Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

MOD is freed?! <:-P

@paveyourpath yes, accept that you can’t see if they got SAT scores or financial info

@Fishnlines29 I can’t imagine why they don’t all use a portal. Guess they are waiting on @RightCoaster for the common portal :))

@dfbdfb ** Portals ** – And asking all the what I call “insecurity” questions to set them up. Did the FAFSA and the 5 insecurity questions it asked was just nuts. Use 2-level authentication like google. Don’t ask for essentially 5 more passwords, several of them anyone who knows you well can figured out. The FAFSA is an important web-site to be secure and their new system isn’t.

**Portal question
 ** So S17 finally logged in the portal for his one EA school. It says they don’t have his SAT score. We did send it ~ a week before the Nov1 EA decision. Should we try and track this down. I seem to remember reading here that schools downloaded these scores in batches and there isn’t anything we need to do but wait.

It’s just S17 has taken over the SAT login like everything else & I can’t just check it. Have to nag him to do it.

@curiositycat333 I suggest contacting the school to have them try to locate and if that doesn’t work, calling CB to get the batch number and then providing it to the school.

@paveyourpath I just filled out FAFSA for my S17.

I did so for my daughter 5 years ago. While we didn’t qualify for any Federal or State aid because our income & assets are too high. Several schools did give offer scholarships, loans and one even work study.

Our school encourages all 4 year college applications to fill out the FAFSA. My understanding is many schools won’t consider you for any aid, including merit scholarships if you don’t fill out the FAFSA. One school S17 is applying to send up a card, that explained that if he is accepted he is eligible because of his grades for a small scholarship. (3K) While it’s small and doesn’t make that much of a dent it the college cost. It still makes some & I can figure out a better way to spend that money.

There will be mail today. Yea! Hopefully one of you get some good news. A couple recent acceptances, but seems somewhat quiet overall. D is finishing up 2 apps this weekend with 11/15 deadlines, and I’m doing a little film editing for the Case Western arts supplement that should go in tonight or tomorrow.

Ah paint my house. I would LOVE the interior done. Sadly we didn’t utter those 3 words early enough and paint my house became replace all the front lower trim due to wood rot and then paint the house this summer. Brutal! Outside of a few rooms that I’ve repainted multiple times we are 13 years out on interior paint and it shows. There are areas I simply can’t reach but MUST do the kids bathroom soon.

What I’d really love more than anything is functional lights over my kitchen island. H has tried to fix them countless times, won’t pay to have someone out and I know it’s something in the wiring. The reality is I think we have overall wiring issues and we aren’t even really sure where to start or if they could fix it!

Daylight savings time and sleep. I wish I could blame it on that. I think I’m still not really over the bug I had/sinus infection. Last weekend I fell asleep at 8pm FL time the night before my race. Which was good right? Race meant a 3am wake up time. But that was FIVE pm my time and I am not a napper nor an early to bed gal. I have slept and slept and slept since then. Some post election depression I am quite sure but still. That’s a LOT of sleep!

@curiositycat333 I would track down the SAT scores. It would seem they should be there by now. I am not sure how SAT scores work versus ACT. I know with FAFSA schools pull on their own timetable and SAT may be the same but I’d get the batch number or confirmation and follow up directly. Or have your S if he won’t let you. Having it all under him is fine but making sure schools have critical pieces of info especially as they relate to hard deadlines like EA shouldn’t be taken as a wait and see thing for me.

@DMV301 I’ll pas along the rec it looks like a place my W & D would enjoy.

I feel so validated by this post and the article in it. Anyone who wonders why Texans are looking somewhere else for engineering— read the article within the first post.

Anyone else feeling a bit antsy and idle at this stage?

We are waiting for a teacher rec for D17’s 15 Nov deadlines which makes me a little nervous but we have backups if she doesn’t come through so really can’t worry too much.

D17 got up this morning and has been working on college app “stuff” (app with 1 Dec scholarship deadline) and the state’s presidential scholar app without a hint of nagging.

All of our portals are showing complete.

I guess I need to find a new hobby.

@BlueAFMom – we are all going to need a new hobby! Wahhhhh

DS17 got back from New York last night with no problems. They got 3rd place in the DHS Quiz, a quiz-bowl type trivia quiz! First place was MIT’s undergrad team. 2nd place was professionals from some company. 3rd place was a tie between two high schools, and they won the tiebreaker. He had a great time.

I’m feeling antsy, because now I want him to work on a scholarship app due Nov. 15, but he has robotics until noon and plenty of homework.

@payn4ward Congrats on the CU-Boulder admit. DS was very impressed with the teaching abilities of the physics professors he met there this past summer. Lots of great places nearby for internships or whatever. DS also plans to major in physics, but has only one parent with a physics degree (not me).

Hey @carachel2, have you considered Trinity U in San Antonio? They award very generous merit scholarships based on test scores and are on an aggressive campaign to recruit strong students.

@Ynotgo --they finished right behind MITs undergrad team? That’s crazy amazing! Congrats to them!

@carachel2 Thanks, though it should be mentioned that the undergrad teams were just finished with their 36-hour contest. All the other team levels didn’t have contests longer than 8 hours.

He has friends on the MIT, UCSB, CMU, and UIUC teams (and maybe others), so he had a fun time.

@curiositycat333 My D also had missing test scores that were sent. She sent an email with the date the scores were sent and ID info used by the ACT (in our case) and received an reply email the next day that they found it.

@Ynotgo – that’s very impressive!! And glad it was fun too. Sounds like a really great opportunity to interact with studets from several universities too. My DS would have enjoyed that but bailed on the qualifying competition - too much school work and work on his Regeneron project/paper (due Tuesday) and he had no one else at school who was really into it.

We have so many more supp essays to go for college apps!! Fatigue setting in - thank goodness no more necessary college visits though likely a few interviews needed. Hoping at some point senior year is more “fun”!

@carachel2 - I will take that Texas A&M seat). Considering it’s rank for best value schools above UPenn, UV, CMU, Rice and Purdue etc, it’s still a best choice for Texans. Of course the issue mentioned in the other post is very common in any large state flagship schools. We are still waiting on the engineering decision and all the best to your child too!