Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Sorry for my spelling/grammar above. I stink at typing long posts on my mobile device. The auto correct and auto fill always get me. It’s frustrating you can’t go back and edit on this site.

@Dave_N there are a few ways you could monetize it, or just build it out to sell it later.

@Dave_N – I have not had to phone, as you have above, but have found myself incredibly annoyed at some of these ridiculous portals. I try not to laugh, as son is applying as a CS major, so I would hope that these same schools would have good systems…but the two seem unrelated.

Is anyone reporting a schedule change to colleges? D is taking differential equations next semester instead of linear algebra because of scheduling issues. I’m not sure this warrants an update to all schools since the courses are on the same level. So glad next semester will be in class rather than online.

@MacGyver Many congrats on that wonderful scholarship! That must feel great. We are looking forward to the first acceptance to a college for which D feels some enthusiasm. Large local state U did not generate a whole lot of excitement, although it did alleviate stress.

However, some of the RD schools are now asking for mid year grade reports before they will evaluate her application and one EA school asked for quarter grades (happily they were good). So there is this still this feeling of “can we be done already?”

D is managing her portals and gives me updates when apps are complete. I will have to ask her to let me see inside one of them, just for curiosity’s sake.

Portals: And the passwords! Passwords that must include at least one lower-case letter, at least one upper-case letter, at least one number, at least one special character (but not any of &*@:"'<>|), must be at least eight characters, and cannot have any characters repeated.

Dudes, get over yourselves. It’s a school portal—a big deal with lots of important and even sensitive information, but not something NSA-level. And, as xkcd pointed out long ago, [through 20 years of effort, we’ve successfully trained everyone to use passwords that are hard for humans to remember, but easy for computers to guess](xkcd: Password Strength).

Funny, D’s scholarship just equalizes tuition and fees to ‘in-state’ rates. Like…big deal, right? Just go in-state, dummy!!! Well, she hated our in-state options, so it is a big deal for her. It’s tough when your kid doesn’t like the state flagship for one reason or another. I hear you @mamaedefamilia.

Happy to say that none of her schools have, so far, asked for midyear/semester grades.

@itsgettingreal17 I would report the change, especially since you have a good reason and the rigor remains the same. Should be easy. I may prioritize which schools I notify, however.

We’ve only had one portal issue that involved having to email the school. Turned out they’d switched month and day of her birthday for the password. Now I have to remember her “new” birthday when I sign in. Our main issue is how terribly slooooow most of them are to even let you know they received the app. Why in the world can’t that part be automated?

As mid-December approaches will we all be doing hourly refreshes on a bunch of portals? @RightCoaster, hurry up on that unified portal system!

D is participating in a school walk-out today (I’ll let you folks guess the issue). She doesn’t have class during the walk-out time so no unexcused absence, but it does make it a bit less of a bold move! S18’s hs had one yesterday and he just thought it was silly.

@CA1543, I would love to hear all about the WPI open house. D and I visited, but just the normal info/tour bit. She was signed up to attend a class but it got cancelled. She really loves all the unique aspects of their program so the “Why WPI?” supplement was not too tough for her. I hope you and your S have a fun and informative experience followed by a trip report.

@bigMACguyver, wow that’s great your D has a school she loves and you can afford. I hope we can all attain that.

I would think CA should just expand its interfaces with all the on-boarded schools to allow them pass back status. Then you could get one CA portal for all CA schools at least, for applications and their status.

@bigMACguyver, S is in the same situation as your D. He does not like his in-state choices at all. He will be happier at an out of state school that can offer him equilizing tuition or better. So far he has one in hand, so he will be happy in college.

@snoozn, or the school notifies you that they have everything in an e-mail, but is incredible slow in setting up the portals. Uuggh.

@payn4ward ulcers here too. Quarter ends today and I am being a total OPC.

Obsessive Portal Checker.

He is not a naturally easy student, does have to work hard, has a hard load (for him) and an insane EX schedule. Which is normal for fall and were it not for one of the schools wanting first quarter grades I wouldn’t worry as I do trust it will level out for the semester but…ugh. I would be MUCH happier if those B- become solid B’s by the end of the day here.

@RightCoaster bummer about the soccer loss. I hate PK finishes at all times but especially for playoffs. Just no fun, either as a way to win or to lose.

It would be a killer app!

@phoenixmomof2 I would suggest calling the schools. My S did not recieve portal info from either of his Common App EA Schools but oddly I received an email from one of the schools basically telling me they had emailed him and that he needed to save the info and check the portal. I called that school first, they told me their email to him had bounced. They resent and it went through with zero issues. On the 2nd school, after it being over a week post application and no portal info, I decided to call. Same thing, the email had bounced. Resent, came through just fine.

I agree that CA should have Common Portals as well. But Rightcoaster can develop it at first and then sell it to Common App :))
At the moment, it seems that the colleges purchased various “solutions” from various vendors. If there is one strong solution, then that company can merge the services.

@snoozn No walk-outs at our school, but I just got an email that the school will have a transgender panel and everyone is welcome. I love our school.

Meanwhile a friend posted on FB that her mixed-race kid was yelled at school Go back home $#%# mexican. Incredulous. :-&

No walk-outs at my kids’ high school, but Wednesday they had an all-school assembly with a grief counselor!

News flash: Son just got his 1st acceptance. University of Vermont. Yay. :smiley:

UVM is his #1 safety. He liked it there a lot. I doubt he will go there, but he liked many aspects of the school and I think he’d fit in well there.

So, happy to know he has at least 1 place to attend next year where he’d be happy.

@RightCoaster Congrats to your S!!!


Today’s issue solved. Call back and one transfer to the correct person. Issue was that D’17 account was somehow linked to DW’s registration for the visit we did. Not sure how or why, and don’t care.

Of course, I do now have something to hold over DW. I could tell D’17 is was DW’s fault.

Congrats, @RightCoaster !

@RightCoaster …congrats!!! Burlington is a fantastic college town. Would love to have D there just o have an excuse to visit!

@RightCoaster, congrats! We are hoping for good news from UVM, too. When did your S get his application in? We just made the 11/1 deadline, so I’m not sure if it’s realistic to think we’d hear back today or if we’ll hear in the batch that’s released on 12/14.

Congratulations @RightCoaster ! <:-P
That’s gotta alleviate the pain of soccer loss.
Welcome back to College Accepted Slacker Parents group CASPers ! :))

Yay @RightCoaster