Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Comforting or congratulatory hugs to those who felt strongly about last night’s outcome. I do hope we can all heal and work together for the benefit of generations to come.

On a college related note, D was really distressed when she found this article:
The summary is that the renewable energy sector could see a precipitous drop over the next several years (while fossil fuels will likely be doing well). D has dreamed of working on renewable energy through engineering since she was in 9th grade. I’ve tried to reassure her that she will be able to work in the field, but I don’t know if that’s true. I don’t know how long research funding periods are or how much renewable energy research is funded by the US govt. Hopefully she and I are being irrationally “gloom and doom,” but I just don’t know.

I hope that’s not considered a derisive term, but if so please tell me! (I just thought it was cute and funny when I heard it). On “normal human” activity lists, my D’s descriptions were very brief. I wouldn’t think AO’s want max word count descriptions of typical sports/clubs/service etc.

@bigMACguyver Welcome - love the avatar and the name, may it bring good fortune to us all!

@thermom Congratulations on the CA essay!!! =D>

@snoozn BTW Mines has Energy minor and Mines energy club as well as energy REU (not sure if this National Science Foundation project was renewed or not.) CU-B also has opportunities in that area as well.

How long has it been? Understandably, worldwide funding into renewable energy has been directly proportional to the price of oil as the awareness/need for alternative energy rises and wanes. NREL was founded during the first oil shock in 1974. At the moment, oil price is low so the funding is low, but it certainly will not stop now that all the oil companies also have RE portfolios. RE is driven now more by climate change (which the new administration will be denying) and energy security (are we going into another war over oil?) not by oil price.

Sign me up for a t-shirt, @MotherOfDragons !!

@payn4ward, thanks for the explanation! Do you know any students from your S’s school who’ve gone to Mines? She’s decided to apply (just in time as EA is Nov 15), though we’re worried the vibe there may be a little too serious and competitive for her. I wish they had an auto-admit agreement with her hs engineering program like CU and CSU, but no such luck. I guess they’re a bit too selective for that!

I think CU-Boulder has a great renewable energy program, but she would like to at least get out of her hometown (which I totally understand). She’s taking a DE EE class there now called Sustainable Energy and learning more about the different areas she could go into. CSU doesn’t have as much going on in renewables, but most of what they do have is in smart grid which she likes.


A friend of my S graduated from Mines - very serious and competitive valedictorian type. Very successful now.

@snoozn No, unfortunately, I don’t know any.
The same problem here, getting out of the hometown. :smiley:


I work and have worked with several mines graduates. Very very competitive and serious according to them. To the point of one female recent PhD Alan or talking my SD14 out of even applying.

@thermom That’s what I would do. Unless the app deadline is due before you get your ED decision. My daughter applied to an ED and also an EA (just to have a decision early in case the ED didn’t fall through) and then our state school because the deadline was Nov. 1st. If the ED doesn’t pan out, she will decide if she wants to throw in a few RD or if she will just stick with her EA (she was accepted) or state school.

@nw2this and @eandesmom, thanks for the feedback even if it’s not what I was hoping to hear. I guess those serious competitive students need somewhere to thrive as well!

I think it’s probably the same in engineering programs everywhere. There is no warm and fuzzy atmosphere, just commiserations.

Jeesh my phone and the autocorrect! Should have been almost talked SD out of applying. Happy to provide more details, pm me if you want @snoozn

It is a great school and definitely a hook for jobs post graduation.

@snoozn Just ignore what @not2much said about ‘loonies’. I know for a fact he/she was making a bad joke related to the election. He/she is full of bad jokes. =))

Whoa! Just perusing the snail mail today, and D was offered a Tuition Grant (giving her in-state tuition) plus a Professorial Assistantship, and a Study Abroad scholarship from MichSt. Woot!

And, she was invited to a Scholars weekend to compete for a full ride.

@bigMACguyver …woohoooo! Now that’s the BIGMAC!

@bigMACguyver, what a great offer! Congratulations!

Engineering students - I think the type that are drawn to the purely technical schools are more single-minded.

Thanks guys. I wonder when she was thinking of telling me? I hear their competition for the full ride is crazy hard, but fun. If she ends up there, at least I know she’ll be in a lab starting freshman year, and get a stipend.

@bigMACguyver that is fabulous!!! Congratulations!

Congratulations @bigMACguyver ! <:-P <:-P