Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@RightCoaster a belated good luck on the game!

@bigMACguyver Woohoo!!! Congrats!

Congrats @bigMACguyver! Thatā€™s great!

Awesome for your DD @bigMACguyver! Thatā€™s great news and a wonderful opportunity! Congrats to her.

@bigMACguyver congratulations on your Big Mac! We have to keep both eyes on these kids. Maybe she was saving it for a weekend surprise for you. :))

Congrats to @bigMACguyver on Michigan State award! We visited Michigan State with older DD and really were impressed! Go Green Go White!

@Dolemite I finally figured out who your avatar is. Rudy Ray Moore!

Congratulations on the great news from MSU, @bigMACguyver ! What does your DD want to study?

Joining the new avatar club. Not sure it shows well, but on a hike up a local mountain last fall the camera captured this beam of sunlight that filtered through the trees. Itā€™s what weā€™re all looking for, right? A ray of sunshine as we face this uphill battle! Then again, if you have to explain your avatar ā€¦ maybe Iā€™ll keep looking /:slight_smile:

@IABooks about the Blount program at Alabama, I think it is worth a close look. My DD chose not to pursue it, because she wanted to double major and thought it would be hard to fit it inā€¦I think it seems like a high quality program. I have walked past the Blount dorm and it looks nice, it is in a good location on campus.

@bigMACguyver Wow! Congrats to your D <:-P

@IABooks there is a thread about blount over on the ua forum, I had asked a question about it a month or so ago. If I understand it correctly (and I swear I feel like a dunce every time I try and wade through all the UA options), itā€™s geared towards liberal arts kids, and they all live together in a living/learning community their first year (their own dorm).

I donā€™t know how many kids there are, and I donā€™t know how competitive it is, though. I could not find that information. Since D17 is accepted into the engineering college, and the honors college, and is shooting for CBHP, the people on the thread said that she could also do Blount, but Iā€™m not sure how much sense that would make for her as an engineer majoring in CS-she would not have her engineering peers around her in Blount to help with homework, is one concern.

On the other hand, she gets very aggravated by the traditional engineering mentality at times, and it might be a good thing to have her at Blount. I just donā€™t know. Mostly I put a pin in it until December and the other decisions come in for the non-safeties.

Thanks again (from my D) for all the congrats. @jmek15 she wants to major in Neuroscience. They had a Goldwater scholar in Neuro last year. She visited without much knowledge, and really liked it a lot. Itā€™s our closest option, at about 4 hours away. But, like someone else on this thread mentioned, she would have to wear pants. ~O)

She liked the B1G sports, but the campus is YUGE. She said she would have to get a long board if she attended. And maybe a snow board =))

We looked at Blount, too, and it sounded really cool! I believe there are a bunch of HC kids in that same dorm that Blount kids are in?

Thanks @2kidsinky @MotherOfDragons and @bigMACguyver.

Iā€™ll look up your thread, MOD. I started a new one ā€“ either I am or my phone is completely inept at the searching threads thing because your thread didnā€™t come up when I looked for info on Blount. My S would also be an engineering student and in the honors college. He decided he isnā€™t that interested in pursuing CBH for some reason, and honestly, Blount is really more up his alley. Heā€™s a STEM kid through and through but he loves to discuss and debate. I really think having a more round background could (?) help with the perception that STEM students donā€™t socialize well and arenā€™t well-rounded. H is in HR and they run into that a lot.

@bigMACguyver thatā€™s a terrific offer! Congrats.

@IABooks here it is

@MotherOfDragons I got some information, so Iā€™ll pass it on in case itā€™s still of interest to you and your D come December. According to the director, at least half of the Blount students are in some form of STEM major. They will also make an exception to the residence requirement if a student needs to live outside the LLC. Iā€™m not sure what ā€œneedā€ entails. And @bigMACguyver is correct ā€“ more than 75% of Blount students are in the Honors program. FWIW

I may neglect to mention the writing component mentioned in that other thread to S. Heā€™s pretty tired of essays at the moment. :smiley:

Iā€™d like to add DePauw to the list of stalker schools. And, have you noticed that Unsubscribing rarely works?

@snoozn, one of D15 friends (a D16) received a full tuition scholarship as an OOS student to Mines. She said that the classes are difficult and she has to work hard, but she is enjoying school. This is a kid who went to a very rigerous HS. She is also pursuing engineering and renewable energy.

@bigMACguyver, congrats to your D. That is exciting new!

Welcome and congrats !!! @bigMACguyver <:-P

We are planning to go to the WPI open house tomorrow. DS is looking forward to it. Will report back if others have interest in hearing about it.