age appropriate conservative fund there is little else we can do
 Right? Can’t shuffle them tonight?

Not sure I’m adjusting to the new pic @hadmeathello

D17 will need pants in Canada. The fleece lined kind. =))

Yes, I’m not sure she has fully formed her thinking on the McGill thing. They do have an excellent Neuroscience program, though. I looked at it way back when. But, the pants thing took it off my list
until now. I believe the deadlines are much later for Canadian schools. :smiley:

@paveyourpath I’m not sure I am, either. Plus, people may confuse me for a dude. :))

Well, another thing the 2017ers just have to deal with.

I think age adjusted 529 will be fine but I’m very worried about the dollar going down if the kid goes to school in the UK

Should have waited to file the FAFSA

A good point can I readjust that asset number?

I think we can resubmit it.

Both Toronto and McMaster offer the fields my daughter’s interested in, sure, but after the pummeling the US dollar’s gonna take

Not going to deny that worry is nagging at me

@payn4ward, just call me when your youngest leaves and we can get together for drinks and bitchin’ about our H’s.

@hadmeathello, D has been looking into U of Calgary on-and-offish since they came to her school last year. She really likes everything about them (amazing renewable energy program) and from what I understand admittance is based on exceeding gpa/scores cut-off’s which she does. I guess we’ve been pushing it to the back since the application deadlines are later, but she says she will definitely apply.

@dfbdfb, okay I thought UCalgary was affordable, but had not really considered dramatically shifting exchange rates. Perhaps I should have had the foresight to begin hoarding loonies a bit earlier.

No comment on ‘loonies’.



No, if you have submitted the FAFSA, the assets were to be reported as of the day you submitted.

@mommdc So you’re saying if we resubmit FAFSA (you can do this when adding new schools, and the instructions do NOT say you need to ‘remove’ all the schools from your original list, just add the new ones), the new data does not go to any schools that have already received it? I was wondering about this
unrelated to the election. Or, does that means you can’t change the data for the additional schools?

You cannot change asset data on FAFSA as far as I know. Whatever the assets were when you first submitted FAFSA, that’s what they are.

You can make changes like adding more schools.

I’m 10 pages behind (work), but cut ahead to say that if anyone needs it this morning, there is a thread called “Say it here cause you can’t say it directly- the get it off your chest thread” where you can say things you might not be able to say elsewhere on CC, but cannot respond to other people’s posts except to Like and Helpful ( hug ).

We need a happy/optimistic QOTD today.