Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Congratulations to your DS @RightCoaster <:-P <:-P <:-P The first one is the most exciting!!!

Bummer. D got the news that she is not being considered for the Wells Scholars Program at IU-B. It takes it out of the running en toto. It was a total hail Mary, but still hurts. So funny the highs and lows with this process. It wasn’t a top contender, but Wells may have changed that, who knows.

As they say, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger!

Oh, yes. the portals can be more complicated as schools “create” accounts/records when you sign up for visit/tours and also when you send the test scores ahead. UT had already EID for DS before application as he auto-sent test scores.
Some schools use the emails/addresses to targetted marketing and tally points for demonstrated interest (clicking emails, signing up for tours), etc.
So it is not as simple as Common App.
Are you taking notes? @RightCoaster =))

@bigMACguyver On such occations, I say, It’s THEIR loss! =))
They missed out an opportunity to have a GREAT kid on campus :))

@bigMACguyver Sorry about the Wells. Thanks for heads up tho. We expect that to be D’s first (of many) scholarship rejections.

Email or phone call?

Congrats @RightCoaster! Very exciting and great to have a safety that is loved! No update on S’s portal
guess we wait for the next round. Bummer.

@klinska my son had submitted the bulk of his app in by 9/30 I think.

Got an email of acceptance at 4:30 today. They will mail him something in a week the note said.

@RightCoaster is his portal updated to reflect the admission? The first time UVM emailed S17, with portal info, it bounced. It did go through upon request for a re-send but that would be uber frustrating if it happens again.

@eandesmom I’ll check later, I don’t have access to it right now. At lunchtime nothing had changed.

Thanks, @RightCoaster–that makes me feel better that we didn’t hear today. Congrats, again–UVM is among my D’s top choices (and Burlington is AWESOME), so we are anxiously awaiting her decision–I guess we wait another month!

@RightCoaster - Congrats! My D16 loved UVM and was thrilled to receive an acceptance there last year - she ended up in State, but UVM was high on her list.

@itsgettingreal17 It was an email. Now to decide whether to hit ‘submit’ on the SSA, which is just about done. Who knows, may still be some $ on the table that will make it worth a second look. Beautiful school, D just fell so-so on it.

Quick!!! What does UVM stand for?!?!!

U of Vermont, I think

@bigMACguyver Thanks. Now I’ll keep obsessively refreshing her email. But you know my IU scholarship strategy
this was a test run. D is just about ready to submit the SSA and the small dollar scholarship app.

IU really needs to work on their computing site. Those apps were bad.

@itsgettingreal17 Yes, pretty bad. The portal has the right idea, until you ‘dig in’. I forgot about the smaller app
I think it was pretty easy to fill out, as I recall. Good luck on the Wells! Your D still has a chance!!!

@mamaedefamilia WRONG! :smiley:

@bigMACguyver University of Vermont. “UVM” stands for the Latin words Universitas Viridis Montis – University of the Green Mountains.

@RightCoaster – yeah! super congrats on Vermont - know it feels good.

@payn4ward, very positive that your S’s school is having a transgender panel. There is obviously a great deal of misunderstanding in this country. In addition to the stupid bathroom laws, transgender people are far more likely than average to be the victims of violence. My kids’ K-8 school (300 kids) had two transgender students and one teacher. They did a couple of educational sessions. One girl who transferred due to bullying at her first school was D’s friend and came out to her first and then to the whole school later that day. Very brave.

D is in her school’s GSA club and they’ve had a few posters defaced but no really big issues. Freshman year she experienced one bullying episode in which a boy yelled at her that she was “stupid and autistic.” The school took it seriously and bullying is pretty rare. At oldest D’s school one of her friends had the n-word yelled at him which shocked and angered the whole school (also a small school of 300).

I feel so bad for the kid at your S’s school who was bullied for his ethnicity. The stories from different parts of the country about similar slurs are very sad. I hope the bully was suitably punished. This kind of behavior needs to be nipped in the bud everywhere.

I sometimes wonder if bullying is much rarer now or if it just seems that way to me because I grew up in a very backwards area and was bullied pretty badly. How backwards was this area you ask? Our mascot was the “Rebel” and kids ran around the gym with giant Confederate flags during pep rallies. They only changed this in 1999 and there were huge student protests. Anyway I now live in a really progressive area. So has bullying changed or just my location??

Okay, rant over. Bad memories.

@HappyGoLucky2017 Ding Ding Ding! Winner!