Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Small QOTD:
On an “Activites Resume” for a normal human, how much room to explain an activity? 80% of D17’s activities don’t really need an explanation. 2-3 could be expounded upon. What ‘sections’ does K have (School Related, Community Service, Sports?..). Did your kid include any ‘honors’ (I’ve seen this on some examples)?

IGR: Cross-posted. Not very ‘happy’ :smiley:

Perspective JOTD:
I asked my North Korean friend how it was there. He said he couldn’t complain.

I am in shock & sad today. My kids are stunned. Some kids at our high school have been crying. We had joked about moving to Canada or Scotland – we thought we were joking, now not sure? DS is worried that net neutrality
will be wiped out along with any concern about global warming or the climate.

D ended a friendship this morning. Very sad day in America, no matter which party you support (tbh).

Healing thoughts for all:

I want to talk to you about something important. In January, we’re going to have a new president. It’s going to be Donald Trump. I know you’ve heard some scary things about him and he’s said some things about Muslims and many others. But I want you to know a few things.

First, we’ve had presidents before that I didn’t always like. They come and they go. As a country, we can change who is in charge, every four years. So if we don’t like the person or group in power, we can work to change it.

Second, this world is a great place. It has people that build amazing things, heal people, build friendships, show extraordinary kindness towards each other, and give hope to each other. When things happen that scare us or upset us, we tend to forget the good stuff. But yes, there’s also bad stuff too.

The world also has a lot of work that needs to be done. That’s why God put you and me here. To make things better.

There are people who go hungry in the world. There are wars. There are people who hurt others because they are scared of being seen as being weak. The only way they know to get what they want in the world is to push others out of their way to get it.

It’s very important we not become like those people and that we each work hard to make the world safer, healthier, and happier for ALL people, people like us AND people that seem very different than us AND even those that may not like us. We have to work hard to change minds and hearts so we can make this country and this world better for all of us. We have to be the light in the darkness. Our faith requires that we always be faithful and inspire hope in others.

We do not scare easily. We do not give up easily. If the mountain grows bigger, we work to make our muscles stronger to make a higher climb. We come up with better ways to get up the mountain. We have each other, we have many friends and families, and lots of strangers that also feel the same way. They’re working on this with us.

So, if people try to scare you, or if you feel scared, remember to talk to us, and remember that we’ve all got your back and we all have to work really hard to change things that scare us, with our intelligence, hard work, courage, and heart. We need to work together to solve these problems. That’s the job of every good person in the world and I know you’re a very good person. Let’s try to think of a couple of things we can start doing together to make it a better world…

@not2much – my son crafted his resume as you described above. Many activities are simply listed, but he expounded on two or three, and noted awards or accomplishments for those in the description.

Son’s resume (not the activity one for UMD-CP, but the regular one that he takes to interviews) starts with academic stats (GPA, SAT, SATII & AP scores), then ECs with three described and remainder listed as one-liners, then awards & achievements, then research, then community service. Older son’s looked much different as he did not have a slew of awards and did not conduct research, so I think you format to highlight student’s assets. Son developed this format on his own, so may want to seek input from others!

@not2much My dd’s resume is almost 1/2 awards (she has numerous regional, national, and international awards) and they are listed at the top of her resume. Followed by activities and then employment.

Thanks @CT1417. We’ll go with what she’s got. It actually looks pretty good, but is short which I guess makes sense. The Honors were at the end, but maybe it’s a good idea to mix it in so it’s in context. I was also having problems with the categorizations because there’s always one or three that could go in more than one category (E.g. we have Music as a category, but she does things inside and outside of school)

Her actual resume is being used by a HS teacher as an example. The teacher ‘anonymized’ it by changing her name. How many senior female sousaphone players are there? Everyone knows everything about her including GPA and test scores. Pretty bogus, but by the time she found out it was too late.

@hadmeathello, so the teacher never asked your daughter for permission to use her resume? That’s terrible!

Thanks @itsgettingreal17 I saved your post so I can read it again in case it isn’t there later.

@Ynotgo - dumb question, but is there a way to “save” a post on here (or did you just copy and paste elsewhere)? I often come across individual posts I wish I could save.

@DMV301 There is no way to save a particular post. This is a big frustration among CC users. What some users do instead is “Bookmark” the link above. This bookmark will always take you back to this page. That’s what I do. Maybe someone has a better solution?


I’ve taken a screenshot of posts I’ve wanted to save, then put them in a folder on my desktop.

Hopeful QOTD: I like what one of my sisters posted on a different forum, which is hopefully okay under CC’s TOS—but the last sentence is pure gold:

I had a ten-year-old sobbing at bedtime last night. This morning we went over some of the things Trump said he would do that he can’t. He’s feeling a little better. I told him his job is to keep loving people with all his heart and being kind and showing compassion and proving that America already was great.

Well said @itsgettingreal17

My tenth grader was really happy last night. He got a 99 on his AP world history test! Life will go on.

I was thinking I could relocate to ND, WY, Idaho, etc, for S19’s geographic diversity.
We should relocate/send kids to colleges in OH, PA, WI, MI, FL, NC during next 4 years.

DS17 miss read… I’m not sure how he did it but he had a college essay that was supposed to be between 500-700 words… and he thought it was supposed to be 1200 words… Ugh now he has to chop out over half of it.

People expected lot of bad things to happen with Trump win including stock marker crash wiping out 401Ks and 529s. Market is up right now. So, that’s a good start! People become too emotional over elections in this country. I get to vote for the first time (even though I have been watching following politics since 1992) and I believe this country has lot of checks and balances unlike other countries. We need political reform but no own needs to move to some where else especially other countries :slight_smile: