Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Congratulations @jpc763 !! <:-P <:-P

Saturday evening portal check-ins showed one more acceptance, to our flagship, University of Colorado, Boulder, College of Arts and Sciences (physics major).

Earlier, I had wondered how many safeties (with nearly gauranteed admission) one needs to apply. DS applied to two, Texas A&M (academic admit) and U of Colorado, Boulder. For us, 2 was a good number. They are both admission and financial safeties for us although the in-state tuition is expensive. >:P

@payn4ward --remind me
physics at A&M or engineering at A&M?

@carachel2 physics at A&M
So far all his acceptances are into physics or engineering physics (CoSOM).
DS is still undecided but chose College of Science rather than C of Engineering at the last minute.

Oh, both DH and I are physics majors. No pressure though. =))

Congratulations, @payn4ward !! Is cu boulder rolling acceptance?


Are you familiar with the Quandrangle Engineering living learning program at Boulder.

A colleague’s S is in this program and recommends it.

@jmek15 I don’t think it’s rolling although they seem to release acdeptances by waves.
CU-Boulder has the early action deadline of 11/15.

@nw2this Thank you for the info. I don’t think DS will go there it is 7 miles from home. :smiley: Closer than his charter high school! DH will be very happy if DS lives at home and commutes though!

@payn4ward another big congrats to Colorado!

@Fishnlines29 - Golf was great! Not because I played well (I didn’t) but because it was 70* on November 12 in Colorado! Unreal weather! Congratulations @payn4ward! S17 did not apply to CU. CSU is his only in state school.

Hi all! Just dropping by to offer my congratulations and encouragement. And, this JOTD:

@appleMAC – Had my house painted inside and out this past year
so can fully appreciate your joke.

I dunno, I would’ve said “Remodel my kitchen.” (I’ve dreamed of this for 16 years and not happening any time soon!)

@twoforone99 Last year for UVA we did not qualify for aid but did send in the forms because we sent them to other schools. We did not get a letter with a whole FA package from them, we just got a postcard about where to go on their website to pursue loans if we were interested. With twins though maybe you will get a nice surprise?

@snoozn – OK, better response. The paint in my house was more tired than the kitchen, but a recent small update to the kitchen quickly became very expensive, so yes, a full remodel would have paid for painting a couple of times over.

@Dolemite – If time (and I guess depending on what you’re craving what we were on our recent interview/tour), must hit up Seoul Taco on the Loop! I still dream about that meal

Finish my basement.
was more expensive than
Paint my house
inside and out,
Replace all lightings,
Blinds and shutters, and
Hardwood flooring everywhere.

Haven’t done kitchen and bathrooms :slight_smile:
Redo my deck
is on my wishlist :))

@payn4ward Congrats!!!

We replaced the deck last year, and it was more expensive than I thought it would be (although I came in under budget by $200). The most ironic part was that I thought we’d spend more time out on the deck if it looked good and had a beautiful pergola over the entire length. Nope. Still hotter than Satan’s underpants out there, and lots of bugs. Oh well, it looks nice, at least. /:slight_smile:

H is going to work on the CSS this week. Yay

The clocks switching back an hour has me in straight-up hibernation mode-I slept 10 hours last night. It was a solid 10 hours, but ugh, I’m not enjoying it. My circadian rhythms feel like they’ve been punked. I’m looking forward to some sunshine on Thanksgiving break.

@jpc763 Wow, great weather, I hear there’s a cold front coming through.

@payn4ward Congrats!!! a family of physics, i love it! I’ll have to pick your brain about that sometime

Love the JOTD, it works inside my house. We slapped some colors up on the wall to “try them out”, 3 years ago maybe? Still there, arggghhh.

@paveyourpath yes, It’s so annoying, also, it happens to be a school where the teacher will HOPEFULLY be submitting their rec tomorrow as the deadline is 11/15 - at least that we can check to see if they “downloaded” on CA

@MotherOfDragons I hear you about the clock, still reeling from the change. I plan to take Thanksgiving week off and sunshine would be nice!!

@Fishnlines29 Ah, so your no portal school is at least a common app school. The new portal school is not a comm app school so we can’t even check there.